
  1. R

    A&E Elegant Style Cage

    I'm currently planning on getting a peach-faced lovebird in the distant future, and I've been researching about cages for a while now. I would like the cage to be under $200, sturdy, high-quality, 1/2" bar spacing, and be around the size of the cage below...
  2. W

    Please help me

    hi everyone, I would really, really appreciate some advice as I have no idea what else I can do to resolve my problem. (please bear with me as the names of my birds might confuse you with their sex). -First I bought Mr White (blue fischer :whiteblue: who is a MALE) and Mr. Blonde...
  3. P

    Cage size

    So I plan on getting 2 lovebirds because I just can't devote several hours a day to a bird as I have to go to school for 7 hours a day. I was just wondering how big of a cage both of them need(minimum)?
  4. L

    Species ranking games: lovebirds Quakers Tiels IRN and more!

    Hello everyone. I'm new to this forum. I have very little experience with birds. When I was little, I had two budgies but only my mom handled them. I did not get out of that experience due to my young age. We didn't really know what we were doing so they were not tamed or trained at all. They...
  5. jessikuh351

    Plucking Lovebird - have just removed collar

    Hey everyone, So one of my lovebirds (female called Monty, 4 years old) has been pulling out feathers for a while. It got to the point where she had no tail feathers left and pretty much no feathers on her back at all. Then she started digging into the skin on her back which caused bleeding :(...
  6. A


    Hi! I recently found this forum and I love it! I don't actually know anyone with a bird so it seems great for getting advice and tips. I am a teen girl who owns a 7 year old male peach faced lovebird, or more he owns me. His name is Osky and he mainly loves to snuggle and destroy things like...
  7. christine

    Weird Noise Lovebird Makes @ Night--Sick or Grinding

    My female lovebird has been making a weird noise at night occasionally. It sounds like a wet/snotty beak grind. Is this wheezing? I posted a video to youtube--its really quiet so you'll have to turn your volume up high. link below Weird Lovebird Noise--Wheezing? Sick? Or Just Grinding -...
  8. M

    need suggestions fast, nesting

    hello, I am a beginner bird keeper and one of my love bird pair have laid eggs recently, but the problem is I don't know how long has the female been nesting its been 20+ days I guess now, and the female has left the nest now and the eggs have not yet hatched. I am very worried. I don't know...
  9. K

    My lovebird keeps biting her feet?

    It's like she's cleaning them, but she won't stop, even if i'm offering food. There doesn't seem to be any injury or redness, she just won't stop itching. I was looking online and found some stuff, but I'm unsure if this would be 100% safe: It says that you can use the gel straight from an aloe...
  10. S

    lovebird behaviour concerns

    I've recently (about 4 weeks ago) ended up taking in a Lovebird from a less than ideal situation. I'm not sure of their age, I know they used to have a partner who died a while back, for most of their life they haven't had more contact with people than being fed and have lived in a cage with...
  11. M

    Training a 3 month lovebird

    Hello I've just bought a 3 months old untamed Fischer lovebird. It's been two days now since I bought it, I'm not sure what gender it is. I brought it in carry box ( small wooden cage) and put it in a cage. It got used to where the food and water is but when I approach the cage it gets scared...
  12. walterbyrd

    RIP Lucky: ???? - 2015-10-13

    Lucky was a little lovebird, with a bad foot, that I rescued on June 8, 2012. Lucky never got over the lethargy that I posted about on 2015-08-30. We took her to the vet three times. The last time, we left her there from Thursday the 9th, until Monday, the 12th. She was very skinny, and...
  13. A

    New to the forum - help with molting lovebird please!

    Hi everyone I have recently joined the forum and am seeking advice regarding my male lovebird Iggy. He is about 4 years old and this might be his first molt. Firstly, is that strange? I have noticed pin feathers, particularly on his back around his shoulders, for about 1 month now. But in...
  14. S

    Old Masked Lovebird Taming Advice

    My bird is a 10 year old masked lovebird and isn't afraid of hands if they're outside of the cage. He also tends to bite ALOT and often breaks skin and I cant get myself to let him bite me without gloves. I really need tips and advice on taming him.:rainbow1:
  15. J

    Should I be worried?

    Hello! I just got a lovebird from a women who was giving her away on craigslist. I have had a cockatiel, parrotlet and sun conure in the past but they had to stay with my parents when I left for college so now I am just with my new lovebird. She has a totally weird personality that I'm trying...
  16. Wolfee

    Hello ^_^

    Hello, my name is Chloe and I've just got my very first bird, a 7 month old male Peach Faced Lovebird called Rin ^_^ I posted a thread called 'Taming a lovebird' and If you have any advice you could give me, please read&reply to it! Here it is...
  17. S

    Love bird help needed!

    I bought a lovebird about a month ago off a breeder, she was the last one left. She is very beautiful, all white. The only problem is she is terrified of my hands and any movement near her cage! This is making it a nightmare to tame her, please does anyone have any tips of making her less scared...
  18. veimar

    Aviator harness for the lovebird?

    I wonder if anyone uses harness to take their lovies out? I have Aviator petite that I use for my gcc and tiel, but I was thinking maybe I can put it on Coco as well? Or would it be too big? She is pretty large for a lovie, and her body is not smaller than my gcc's, just shorter and bulkier...
  19. veimar

    Coco loves good music!

    We are a family of musicians and have to practice good and annoying stuff at home. I noticed that whenever any of us or we together play something really nice Coco start screaming to get out of her cage if she is there, and as soon as I open she would fly over to the piano and quietly sit either...
  20. Luffbox

    How can I make my senior lutino comfortable?

    I've had my baby girl for roughly 7 years. She is an estimated twenty years old. I rescued her from a negligent owner that caused her permanent liver damage, arthritis and partial blindness. I've done all I can for her health wise, but she has gotten to the point that anymore car rides are out...