Uh oh, not again :(


New member
Jun 25, 2007
Colorado, USA
Mojo the magnificent Maximillian Pionus; Cecil the clowny Senegal; and, Timothy the shy, fearful Parrotlet
*Big sigh* ... just the other day, I silently said to myself, (knock on wood), "Thank goodness we haven't had to deal with Giardia in a long, long while". :eek:

(Giardia runs rampant in the valley that I live, and I have more experience with it than anyone I know--in terms of animals having it and Metronidozole treatment). I've always joked that we should have bought stock in the makers of Metronidozole--we'd be rich!!! :D

Well, little Fly has had a number of gooey, stinky accidents in the house--sign #1 that sumpthin' is up. So, I took a stool sample in today (hoping and praying that we weren't, once again, dealing with Giardia). The results came back with parasitic activity (the name begins with an "S", but I cannot now remember the name of the organism). So, back again we are on Metronidozole (see, told ya, we should have bought stock!!! LOL).

She's been symptom free since I gave her her first dosing at 11:30 this morning. Let's hope this does the trick ...

Our carpet is completely ruined from the fallout from Giardia as well as my Bennie's (male Border Collie) behavioral pee'ing. All of my animals (dogs, cats and birdies) have gone through Giardia (except for Timothy) ... what a mess. Icky!!! :eek:
what are the syptoms and where can you get the medicine? Misty is ok right now but for awhile I thought she might have had it. She had diareah solid for about a month or a little bit longer I gaver her some bene bac type stuf but it didn't seem to help.
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what are the syptoms and where can you get the medicine? Misty is ok right now but for awhile I thought she might have had it. She had diareah solid for about a month or a little bit longer I gaver her some bene bac type stuf but it didn't seem to help.

Kelli, I am expert at Giardia in cats and doggies ... birdies, not so much. Watch for feather plucking/picking, most especially watch around the anal area. If you can catch a fresh dropping from Misty (on a paper towel or piece of foil), take it --fresh-- into your avian vet and they can test for Giardia. The medication is oral and very easy and effective (dosed properly for weight).

For doggies and kitties, the feces is very foul in odour, slimey, and can be greenish. It's unforgettable (ordour-wise) if you've had experience with it.

post note edit: it is much easier on our birdies to just take a sample in than taking them in; most vets (or at least mine) doesn't mind that at all.
Sounds nasty, I hope the meds work well and they are soon over this.

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