Update on Arleen..


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
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Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
Jonesy a Goffins 'Too who had to be rehomed :-(

And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
...she just got home from the hospital..they took xrays and she has a hairline fracture just below the knuckle!
They gave her a shot of antibiotics and a shot for RABIES :eek:
AND the doctor called Animal Control!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

It seems that birds are required to get shots!! I never knew that!
Animal Control said they'd be calling her in a few days to check up on her. Arleen said Amy was her bird and she has had all her shots. This is totally freaking me out! The Doc gave her a prescription for more antibiotics and told her if her finger gets more swollen than it is and turns red to go back to the hospital.

This is what Arleen told me: As I was paying attention to Jonesy,she was attempting to scratch/pet Amy..Amy allowed the scratching,then turned and chomped..Arleen didn't even yell so I had no idea. She said she literally had to PRY Amy's beak apart with her fingers to get Amys beak off her middle finger..and there was quite a bit of blood.
Amy has bitten me many times over the years and drawn blood and a band aid and some peroxide took care of the wound.

But this thing with shots and Animal Control is freaking me out! I guess I'm going to have to call the vet and get her and The Cockatoo Man vaccinated..sighhhh..and my poor friend Arleen, I feel soooo bad...:52:

As far as I'm aware, birds can't contract rabies and have only been artificially given rabies, to which they recovered. It's a disease that only infects mammals and I've never heard of birds getting rabies shots before, so I wouldn't get your others vaccinated and would question the validity of your amazon getting the shot.

I'm doing some research now but I believe that vet did not do the appropriate thing.

Edit: http://www.cdc.gov/rabiesandkids/animals.html
CDC website, birds can't get rabies.

Shots they CAN get.
As far as I'm aware, birds can't contract rabies and have only been artificially given rabies, to which they recovered. It's a disease that only infects mammals and I've never heard of birds getting rabies shots before, so I wouldn't get your others vaccinated and would question the validity of your amazon getting the shot.

I'm doing some research now but I believe that vet did not do the appropriate thing.

Edit: Animals and Rabies | CDC Rabies and Kids
CDC website, birds can't get rabies.

Shots they CAN get.

It wasn't the VET...it was the MEDICAL DOCTOR at the hospital that told Arleen this..and no I didn't think they carried rabies,but other diseases < the doc told Arleen that there is all kinds of bacteria in a birds mouth.>
I will call the vet tomorrow and ask HEr what she thinks.

...she just got home from the hospital..they took xrays and she has a hairline fracture just below the knuckle!
They gave her a shot of antibiotics and a shot for RABIES :eek:
AND the doctor called Animal Control
!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

It seems that birds are required to get shots!! I never knew that!
Animal Control said they'd be calling her in a few days to check up on her. Arleen said Amy was her bird and she has had all her shots. This is totally freaking me out! The Doc gave her a prescription for more antibiotics and told her if her finger gets more swollen than it is and turns red to go back to the hospital......

WHAT??? Why would the doctors give Arleen a rabies shot when it's impossible for her to even contract rabies via Amy's bite? :confused:

And no, birds certainly are not required to get shots.

Sounds to me that the doctors have a bit more 'learning' to do.
Can't believe Arleen let that rubbish be pumped into her you defo can't contact rabies from a bird
Thanks Wendy..I should have gone with Arleen to the hospital to be with her AND talk to that stupid quack! :mad:
Arleen is home now puking her brains out from the rabies shot and is feeling pretty ill..I'm going to stop by later and get the full story from her.

That's an amazing story, Jim. Very surprising a medical professional made such a leap of fantasy without first checking some basic sources.

Prescribing a course of rabies treatments without cause is terrifying!
This is one of the most ridiculous things I've read in a while... but your friend may have a malpractice suit on her hands. Sounds like this Doc shouldn't be practicing medicine, anyway.
Phewwwww!! ok I visited Arleen last night and read the paperwork the hospital gave her..It DOES state, in LARGE BOLD LETTERS that birds, <parrot types> RARELY carry rabies..this shot was a precautionary measure..and any follow-up would be from if her finger should get swollen more and get more painful.
She did get an antibiotic shot for any infection that might happen.

The Animal Control was called,just because it was an animal bite..I guess that's a routine procedure.

I spoke to Arleen this morning and the swelling has gone down and the redness is disappearing. She has an antibiotic prescription for tens days.
All seems well in birdie land..for the moment. :cool:

I'm sorry Jim, but the 'precautionary' rabies shot makes absolutely NO sense. There is no such thing. Period.

In any case, I'm glad to hear Arleen's finger/hand is doing better. :)
I have to say living in CT after living all over the US that the stupidity of doctors here seems to be rampant. I finally have a great allergist doc and frankly my chiropractor should be given sainthood but I can't tell you how many regular docs I have seen here and they are morons. I go in well informed and armed to the nines to fight any battles I might need to.

I learned a long time ago that YOU are in control of your health and no matter how much school a doctor goes through they are still just 'practicing' medicine and if I don't agree with something that they want to do it is within my rights to say no!

I have taken some pretty bad bites over the years, frankly a few that I really should have gone to the hospital over. I have never got an infection from a bird bite nor taken antibiotics. Kay my breeder friend from years ago had fingers broke and fractured, deep lacerations some requiring stitches and she was never given any shots except a local so they could sew her up.
I have to say living in CT after living all over the US that the stupidity of doctors here seems to be rampant. I finally have a great allergist doc and frankly my chiropractor should be given sainthood but I can't tell you how many regular docs I have seen here and they are morons. I go in well informed and armed to the nines to fight any battles I might need to.

I learned a long time ago that YOU are in control of your health and no matter how much school a doctor goes through they are still just 'practicing' medicine and if I don't agree with something that they want to do it is within my rights to say no!

I have taken some pretty bad bites over the years, frankly a few that I really should have gone to the hospital over. I have never got an infection from a bird bite nor taken antibiotics. Kay my breeder friend from years ago had fingers broke and fractured, deep lacerations some requiring stitches and she was never given any shots except a local so they could sew her up.

I prefer doing my own stitches or using super-glue, lol, only had to go to the Dr once, and that was a 4 staple job.
I'm sorry Jim, but the 'precautionary' rabies shot makes absolutely NO sense. There is no such thing. Period.

In any case, I'm glad to hear Arleen's finger/hand is doing better. :)

Wendy, I am kicking myself in the butt for NOT going to the hospital with Arleen,to have seen/heard first hand what this "quack" was saying..


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