Whats some funny/favorite story about your bird?

Thanks again. How long is yours? The longer it is the thicker the pipe needs to be and some of my windowsills are very high.
we cut it to about 5 feet. I am sure you can make it any length you need. Our home in Wa had a turret, so I did have to connect another pipe one time to get him down. I just used another pipe and joint fitting with the tape, and then took it off when we were done. Fortunately he didn't go back up there again.
This evening I finally realized something. My CAG says 'watch out' a lot. I noticed that my service dog would look at her then. He otherwise ignores her. Well tonight, I finally saw the pattern. Cage door was open. CAG was on door. Dog was lying on floor near door. CAG said, 'watch out'. Dog moved. Then I realized when out of cage she says 'watch out' just prior to dropping poop! I'm still trying to figure out why. And when dog was trained.
I've never heard of a parrot training a dog before, but it sounds like you have a very smart dog and an even smarter parrot!
Charlie tells me and the other birds, when talking, to 'shut up!'. He tells the dog 'NOW WHAT?'... the dog and new cat are BRATS and I tell them off frequently (Life with a 9-month-old cat and Italian greyhound. Weeee.... The stories I can tell about them! ). Most amusing critters!
Piccolo has taught himself to perfectly mimic the sound our car makes when we lock it. A perfect little honk noise. It is so cute! He is doing it whenever we go out to the car, and of course when we lock it. It's one of my favorite things he has picked up for sure. He sounds exactly like it.

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