Sun conure foot grip


New member
Sep 2, 2015
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Fremont, CA
Sun Conure - Sundance
Blue Fronted Amazon - Goodboy
Blue Fronted Amazon - Kakatoo
I'm wondering how much grip should a conure have? When my sun standing on my finger, I feel like he is "standing" but not "gripping". And he may slip on my finger when I have a bigger movement. He climbs around the cage OK, though if there's a long vertical section where he can't land his beak onto a horizontal bar, he sometime will slide down the vertical bar until his leg hit a horizontal one. Is that normal? Will his muscle strengthens when he grow older? (I was told he's 4 months old)

My amazon seems to have a very good grip, he can climb a 1" PVC tube easily, and his claw can almost pinch through my skin if he's frightened.
When my sun conure was 4 months old, I remember he had a solid grip. Has your bird's nails been trimmed recently? When my sun had his very first nail trimming, his grip was not as strong a good week after. He would often slip when I make abrupt movements.

From the way your described him navigating the bars of the cage, he seems dexterous. I wouldn't worry about it unless he is visibly not able to perch properly.
That's what I've always found to be the case. Whenever Skittles has his nails trimmed, he has gripping issues for the first week or so.

Normally though, his grip is fine. He'll be sitting on my shoulder and I may quickly lean over, bend down or whatever and he will NOT move. I've even caught him hang onto me with one foot. You'd think he fly away, but nope - he just secures his grip like his life depends on it. LOL.

When any bird is of geriatric age, their grip is not going to be what it once was, just like us.

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