Scooter the CAG has passed away


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2010
Syracuse, NY
Quaker parrot, Ralph
I am saddened to report that my adopted African Grey parrot Scooter passed away unexpectedly late this morning. She hadn't been ill and was fine yesterday. This morning when I first greeted the parrots, she was lethargic and was moving her head from side to side. As soon as I saw that Scooter wasn't right I attempted to get in touch with a veterinarian. Today being the Labor Day holiday in the U.S., most vets' offices were closed, including the one that I normally use for the parrots, and another one that I used once in an emergency. There is an emergency vet in the area but they don't treat birds. I finally got through to one office which arranged to have their vet with avian experience call me to make special arrangements; he wasn't in the office today. Sadly, the call came too late. Scooter was weakening and couldn't hold onto her perch. She fell to the bottom grate and tried to climb back up but struggled and couldn't make it. She flopped onto her side and soon stopped breathing and she was gone.
The vet's call finally came about half an hour later. He did ask me to describe Scooter's symptoms and her behavior and he said he thought it may have been a stroke or a seizure.
Poor Ralph the QP was quite upset and he sat watching over Scooter until she passed. He was rather subdued for a while but eventually was more like his usual self. I moved Scooter's cage out of the room and Ralph keeps looking over toward where it was. I guess he misses our funny grey friend as much as I do.
My plan is to bury Scooter in my brother's back yard, next to George, my YCA who passed away in 2010.
Whenever I hear the microwave oven boop, I'll think of Scooter. That was her favorite sound to imitate.


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Aug 29, 2018
Queensland, Australia
Fang ({ab}normal grey cockatiel), Valentino (budgie), Jem (cinnamon cockatiel), Lovejoy(varied lorikeet), Peach (princess parrot)
I am saddened to report that my adopted African Grey parrot Scooter passed away unexpectedly late this morning. She hadn't been ill and was fine yesterday. This morning when I first greeted the parrots, she was lethargic and was moving her head from side to side. As soon as I saw that Scooter wasn't right I attempted to get in touch with a veterinarian. Today being the Labor Day holiday in the U.S., most vets' offices were closed, including the one that I normally use for the parrots, and another one that I used once in an emergency. There is an emergency vet in the area but they don't treat birds. I finally got through to one office which arranged to have their vet with avian experience call me to make special arrangements; he wasn't in the office today. Sadly, the call came too late. Scooter was weakening and couldn't hold onto her perch. She fell to the bottom grate and tried to climb back up but struggled and couldn't make it. She flopped onto her side and soon stopped breathing and she was gone.
The vet's call finally came about half an hour later. He did ask me to describe Scooter's symptoms and her behavior and he said he thought it may have been a stroke or a seizure.
Poor Ralph the QP was quite upset and he sat watching over Scooter until she passed. He was rather subdued for a while but eventually was more like his usual self. I moved Scooter's cage out of the room and Ralph keeps looking over toward where it was. I guess he misses our funny grey friend as much as I do.
My plan is to bury Scooter in my brother's back yard, next to George, my YCA who passed away in 2010.
Whenever I hear the microwave oven boop, I'll think of Scooter. That was her favorite sound to imitate.
Oh no, @cnyguy, what a terrible shock! I’m so awfully sorry for your loss of your beautiful Scooter, and for Ralph's loss too. You gave her such a wonderful and beloved life, and I hope that the treasured memories of the devotion and unconditional love that you and she will always have for each other will comfort you at this enormously difficult time and beyond. My deepest and most heartfelt condolences go out to you and Ralph, and Godspeed Scooter to the Rainbow Bridge, until we all meet again 🙏🌈


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2021
Minnesota, USA
Eclectus Parrot: Nico (male)
Jenday Conure: Kiwi (female)
I’m so sorry to hear about your African Grey. I hope you are holding up okay.

I too have had run into the issues with finding a vet when in need. I think this is going to become more and more of an issue. I really understand your frustration with that. I broke down balling my eyes out when my Ekkie got sick, and my vet was out of town. No where see’s parrots, or aren’t accepting new patients. I always try to encourage people to at least try to get in contact with an avian vet, or have one on the books before something goes wrong because of my experience with this. I know it can be so expensive. Our feathered friends hide illnesses.

Again I am so sorry for your loss. It’s a tragic story. Yes, parrots do look for their loved ones a lot. I just got a new conure, and he looked everywhere for his previous owner when I first let him out of his cage. He was pretty devastated by the change.


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Parrot of the Month 🏆
Nov 22, 2015
Isle of Long, NY
Yellow Shoulder Amazon, Salty
That is tragic and I am sorry to read of Scooters passing. Sometimes parrots just go like that. I know my Max did, almost the same way. Fine all day and then just ..... gone. My consolations to you.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2010
Syracuse, NY
Quaker parrot, Ralph
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I thank everyone for your kind words. Though I wouldn't say that today was a normal day, Ralph and I helped each other through it. Scooter's absence was strongly felt by us both and it will take time for us to adjust. Having Ralph with me is a great help. When my old YCA George died, I had no other parrots and the emptiness and silence made the loss feel even greater. It does help that there's still a parrot here.

Ralph did well today and kept up with most of his usual activities. He did want me close by even more than usual and I was happy to accommodate him. Spending time with Ralph was good for me too.

Eventually I will stop automatically preparing food for two parrots when there's only one to feed, and I'll remember to say "good morning Ralph" instead of "good morning parrots" when I first go into the living room every morning. It will take time but in time things will get better for Ralph and me. The support of the good people here will help too


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