Walnut, corn or Carefresh


New member
May 20, 2015
Rose Breasted
Hi there
I'm searching for info regarding cage bedding, what is best or NOT and why?
Can you give me some pros and cons:20:?
We are using Walnut, because the store told us to. I used Corn with my cockatiel, but don't know if that is okay with a Rose Breasted Cockatoo.

Love some input from those of you with more experience!

Thank you
Paper Liner would be how I go, whether you buy sheets pre cut to the right size from places like DrsFosterandSmith.com or you use newspaper.

Easy to Clean
Fun for Birds to rip up
Unlikely to get accidentally eaten and cause stomach problems

may not look as pretty as other kinds of bedding if you use actual newsprint.

From my Rosie research, they apparently love to scavenge on the ground, so I would use paper if I were you.
All of those corn and walnut type bedding can cause Aspergillosis, I wouldn't risk it.
The care fresh even the unscented is offensive with the amount of fine paper dust it gives off.

I get packing paper in the box from Uhaul great, pre-cut and no inks to worry about either.
Tis the day for cage liner discussions apparently (was also being talked about in an earlier thread):)

I personally use reusable cloth liners with a waterproof backing. Easy to clean, protect the tray from corrosive poop and water and environmentally friendly. Also easy to make with basic sewing skills (plus you can make them as cute as you want!). I use them in his cage, on his play stand and in his backpack carrier:



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Thank you everyone. I was worried about the paper because the store told me it is horribly messy, especially if Echo flutters. I have 2 dogs and 1 cat, so we are trying to streamline things.

As for the liners of material, I actually made this sort of thing for my C&C cages for my piggies. I could sew them, but I really don't want poopy cloths in my washer anymore. BUT I will think more about this.

You all are so great and much appreciated!:09:
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Okay...looking at paper in precut sizes. My cage is 36x28 and I'm not finding anything this large. The internal measurement of the tray is 34x26.5
Uhaul is smaller.
What do you suggest?
My cages are much larger than the Uhaul paper I use multiples and overlap them, then roll them up and toss. Very easy for me, while I love Aprils idea I cannot sew at all and I would prefer not to have any poop in my Maytag.
I guess with plans for kids in the next few years, parrot poop in the washer isn't so big to 'overcome' when I know it'll be diapers soon enough:eek: For the record, the liners always wash up beautifully and never stink.

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