travel cage


Aug 26, 2014
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Marvel, 14-year-old Black Headed Caique
I am thinking about buying this Avian Adventures travel cage for the caique I'll be bringing home in a month:

[ame=""] : Midwest Avian Adventures Poquito Avian Hotel, Platinum : Travel Bird Cages : Pet Supplies[/ame]

I frequently take weekend trips to a cabin in the mountains. With the disclaimer that the bird will get enough out-of-cage time, is this too cramped? Would I be better off getting a cage typically sold for budgies? Something like this:

[ame=""] : Kaytee Play n Learn Cage for Parakeets : Bird Cages : Pet Supplies[/ame]

@mekat your link is perfect if it weren't for that darn price tag!!!
I ordered the Avian Adventures Poquito and when it arrived I sent it back. First, it was an absolute bear to put together - the pieces were slightly out of square, pegs/holes did not line up and had to be muscled into place in order to connect. It's supposed to be collapsible for when not in use, but there's no way I would take it apart and put to together again, it was just too difficult. Predictably, once it was assembled, it was not properly square and rocked in that "one leg longer than the other 3" manner. I might have been able to get my husband to go at it with the rubber mallet and make everything fit together to solve the instability issue, but when I tried to pick it up and carry it as I would in use, I realized it's very HEAVY. Twenty pounds doesn't sound too bad, but lifting it with the perch handle (which was not good quality either) and carrying it as I would with my bird inside, I realized it just wasn't manageable for me. So, back it went.
At the suggestion of the breeder, I purchased this travel cage for Dexter, my Eclectus.


We went on a 3-day trip, during which Dexter had to spend about half of his time in this cage (and the other half out). He was NOT a happy bird. Getting him back into the cage was problematic every single time we needed to place him there.

I initially purchased the 19x12x16" size cage and I wish I had purchased the 24x17x20" size. Traveling with the larger size cage would not have been a problem in my SUV and I think the extra space inside the cage would have made it a more comfortable stay for Dex. I'm thinking of trading up to the larger size, if I can't find another travel cage solution.
Yeah I know the aluminum one is super expensive but I have thought about all the potential materials. Wire cages have a tendency to chip over time especially a travel carrier that is going to be bumped and jostled. Powder coated is too heavy although I could handle the weight if it came with a decent carry handle. Acrylic I have heard can be fragile. I have read reviews where the carrier has been dropped just once and broke.

I'm thinking aluminum might be the most durable of all the options. My tiel is a baby and not even weaned yet so I would rather pay more up front and have something that will last my cockatiel's full life time.

However if you are worried about price I would just buy some zip ties and a small cockatiel cage like you linked and zip tie the wire to the base and secure the guillotine doors. I don't like those open top cages though and since it opens there isn't a carry handle like there is on most wire cages.

ETA: I forgot to mention if you do like the Prevue travel cage in Dex Mom's second post I have found a similar carrier with 5/8 spacing at both Bird Cages 4 Less and My Safe Bird Store. The CC02 Carrier probably won't cost you much more than a small cockatiel cage would and already folds down and has a locking slide out tray. It is the only wire carrier I have been able to find with smaller bar spacing short of going to a regular cage.
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Well I accidentally ordered a cage on amazon from that one-click ordering they have that I didn't know about until I looked in my previous orders and saw a cage on the way, ha! It arrived but it's a little too big to be a travel cage. Thank you both for your insight! The research continues...
Any new insights or did you find a travel cage?

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