Sunday morning wrestling


New member
Dec 6, 2012
Eliza -- Black Headed Caique
Henry -- White-Bellied Caique
Boy, I sure wish I had this kind of energy on a Sunday morning before coffee!

Note: Pixelcast is what I use to share videos with family/friends (as opposed to, say, YouTube). However, they haven't released an iOS app yet; so this will, in all likelihood, probably not work if you're trying to view it on an iPad/iPhone. Derek
It looks like they're getting along great! Is it official? Did Henry win Eliza over with his wrestling skills?
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It looks like they're getting along great! Is it official? Did Henry win Eliza over with his wrestling skills?

I'm not sure...he's still demonstrating them to her, while under my feet. (Still, better than them being on the keyboard, I guess!)

Slightly more seriously, they are definitely getting along great; better all the time, in fact. I think it has a lot to do with Henry getting more confident and letting his personality develop (Eliza has never had a whole lot of problems with confidence or any sort of personality deficit!).

One of the new developments has occurred over the past few evenings. In the past, Eliza liked her cuddle time, just before I put her to bed. I'd just sit on the sofa, and she'd curl up on my chest, grinding her beak and making little contented noises. After about 20 minutes of this, I would then put her to bed.

Henry didn't really get the concept of this initially--he seemed to think this was more play time. So he'd start jumping around, trying to get either Eliza or I (or both, I suppose) to play with him. Eliza would just get annoyed at him. I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but it occurred to me that having two birds getting irritated with each other and possibly fighting--while right next to my throat--probably wasn't such a smart idea.

Thus, I'd put Henry to bed, and then let Eliza have her usual cuddle time.

However, a few nights ago, Henry seemed to "get it." Now they both scrunch up together under my chin, grind their beaks, and quietly chatter. It's actually really, really sweet. (I'll grant you the fact that they're so quiescent might have something to do with how much I enjoy this!)

Then I put them both to bed, which they seem quite happy to do.

Life is good!

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