This is gonna sound bird ate a Cheeto


New member
Feb 20, 2007
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Allendale, MI
Pinecone, an Amazona albifrons nana
Ok, so while I was in the other room a while ago my white-fronted amazon decided that the bag of Cheetos I had out looked enticing. As far as I know, she only ate one cheeto about 1/2" long. Is this going to cause any problems?
i doubt it it's not good for them to eat alot of junkfood but i don't think one would hurt anything misty is particulary fond of potato chips so she gets one everynow and then
They will be fine, but its still junk food. My senegal likes to rip potatoe chips from my hand when going to eat one and take off with a piece of it to eat.

The main thing is to never give her any junk but if it happens that they do get some they should be fine.

The big rule: If its junk for us its junk for them!!!
No it won't do your bird any harm, it just goes to show how carefull we need to be with our birds.

Bucc is a real junk food addict I have never given him any of it, he knows now that if he goes to the kids and says to them "Give us a kiss" they turn to him and quick as lightning he's got his head in their packet of crisps (potato chips) little so and so.
I wouldn't worry too much about it, one little one shouldn't do much harm ... but to put your mind completely at ease I am going to give you our favorite advice:

(everyone join in now, chours style)

You can call your avian vet anytime with questions and I am sure that he or she will be more than happy to answer it.

This would just give you 100% piece of mind (so you could sleep tonight) ...

BUT if nothing else, learn your lesson now, what if next time it were chocolate that you left on the counter and didn't think anything about ... God, I hope that doesn't happen ...
Thanks for putting my mind at ease, everyone. I'll be more careful in the future, and, rest assured, that would never happen with chocolate. I hate chocolate.
:eek: :eek: YOU HATE CHOCOLATE :eek: :eek: wish I hated chocolate. but no, I'm now a head in cupboard eating chocolate lover.

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