Worried about my Galah's feathers


New member
Apr 3, 2015
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Melbourne, Australia
Galah, two Rainbow Lorikeets and a Lovebird
My Galah Bobby is about 7-8 months old and going through a big molt. He has lots of pins coming through everywhere. We have owned him for about 3 months. The issue is that the pins are mostly coming through yellow and the new feathers are tattered and yellow. I have this awful feeling it is PBFD. :(

We lost our first Galah very suddenly and unexpectedly last year and I am so frightened that we are going to lose Bobby too. :( The vets did a necropsy on our first Galah and ruled out PBFD and our other birds are also PBFD negative.

But Bobby was an outdoor bird before we got him so he could have been exposed. Is there anything else that could cause feathers like this? I just want to cry. :(

They do look very yellow compared to my galah's pIn feathers but I don't know what significance that may have. Do you have a vet you could take him to? It sounds as though a professional opinion would set your mind at rest.
Worry and regret are two of the most difficult emotions. I'd suggest a visit to the vet ASAP and do the usual diagnostic testing.

Not familiar with Galahs, and I really hope it's just a difficult molt.
Definitely go to the vet asap. Could be a difficult molt or it could be PBFD OR it could be signs of a liver abnormality. Good luck, sending good juju your way!!
I'm now sure it is PBFD. We have an appointment with the vet on Saturday but there is no doubt in my mind. I found out today that my beautiful boy is a wild caught baby - I was told he came from a breeder. I feel like my heart is being ripped out. This is so unfair. :(
Please keep us posted, sending good thoughts Bobby's way.
Sending happy thoughts your way! Keep us updated! If he does have PFBD, there is a facebook community that it's just for rehoming birds with PFBD. It's Important to remember that it is not a death sentence! I know of a wonderful umbrella that lived for a good 15 years with the disease; the key it's to keep him away from your other guys and get everyone tested as soon as possible. I would also contact whomever you got him from and let them know that, by being dishonest about his origins, they put you in a potentially dangerous situation. Personally, i would hold them responsible for my vet bills but that's just me. Good luck!
this is the Facebook group
Wow I am so sorry also shocked that someone could even sell a wild caught bird and claim it was bred in captivity.
Poor baby. I'm praying it's not that. I so wish there could be a cure for that horrible disease. Please let us know what your vet says.
Thank you for that link bandespresso. I want to do everything I can to support Bobby and give him the best life possible.
I certainly hope for the best for him and you! This must be so hard for you and your family especially so soon after losing another galah.
The vet has confirmed that Bobby has PBFD. :( I am shattered but we had sort of come to terms with it over the last few days. We are going to do everything in our power to keep him healthy and happy for as long as possible. We have been given some ideas for diet and supplements to support his immune system. I'm trying to remain positive, and trying to believe that Bobby came to us for a reason.
I'm sorry but definitely think positive. He needs you now.
I'm so sorry. Thankfully he has a wonderful home and that is step 1 for a happy PFBD birdie. Good luck!!!
Sad to hear of Bobby's diagnosis. As others have said, diet and support are helpful, but your love and attention are critical.

Shame on the seller for so callously misrepresenting Bobby's history.
Hoping the best for Bobby.
The only other possibility for this that I can think of is vitamin/mineral deficiencies.
A vet visit is in order of course. But red palm oil is good for A deficiency, which is found in the wild by must of our captive parrots. A lot of the food items I cook for the flock this is an ingredient.
Please keep the forum folks posted, we are sincerely interested.
I was so sad to hear the diagnosis from your vet. I guess your vet must see a lot of that disease to know it on sight like that. I'm glad he gave you a treatment plan to bolster his immune system. Don't some Galah's beat the disease (like lovebirds)? I'll hope that happens for your boy.

What did your vet say about your other birds? I'm curious how to manage a PBFD-positive bird in a multi-bird home. Hopefully, the others will remain clear of the disease. Thank you for sharing your story with others.

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