Very sick counre!!! Help!


Mar 25, 2013
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I have a Jenday Conure named Rasta.
I own a Jenday Conure that I have had for about 5-6 months. Last night I thought he was acting strange, but thought maybe I was just exaggerating. He was on his perch where he sleeps and was trying to fall asleep, he was rocking back and forth and closed his eyes and was still for a few seconds and started to move forward a bit then he would wake up a squeak and repeat this process until he found balance. He was using both of his legs to perch.

This morning I went to feed him and he walked over to where I was at then squeaked and fell to the bottom of the cage and just laid there on his stomach with his wings out. It came out of no where, I was terrified. I picked him up and he seemed really out of it. He doesn't like being picked up, but he didn't fight me at all. He also drooled a little.

I started calling around and after about an hour I finally found a vet open on Sundays that sees birds. I took him in straight away. They asked questions and then she told me that he looks bad, but doesn't quite know what's wrong and gave him a shot of fluids and antibiotics. We go back tomorrow for recheck and another shot. He is still off balance and has a hard time eating food and I haven't seen him drink water. I tried to syringe some, but he doesn't like it and being that this is my first bird I am not sure of any tricks to make it safe and easy for me to do.

He still rocks while trying to sleep and squeaks when he moves forward too much and again does this till he finds a balance. I don't know what to do for him or what his chances are of pulling through. I am so scared for him I love him so much.

Some info on Rasta:

*Purchased from Petsmart
*Approximately 1.5-2 years of age
*Cage dimensions are 29.5" L x 21.5" W x 36" H with 3/4 inch bar spacing
*Diet includes the zupreem plain pellets for medium birds and Nutriberries
*The cage is in a room upstairs not in a kitchen

They also mentioned he might be nutrient deficient. Unfortunately I cannot get him to eat any sort of fresh food. I have tried everything and he won't touch it. I have chopped up and mixed it with his food, tried putting it in a separate bowl and tried bigger bits, but nothing works. He ate a seed mix at Petsmart and was with them for a long time. It took me a while to get him eating pellets, but he still only nibbles on them and mainly eats the nutriberries. I have tried a few different brands too. I bought supplements for him today to see if it helps. I know of fatty liver problems, but assumed I had more time to get him onto a better diet before it became an issue. I have tried many different things, but I don't want him to starve just because he is picky.

Any ideas on what is wrong and what I can do? Unfortunately avian vets out here apparently seize to exist. There are only a few exotic vets and they aren't too knowledgeable on birds. Today I already spent $107 dollars and will spend another $45 tomorrow for the second shot. I can usually handle vet bills, but my dog had knee surgery and this has set me back a lot of money. It completely wiped out my emergency vet fund I had saved and then some, so unfortunately money is scarce. I don't know what should be done for him and don't want unnecessary things done and get charged and arm and a leg for it only for it to not help at all. What do you think he needs to have done for sure? That is if I can find an avian vet. There is a city 45 minutes away from me that probably has one around I will continue to look tomorrow.

Please help me help my bird. His name is Rasta and he doesn't deserve this. :(
So sorry to hear about your bird. It's very hard to worry, especially not knowing what is causing his symptoms.

Where in California are you? Have you tried searching online? I found several good avian vets by my city through google maps.

I'm note sure what your bird is experiencing. It almost sounds like ataxia. It is usually described as leg paralysis or weakness in birds. Not sure what would cause it specific to your bird but I do know that brain swelling from trauma could have ataxia as a symptom. Has he done anything strange before any of this happened? Had any accidents? Is he exposed to anything toxic in the room? Does it have good ventilation?

Sorry couldn't help more, really don't have the proper knowledge to. Need an avian vet for this. Just keep an eye out for him and try to keep him calm and relaxed. Will keep you both in my thoughts.
Also , to allow him more rest, could you offer him a happy hut? Or maybe put him in a smaller cage with a soft, padded bottom. That way, he won't have to try to perch. Will also lessen the possibility of him hurting himself if he falls. He needs to sleep so he won't loose too much of his strength. This is one if the best things you can do right now. Must be done ASAP in my opinion.

I have to go to bed but I hope things get better. Good luck. Sending positive thoughts to Rasta.
One more... Since he has difficulty eating/drinking, get some baby food and syringe that so he won't lose too much weight. Be careful not to stick the syringe too deep so you don't hurt his crop. Careful with the heat of the baby food should you serve it warm. He needs every bit of strength to get him by until the vet figures out his symptoms.
Oh my reading your post I could feel your panic and your alarm, and I am feeling it as well for you - there really isn't much I can say to help you or poor Rasta, except to keep him warm, try to get some water into him, and try to get him back to the vet. I know it's expensive, but the alternative is home remedies and you really don't know what really is wrong with him. Anything anybody tells you is going to be a guess. I am so sorry, I wish I had a magic wand and could make it better. If he makes it through the night I think his chances will be better. Hang in there and don't give in to despair - sadly these things can happen very quickly with birds, and sometimes there is just nothing to be done. Please let us know how things have gone with Rasta and with you. Try to keep yourself calm.
it sounds like chronic lead poisoning to me, read this article
As already stated, we need your location in order to help you find an Avian Vet. He MUST be seen by one ASAP, IMO.
So sorry to hear about your bird. It's very hard to worry, especially not knowing what is causing his symptoms.

Where in California are you? Have you tried searching online? I found several good avian vets by my city through google maps.

I'm note sure what your bird is experiencing. It almost sounds like ataxia. It is usually described as leg paralysis or weakness in birds. Not sure what would cause it specific to your bird but I do know that brain swelling from trauma could have ataxia as a symptom. Has he done anything strange before any of this happened? Had any accidents? Is he exposed to anything toxic in the room? Does it have good ventilation?

Sorry couldn't help more, really don't have the proper knowledge to. Need an avian vet for this. Just keep an eye out for him and try to keep him calm and relaxed. Will keep you both in my thoughts.

Thank you. I am in Southern CA.

Also , to allow him more rest, could you offer him a happy hut? Or maybe put him in a smaller cage with a soft, padded bottom. That way, he won't have to try to perch. Will also lessen the possibility of him hurting himself if he falls. He needs to sleep so he won't loose too much of his strength. This is one if the best things you can do right now. Must be done ASAP in my opinion.

I have to go to bed but I hope things get better. Good luck. Sending positive thoughts to Rasta.

I have covered the floor of his cage, but I thought that if I moved him it would stress him out too much.

One more... Since he has difficulty eating/drinking, get some baby food and syringe that so he won't lose too much weight. Be careful not to stick the syringe too deep so you don't hurt his crop. Careful with the heat of the baby food should you serve it warm. He needs every bit of strength to get him by until the vet figures out his symptoms.

I will try. Thank you.

Oh my reading your post I could feel your panic and your alarm, and I am feeling it as well for you - there really isn't much I can say to help you or poor Rasta, except to keep him warm, try to get some water into him, and try to get him back to the vet. I know it's expensive, but the alternative is home remedies and you really don't know what really is wrong with him. Anything anybody tells you is going to be a guess. I am so sorry, I wish I had a magic wand and could make it better. If he makes it through the night I think his chances will be better. Hang in there and don't give in to despair - sadly these things can happen very quickly with birds, and sometimes there is just nothing to be done. Please let us know how things have gone with Rasta and with you. Try to keep yourself calm.

I will keep trying with the water and keeping myself calm. Thanks.

it sounds like chronic lead poisoning to me, read this article

It does. It sounds like a lot of things, I wish I knew which one to look into. We do burn candles, but stopped because the soot started covering the walls. It took forever to clean. We realized about a month ago and haven't used one since.My mom had just had surgery and was really in to using them and had one lit all the time for almost a month. I will have to bring this up with the vet. Thank you.

As already stated, we need your location in order to help you find an Avian Vet. He MUST be seen by one ASAP, IMO.

I live in Southern California near Rosamond.
If you feed him formula remember to NEVER microwave it!!!! It causes hot spots in the food and has burned many birds crops requiring surgery and some have died from this. Very painful! !!
The candle was from Bath and Body works and I did just read that their wicks are lead free.

Rasta Update: Rasta has made it through the night and from what I notice from seeing and listening to him, he makes his way to his food bowl often, but only nibbles for a bit and gets frustrated sometimes because of being off balance and trying to hold his food with one foot while trying to balance on the other.

He is quiet and normally is a vocal bird. I haven't seen him drink water, but I didn't watch him the entire time. I can hear him eat so that's easy. After he's done eating he will climb his way back to the other end of his cage to sleep. I peeked at him while he was asleep and he had both feet around the perch and his head turned around resting between his wings. He was able to get some sleep.

I have his UVB lamp on him now and he is awake and trying to eat again. He does pretty well getting around his cage, but he is still bobbing his head trying to stay balanced. The water level looks to have gone down so hopefully he is drinking some. I just don't know what to do or think at this point.
I am so sorry for what Rasta is going through. It does sound serious and hopefully you can get him to the vet today.
I am taking him to another small vet today. It's one that I have been to before for small animals and when I called they said she is pretty knowledgeable about birds. Fingers are crossed. He is drinking water, I finally caught him doing so.
Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers...hopefully you will find out something today.
I am so sorry you are going thru this!....I understand completely after just loosing my Safari to eating metal :(

If I may suggest, when you bring him home, lower the perches as low as they will go, this will help him conserve energy....same goes for food and water....just make sure the dishes are not under any perches.

pls. keep us posted, I'll be thinking and praying for you!
This clinic looks pretty close to you and has a vet with special interest and experience with birds, another that has a Too. Perhaps you are already there.

Good luck.
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Oh, how scared and helpless you must feel :( Keeping you and poor Rasta in my thoughts.
This may be a 2 hour ride for you....but I do believe your bird needs medical attention:
Birds & More | Avian & Exotic Animal Hospital, Hawthorne, California

This is my Avian Vet! Highly recommended by all. He's been working with birds for years and years. He did a great job with my sun conure when he ran into a closet mid flight. Ask for Dr. Roscoffe. Phone:
+1 (310) 679-0693

Hope everything is ok with your bird. Help him eat and try to not let him perch too much for safety. I'll read your updates later when I get home.

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