parrotlet breeding info


New member
Aug 25, 2014
What would be the outcome of a female american white parrotlet to a male blue. I don't know if they are split.

I think I might get green ones split to blue. Any thoughts?

I am new to this and someone is offering me parrotlets that are not tame and used for breeding. I don't want then for that but won't stop them if they do lay eggs.


New member
Jun 27, 2014
I'm very late to this, and I'm sorry you haven't found an answer. White and blue are recessive color mutations, meaning if you put a blue and white together you'll get all normals split to blue and white. You would want a blue split white and a white split blue. The dominant pied mutations WILL produce pied offspring if bred to a non pied mate. I'd recommend getting something like a pair that's M:Blue pied split fallow F:Fallow pied split blue. All of the recessive mutations are eligible for substitution in this format. Genetics are confusing at first, but once you get into them they make a whole lot of sense.

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