Need Help with a Goffin Cockatoo Fly-bys


New member
Feb 13, 2015
Goffin Cockatoo - Milo
I'm hoping someone here can help me. On Saturday I got a 16 year old Goffin Cockatoo named Milo. He was a very sweet loving boy till Thursday.....
He was in the kitchen on a chair back. My cell phone kept ringing and I noticed he got upset when the phone was by my ear. So I let him check out the phone, when he tried chewing on it I took it away. Then he flew off the chair and circled over my head and landed. After the second fly-by he landed and flapped his wings kind of in front of his chest hard. I walked out of the kitchen to let him calm down and came back. He was fine the rest of the night. Today I let him out. I walked over to his cage to measure for a cover. He flew off the top and circled my head. I backed up a couple steps. He did it again, scratching my forehead. He then landed on his cage and kinda strutted on the top. I left the room and came back a few minutes later and he was fine. We played and talked. He was on my shoulder, bobbed his head and took off flying. ... circling my head. This went on for about 2-3 minutes before he went into his cage. Help.... what do I do?:(


New member
Nov 24, 2010
Nanday, suns, parrotlet, Patagonian
Next time you're at a Kmart, Wally World or similar store & look for a similar toy phone or two, for him.....

In the interim, I might read up on training goffin cockatoos and begin his and my education.....

Good luck.....


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Feb 13, 2015
Calgary, Alberta (Canada)
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CloudySkyy, you may want to consider a wing clip until he settles into your home. The Goffin I just lost was used to flying around his previous owner's home and he didn't understand that he couldn't do that here. I gave him a quick wing trim, just enough to give him a safe landing but keeping him from getting any real height and, after a couple of tries, he calmed down a lot. It also gave me the peace of mind, knowing he couldn't find himself in a dangerous position, not knowing yet what was safe in the house and what wasn't. As time went by and he'd become familiar and comfortable in his new surroundings, he actually chose to walk/run to most places he wanted to go, rather than fly, though by then, his wings had grown out. With his wings trimmed, you can take the time to get him used to things like the phone.

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