2 lost flight feathers from one wing


New member
Jul 29, 2021
hi guys Kiki has lost two flight feathers from one wing! he knocked them in a bad landing and they fell out on Monday, he isn't in pain and is acting normal but when he tries to fly he lands badly cuz them feathers are gone 🙁 he moved his wing around a bit after he flew and seems stressed so he had been in his cage since, he is fully acting norm his wings all look in line and he is moving them fine so think he was just a bit sore from them coming out.
we having let him out again yet as wanted him to rest and heal a bit if he was sore under the wing we cant see any issues from looking at him.
my question is when do i let him out ? will he remember he cant fly like he could it makes me so so sad he was a very confident flyer
any advise and help i be very grateful
thank you for reading
During normal flight feather molt, they commonly loose two flight feathers from each wing. They adjust and with time, the feathers are replaced. Whether in your home or in their Natural Range, stuff happens and they adjust and life goes on. Your Parrot will be flying soon like nothing has happened.

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During normal flight feather molt, they commonly loose two flight feathers from each wing. They adjust and with time, the feathers are replaced. Whether in your home or in their Natural Range, stuff happens and they adjust and life goes on. Your Parrot will be flying soon like nothing has happened.

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thank you i hope so i am going to give him a few more days rest incase its still sore though he keeps looking at me and then screaming to come out soo see how long till i break lol :grey:

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