
  1. R

    Help I can’t tame my ringneck lol

    So my Indian Ringneck, Ringo, I have had him for a little over a year now. He still does not let me touch him, or even feed him out of my hand. The closest thing (and the most recent progress) I have gotten him to do is eat out of a bowl I was holding through the little bowl holder in his cage...
  2. RingneckRave

    RIngneck growing ring!!

    I am very excited, as only a few days ago I spotted some tiny black feathers underneath Bluey's chin. He's a boy! And he is going to grow a handsome black ring!! To be honest, I already figured he was a boy based on his behaviour, but now it is confirmed. Does anyone else remember when they...
  3. Robinwiththeringnecks

    I need advice quickly since I’m so unsure what to do.

    Hello! I just found this site and was hoping for some advice. I have had my amazing female albino ring neck who is about to turn 1 year old in April for about 5 months. She has a great personality and I love her to death. I ended up buying her from some sketchy place that was very unhelpful and...
  4. T

    Seeking Advice - Female Indian Ringneck (Male Alexandrine Questions)

    I currently have a female Indian ringneck who I’ve been working with for five years. She chose my dad as her mate, but she knows I’m her caregiver. I have not lived with my parents in a while, and I’ve been living with my partner for a while. I have done so much research and gone through phases...
  5. T

    Seeking Advice - Female Indian Ringneck (Male Alexandrine Questions)

    I currently have a female Indian ringneck who I’ve been working with for five years. She chose my dad as her mate, but she knows I’m her caregiver. I have not lived with my parents in a while, and I’ve been living with my partner for a while. I have done so much research and gone through phases...
  6. M

    Why is my Indian ring neck suddenly tired and fluffed up?

    Hey everyone, so I got my very first Indian ring neck 2 weeks ago, he’s around 6-7 months I’d say and he’s the first parrot I own after previously owning other smaller birds. I’ve done a lot of research regarding this bird however can’t seem to find an answer anywhere for this particular...
  7. S

    I don’t know how to tame two mated Indian ringnecks

    So I’ve just got a mating pair of two Indian ringnecks that have mated already. The thing is I want to tame them but I’m aware that taming two birds that are already bonded to eachother is quite difficult and I’m finding not much recourses to help. Is it possible to train them? I’ve had birds...
  8. evanschlenker

    New Indian Ringneck Sleeping a lot.

    Hi! I just picked up a 3 month old Indian Ringneck. Is it normal for them to sleep during the day at this age? It is also obviously stressed, especially since it was raised by mom & not by humans.
  9. T

    Making parrot tree

    Basically right now I have a tree I made with many multiple branches connected of different trees but its not that good and not stable as its just connected with ropes. My gardener found a really big branch that I want to make Into a tree. This is my tree This is the biggggg branch
  10. B

    q u e s t i o n s

    Hello everyone! So I have a couple questions if that's okay So I was recently given an indian ringneck bird but the person who gave it to me didn't even bother to ask any questions about him so I'm having trouble with him :( I'm assuming he's about 8 weeks old but I could be wrong. I have...