What parrot is right for me?


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Nov 24, 2015
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Pearl, Female, Cockatiel: Penelope
For the longest time I have wanted a galah cockatoo, but for a longer time I have always wanted a horse. I realized if I wanted to get into the equestrian world/life I had to give up galah's plus I want to be more experienced with birds. What do you guys think would be the best bird for me? Here is my background/ what I'm looking for.

What I am looking for: A playful, fun, cuddly buddy that I could maybe teach tricks, show to people (like holding, petting, etc), and go around in public if not too shy. (Talking would be cool but that is not the number 1 thing I am looking for)
I already own a cockatiel and although I very much love them I would like to have sometimes different for a change.

About me: I'm a 12 year old girl and I am homeschooled. My mom and dad are animal lovers and I am sure they would not mind. Because I am homeschooled I have quite a bit of time, but I do have basketball and riding lessons. I could spend about 1-3+ hours every day with it unless I have a crazy day. I own a dog who is scarred of my bird, (lol) and my sister's dog. Whom is also scarred of my bird. (My bird, Penelope taught them a lesson)! Then there is a super lazy bearded dragon. (Won't hurt bird). Less mess would be better, but if the bird is that amazing I'll just deal with the mess. ;) Also, screaming is O.K. but not ear piercing, nothing too crazy.

Please tell me what type of bird might be best for me, thanks! :)
(I might get a silkie chicken too)! :D
Oh yes, although I don't want it bitting me a lot, I can deal with it. The first time I've rode a horse got bucked off, and not to long ago got bit by one, I'm fine.
You really need to lock down whether you are interested in the Equestrian World or not! Even a minimum interest in Horses require a major commitment beyond your current pet care time. Therefore, impossible to add any other pets to your current number.

So, until such time as you are 100% assured that you are no longer considering the Equestrian World, its a NO to adding any other pets.
Echoing the don't do parrots and horses together thing. I did, and it worked a little, but it was tough, and neither horse nor parrot probably got the best from me. I sold the horse a few years back due to bone issues (mine, not hers) and miss her dearly, but my parrots lives are far better for it. They're not compatible in terms of routine/time/engagement, in my humble opinion - each species needs too much time

What are you going to do for college etc?

All that being said, people here do combine the two.....maybe spend a good few years just with the parrot first and then consider adding to the animal family.

Could a green cheek conure be a good wee fit for you?
I'm afraid I have to agree with SailBoat.
When I was your age up til 18 I was well into horses, although we couldn't get a horse I basically worked at the yard I had lesson's at. It was great being able to work with the people and animals and I learnt so much but I had very very little life away from it. I was either at school or working at the yard (I started a trend of young riders working at the yard so we were all friends).
Especially when you have your own horse or pony you have to do a lot of everyday work for that animal, and to be honest if someone said they only had a hour or 2 a day spare then I wouldn't recommend horses or parrots, not that you can't. All of our pets and companions need our daily work put in feeding and watering them but with horses there's also a need to ride/exercise them at least daily. There's also a lot of non-daily tasks that take time to complete from keeping their field safe, cleaning them, cleaning their tack, brushing, special events if you want to show your animal and more. That said people get horses and do this all the time so it's doable.

Also as a rider you'll know or find out that you're only a real rider after you've been thrown off few times, it's a risk we know when riding. People with parrots will get bite at some point. The more time you can put into a bird the more you'll learn to dodge and avoid the situations that cause it but it happens. No one wants to be bit, no one wants to be thrown off a horse but we work on it.

That was a lot of rambling, I'm sorry. But either animal is a big time sink and an emotional investment, the more time you put in the more you get out of it so Honestly think about which one you want to be spending your time on because it probably wont be worth it for you and the animals if you do both.
hi all, please help me i am thinking, but still cant decide what kind of parrot should i get. first of all, I want parrot for friend, but i wat parrot which can learn talking too... i am yhinking about indian ringneck parrot, green check conure, which one is better..I live in flat.

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