Tex's Fiancee


New member
Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
Hamlet the Sun Conure and Mac the green cheek conure
Hi Everyone! You are all so nice and welcoming how could I not join? Plus, it will give me the ideal place to give away some of Tex's secrets! :angel:
Well, you all already now my bird, Hamlet, the cuddly sun conure. And funnily enough as suggested by someone here we are thinking about getting him a little brother/sister. I swear these birds are like potato chips!! You can't stop with just one. I saw another little sun conure today at, cough, cough PetCo (I have read how you all feel about THOSE places) and almost brought him home. He was very outgoing and wanted to be scratched. Within a couple seconds of me holding him he was upside down in one of my hands while I was scratching his belly!!! It has taken us months for Hamlet to be even close to wanting to be held upside down. I had to talk myself out of the bird room and the store. There are many reasons NOT to get another bird right now. All the reasons to get him are in my heart. So that's my story right now. I am excited to be here talking with you guys!!:D

finaly, the real head of house hold :p ... sorry Tex, call em how I see em

Yeah I need to get my mother a bird... really, it wouldnt be for me... ok maybe I get something out of it (potato chip). Anyways I need to get another one before my mother takes over mine... she is already trying to rename it :eek
Welcome Christy (it's nice that you have a name other than "Tex's fiancee"!) You two have a very cute bird, and not homicidal either!! I look forward to hearing Tex's secrets, and any other fun stories you have! WELCOME :D
Welcome new member!!


Oh goody, another new member ... "WAIT A MINUTE I KNOW YOU!!"
finaly, the real head of house hold :p ... sorry Tex, call em how I see em

Yeah, I am not going to lie ... She is the head of the household ... only because I let her!:34:

:23: No comments ... I am going to sit in the corner now ... :02:
...Tex's secrets ... Well, you all already now my bird, Hamlet, the cuddly sun conure. And funnily enough as suggested by someone here we are thinking about getting him a little brother/sister ... I saw another little sun conure today at, cough, cough PetCo (I have read how you all feel about THOSE places) and almost brought him home. He was very outgoing and wanted to be scratched. Within a couple seconds of me holding him he was upside down in one of my hands while I was scratching his belly!!! It has taken us months for Hamlet to be even close to wanting to be held upside down. I had to talk myself out of the bird room and the store. There are many reasons NOT to get another bird right now. All the reasons to get him are in my heart. So that's my story right now. I am excited to be here talking with you guys!!:D

hehehe, Hon, you know where this one went before (sorry PF, inside joke)!

And now that you have shown me the picture that you took ... it looks like it might be a Jenday ... it's a very low quality pic (camera phones ... YUK!) ... which would account for the size, personality and vocalization differences you were telling me about. We will have to go back tomorrow and see ... and then tell PETCO what morons they are for mismarking their birds! :38:
OH YOU NEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDD A JENDAY YOU KNOW YOU DO Sidney needs a fellow Jenday on the forums :)::) and welcome Christy!
then tell PETCO what morons they are for mismarking their birds! :38:

I know what you mean by that Tex. When my sister got her Parakeets, I went into PetCo to get them some toys and I checked out the birds. They had a Quaker marked as a Jenday Conure. How in the world do you get those two mixed up?! I can understand a Jenday/Sun Conure mix-up...but seriously...a Quaker and a Conure?


Welcome Christy!
I know what you mean about how addicting birds are, but that's great that you're thinking about whether or not your present situation would be ideal for another one. Especially another conure. I think you may have gotten lucky with Hamlet being a quieter type of guy
Thanks for the welcome everbody :) :) Nicole, I think you might be right about Hamlet, being a quieter Sun. Although he can be loud, especially when we are out of his eye sight. If we get a new bird, expecially a Jenday or a Sun the noise factor would jump. We would keep it in another room for a quarintine and they would yell to each other. We are probably not in the best situation to get another even though I did fall in love. Tex say that I am trying to talk myself out of it and he is right. And for the record, I was the one who mentioned that it might be a Jenday and then showed Tex the pictures...He likes to make it look like he is always right, but you know...men. They like to boost their egos. :D
She is the head of the household ... only because I let her!
:18::18: Yeah okay Tex, we'll believe that :18::18:

Welcome Christy, its great to finally have you join us, and to put a name to you other than Tex Fiancee. I'm sure you'll have great fun here.
He likes to make it look like he is always right, but you know...men. They like to boost their egos.
Aint that the truth.

Oh a brother or sister for Hamlet, oh yeah, go for another Sun then it can be friend or Wife for him. Just think the tiny patter of little claws. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Know what you mean about them being hard to resist, I started off with 2, now there's just one or two more than that around here. Anyway great to have you with us.
Hoorah Christy and thank u..I am sane.
Rox has just spent a good 2mins displaying to that pici of Hamlet, she then went for his eyes! so guess u wont want her packaged up and posted over:rolleyes:
about mis markjng birds i have a bird book (birds for dummies) and they have an obvious jenday marked as a sun) and the guy that wrote it is an avian vet!
Well here's my delayed


Glad to have you here, to start telling us all the good stuff!!! Oh and I defintely think Ham needs a little brother or sister or big brother or sister!!! :D
how bout a senny aren't they a bit quieter or a little green cheek for now?
Senegals are very quiet birds noise level wise. My little Popsicle is trying to talk but its not clear yet, so she never shuts up but you can barely hear her when the door is closed. Great apartment bird.
about mis markjng birds i have a bird book (birds for dummies) and they have an obvious jenday marked as a sun) and the guy that wrote it is an avian vet!

HEY i have that book i never noticed that though i will have to take a look. its in the coloured photo section in the middle right? ya anyway i'll have to look later too lazy right now. actually maybe it at school... i use tot ake it to science and socials all the time.. wai tno i braught it back... hopefully.

oh and welcome Christy. Im glad you have a name too.. i was starting to worrey .. and wonder lol. You should get another little freind for hamlet :D but of course whn your ready for another birdy in the household.

about the conure i mean.
i noticed that.. but i dunno lol like the wings are green but like the head i dunno aha.
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Ok folks, so here is what is going on. We went to see this little guy today ... he is a sunny, but his wings are green, there is no yellow in them at all, but his chest and head are orange and yellow. He's bigger than Ham and his personality is A LOT DIFFERENT.

Christy and I went for a visit today, and I could tell right away that she had been choosen because this birdie acted the same way towards her that Ham did towards me. This sunny is larger than Ham and has a lot more orange in him. This is leading me to believe that this sunny is a MALE and "Hamlet" may actually be an "Ophelia".

This sunny was laying on his back in Christy's hand, and letting her touch him all over (including his wings and under his wings). She's in love, and I really like the little guy. We bought some toys, we have a temporary cage picked out, we are just waiting for the apartment manager's OK since she, "didn't see any issues with a second bird, but wanted to make sure that a second sun conure wouldn't increase the screaming possibilities and raise the noise level."

Maybe we will find out tomorrow ...
YEY lets hope the apartment manager says yes. so your actually gunna gte this guy if the manager says ok? and maybe you should get them both DNA sexed. I dont think size has anything to do with the genders with birds.. but i could be wrong. Although since you said that hamlet is quite he could very well be a she. if you can hold her upside down so hes on his back then you can feels tomach area sorta maybe closer down towards the vent tehrese usually a space between the pelvis area in females for space for eggs. If theres no space then its a male.. but this isnt always accurate. the only real accurate way is some sort of DNA test.
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