Species recommenation


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Jun 13, 2018
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BCC Yuuki
Hi everyone, I have one bird, he's a Black Capped conure named yuuki. Anyway, I'm looking at getting another bird, hopefully a larger species. Like a macaw or a cockatoo. I'm looking for a bird that won't bite other people that it's not used to, and won't scream at the top of its lungs every 3 seconds, AND that won't eat my conure. I know it's a little specific, but I need another bird lol. It doesn't HAVE to be a larger bird, but I'd like it to be.

Tl:dr I want a new bird, large(optional), won't kill my conure, won't bite others. Recommend a species please. Thanks.

Edit: I'm aware that no two birds are alike, but some species have better track records than others, that's what I'm counting on.
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I can't be of much help as I'm not as familiar with larger species, but I do know that no bird is guaranteed not to bite strangers, even with training. Even if they're the most well-behaved, lovely creature, it's a good thing to always expect the unexpected. Also I know certain species are meant to be more accepting of other birds than others, but it's always a gamble. They could get along or they could hate each other. No way to know until you introduce them.
It would seem that you live a very busy life already. Adding a mid to larger Parrot (even the same size Parrot) will likely require that you cut back from your current life style. Is that something you are willing to do?

Please understand that Parrots of the same size can cause serious damage to each other. When one adds a larger Parrot to a much larger Parrots, the possible damage and death increases.

As you add Parrots, you also increase the time needed to care and oversee them.
Don't count on track records. When it comes to my animals, I never count on anything. :D

I would recommend you not purchase a bird in anticipation of it getting along with your current bird, because they might never get along- and as Sailboat said, you also risk death of one of the birds. It's also almost guaranteed that a stranger will get bitten at some point. But if you have lots of time to put in with training, then go for it. I would love another bird, I just don't have the time right now :(
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Welcome! Sadly, you can't get a bird that "won't bite", it's just not something you can predict. You.bird may not bite but there isn't like one species of bird that doesn't bite other birds. There is also no bird that is know to never scream it's head off. What your describing is definitely NOT a Macaw or Cockatoo which are some of the most moody, needy, and loud of the Parrot world. Parrots scream especially if there are more than one. It's what they do . Why do you NEED another bird? Just curious...
Well a Macaw or a Cockatoo are definitely not for the faint of heart, as far as screaming and such, as they are exactly like having a 4-5 year old toddler. That's the truth...

There is absolutely no way to recommend a species of parrot to you based on what you're asking for, as it doesn't exist. All parrots are capable of biting you and strangers, especially strangers that try to handle them, and there is not species that is guaranteed to get along with your current bird at all, let alone not kill him if you get something that is much larger than him. It's all about the amount of time and training you put into whatever bird you get. There are some species that are quieter than others, but all are going to scream from time to time, and Cockatoos, Macaws, Greys, etc. are typically very loud...

I think this is going to be more about you realizing that you have unrealistic expectations, and that you really aren't quite ready for another bird, or at least it doesn't sound like it to me, until you see how much time you have for another bird. You have to keep in-mind that if you get a parrot that is much larger than your Conure is, you most-likely will not be able to have them together, at least not at first, so you'll need equal time for both birds.

Again, training and time are the answers to what you are looking for, any parrot CAN BE nice with all strangers, and CAN BE quiet and not scream a lot, and CAN BE nice towards your other bird, but it's all in how you train them and raise them...
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Many here have found that they have to separate birds permanently... some have been fortunate and multiple birds get along.
You just never know! Never, ever.
And you do sound busy already...
Good for you for being so responsible and serious, and for reaching out!
I think that as long as you're willing to deal with whatever happens (e.g., separating them, if needed, handling added expenses, etc.), you can be a great parront.
Good luck!
Keep us posted, please.
I have 2 Conures who don't really like each, don't live together and are supervised when they are out together. They used to physically fight but that's not much of an issue except for the odd squabble here and there. However, I would never in a million years house them together...
Have you considered an African Grey?

They are not what I would call a large bird, more like medium size.

They tend to not be so much of a screamer, are incredibly smart, and like so many have said all birds bite they don't have the beak size to do as much damage as a Cockatoo or Macaw.

I am able to let my Bella out of her cage with any combination of other birds and never had a problem. she is willing to keep her distance from others (cockatiels and amazons both). She is friendly with all of my family and so far she has not bitten strangers (even my avian vet).

She has given warning bites to us but only rarely breaks skin.

BUT....All birds at different Just because that is the personality of my grey does not mean all greys have that disposition.


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