Sick Bird..


New member
Apr 21, 2010
Costa Mesa, CA
Yellow Nape Amazon named "Buddy"
I have had 18 year old, Buddy (yellow nape Amazon) for 10 years and have never seen him sick. So please tell me if you have an idea what it might be.. I can't see the vet until tomorrow.

He has been a little off and on since December. I went away for 2 weeks on vacation and my caretaker called and said he looked sick so I had my vet take him for the remaining time. The vet said it was a simple respiratory infection and administered fluids and antibiotics.

.. It seems not to have gone away.. just kind of kept in the background. Now he has diarrhea and still looks like breathing is more effort than it should be. He still is normal in other ways, but he does seem to be sleeping a lot more during the day.. I thought I was just keeping him up too late.

Does any of this sound like something you are familiar with?

Your help is much appreciated.

Thx, Mandy :green:


New member
Jan 9, 2010
McKinney, TX
Max - Alexandrine, Jade - Red-Front Macaw, Ruby - CAG
He may need another round of antibiotics. If the infection didn't go away completely in December, it's just been incubating since then.


New member
Oct 24, 2009
Southern Africa
RIP Hugo (African Brown Headed Parrot) 2 years old, lil Rosie May (Lovebird)
Yes!!!!! my parrot, Hugo has been sick since October and has had a running tummy and been sneezing. He has had anitbiotics in Oct, 6 week course in Nov/Dec and one recently. His tummy is better but has days when its running. He is still sneezing but is eating and happy. He also was sleeping during the day and was depressed. Take a look at my threads about it and you might see its very similiar. What did the vet say because they also thought it was an infection but he still sneezes. We have tried nebulising and we cant give anymore anitbiotics, Im at my wits end!!!!!! Im taking Hugo back to the vet this weekend. If your vet comes up with anything please tell me - our two birds symptoms sound very similiar. Would be very grateful!


New member
Mar 21, 2010
Baltimore, MD
Sammy-Umbrella Too-rescued,
Dexter-CAG-rehomed handicapped,
Sterling-CAG-rehomed retired breeder.
Sunshine-12 yo CAG-adopted
I agree, your bird probably needs another round of antibiotics. Ask for Baytril oral. Not the kid you mix with water. This type of mix in water just doesn't do the trick. What was he on before?
I just had a grey with pneumonia. 2 weeks on baytril oral solution and by day 9 he looked great. But the vet put him on another 10 day regime to be safe.
You need to keep a light on him for warmth and wrap the cage in a blanket on 4 sides to keep heat in. When birds are ill they use thier energy trying to stay warm. Is your vet an avian vet? Please keep us updated.


Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
Yes!!!!! my parrot, Hugo has been sick since October and has had a running tummy and been sneezing. He has had anitbiotics in Oct, 6 week course in Nov/Dec and one recently. His tummy is better but has days when its running. He is still sneezing but is eating and happy. He also was sleeping during the day and was depressed. Take a look at my threads about it and you might see its very similiar. What did the vet say because they also thought it was an infection but he still sneezes. We have tried nebulising and we cant give anymore anitbiotics, Im at my wits end!!!!!! Im taking Hugo back to the vet this weekend. If your vet comes up with anything please tell me - our two birds symptoms sound very similiar. Would be very grateful!

You beat me, I was going to tell midsummermagic, to chat to you, your birdie's symptoms sound the same. If only a bird could tell us what is wrong...... :mad:
Thinking of you guys, let me know what the vet says or suggests okay.
MWAH :63:


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2010
Syracuse, NY
Quaker parrot, Ralph
I had a similar experience with my Yellow-crowned Amazon several years ago, and the second round of antibiotics did the trick. That was the only time in 40 years that he was ever really ill, and he was completely himself again within a few weeks.


Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
Midsummermagic, how is Buddy doing today.
Did you manage to take him to a vet yet?
Hope there has been some kind of improvement.
Praying it all come right.

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