A bird who likes to drink!!!


New member
Jul 30, 2018
Pineapple Conure hatched sometime April 2018
I had a budgie for 13 years who died in 2014
Luna likes a drink!
It doesn't matter what I am drinking, she wants it!
Water, fruit juice, pepsi max (Sugar free), fruit cider, lemonade, anything!!!
I don't drink hot drinks so thats not a problem!

Apart from using cups with lids, has anyone got any ideas to stop her??? or should I not worry too much as she is drinking very small amounts before I stop her & remove her......


Sorry the photo is sideways - not sure why it uploaded sideways!!


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Aug 29, 2018
Queensland, Australia
Fang ({ab}normal grey cockatiel), Valentino (budgie), Jem (cinnamon cockatiel), Lovejoy(varied lorikeet), Peach (princess parrot)
I had a budgie once who almost drowned herself doing exactly that - good job I was around to yank her out by her tail! You gotta watch ā€˜em!!


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
I would not let her drink anything with any kind of artificial sweetener, added refined sugar or that is carbonated (or alcoholic, of course). A sip of water or 100% fruit juice is probably fine though. For the kinds of drinks she shouldn't have, I'd definitely invest in a cup with a lid. I saw some cute stainless ones at Target the other day (cups with lids) that weren't overpriced, so it shouldn't be too hard to find a bird-proof solution:)


Active member
Aug 7, 2018
Blue fronted amazon, lutin cockatiel, agapornis fischer...
Just to let you know.. sugar free Pepsi or Coca Cola are not sugar free at all, they have the same or just slightly less than the normal one.. so donā€™t let him drink that, it has caffeine and all that.
I suppose that a natural fruit juice is no problem though.


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
Just to let you know.. sugar free Pepsi or Coca Cola are not sugar free at all, they have the same or just slightly less than the normal one.. so donā€™t let him drink that, it has caffeine and all that.
I suppose that a natural fruit juice is no problem though.

You bring up a good point- caffeine isn't bird-friendly either. I don't drink soda so I didn't even think about it also being caffeinated!


Active member
Aug 7, 2018
Blue fronted amazon, lutin cockatiel, agapornis fischer...
Just to let you know.. sugar free Pepsi or Coca Cola are not sugar free at all, they have the same or just slightly less than the normal one.. so donā€™t let him drink that, it has caffeine and all that.

I suppose that a natural fruit juice is no problem though.

You bring up a good point- caffeine isn't bird-friendly either. I don't drink soda so I didn't even think about it also being caffeinated!

Iā€™ve never liked soda, but since I saw those YouTube videos where they heat up some coke I got disgusted!!


New member
Aug 20, 2016
State College, PA
Senegal Parrot named "Kane"; Yellow-Sided Green Cheek Conure named "Bowie"; Blue Quaker Parrot named "Lita Ford"; Cockatiel named "Duff"; 8 American/English Budgie Hybrids; Ringneck Dove named "Dylan"
This must be a Green Cheek thing, because Bowie does the same thing. Every time I have a drink he's trying to get into it, or begging me for it...I've actually caught him trying to pull the lid off of Latte I bought; there he was, prying on the lid as hard as he could until I walked back into the room and he flew off...He'll fly to my shoulder and sit and beg me for sips...


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
In the future, don't let youre bird have anything diet or sugar free-- the chemicals they use to make it taste sweet are harmful!


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
Just to let you know.. sugar free Pepsi or Coca Cola are not sugar free at all, they have the same or just slightly less than the normal one.. so donā€™t let him drink that, it has caffeine and all that.
I suppose that a natural fruit juice is no problem though.

The don't have REAL sugar..they have a chemical (sometimes a form of non-digestible wood-alcohol other times, other formulas) that mimics sugar in our taste receptors and is eliminated as a waste. That having been said, although sugar is bad for birds, I would venture to say that artificial sugar is even more dangerous. There is also a bunch of other stuff in it that could cause heart/nerve issues---see below:

"Pepsi Zero Sugar (sold under the names Diet Pepsi Max until early 2009 and then Pepsi Max until August 2016), is a zero-calorie, sugar-free, carbohydrate-free, ginseng-infused cola sweetened with aspartame, marketed by PepsiCo. ... It has nearly twice the caffeine of Pepsi's other cola beverages."

To the OP:

I have been sold to always avoid any artificial sweetener (stevia (EDIT- not un-natural but may be unsafe), erythritol, monk fruit sweeteners, splenda, aspartame, xylitol, sucralose, saccharine etc)

Caffeine or any other stimulant (found in sodas, coffees and most teas, chocolate)..Ginsing is also a stimulant.

Sugar- All sugar should be avoided unless the quantity is super small---if you have to give juice, get the "NO SUGAR ADDED" kind from the health-food store and MAKE SURE it has no artificial sweeteners added to compensate and no real sugar added. The "good stuff" usually comes in small-ish glass bottles and it is usually organic. I would dilute the health-food juice even further and give VERY sparingly, because even natural sugars in fruit can lead to diabetes etc if given too often. Juice has no fiber in it, so the sugar hits the blood right away and causes a bigger spike than eating fruit.

High amounts of citrus or vitamin C = lemonade, orange juice, oranges, lemons, limes or things with a lot of added citric acid...This can cause "iron elimination disease" in many bird varieties.

Fortified drinks (with added vitamins)---Do not give birds drinks with added vitamins (many juices or kids drinks contain these...so do things like Ensure, Ovaltine etc.

Certain vegetables and fruits--- They are some fruit/veg that birds shouldn't have (to eat or drink). Check the back of any fruit blend to ensure that there is no fruit/veg source in there that is not allowed. Also, again, look out for juices high in citrus or containing lots of citric acid or preservatives.

Finally, I have READ (but not confirmed) that carbonation is bad for birds, as they cannot eliminate the gases. It can cause pain and bloating (from what I have heard)--working to verify now. I am trying hard to find a legit website confirming or denying the safety of regular, unflavored carbonated water...Lots of opinions that is is bad (which is what I have HEARD, but proof would be nice lol!)

Dairy drinks= birds are lactose intolerant


Salt (soup stock is salty, so I added to the list.
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New member
Sep 20, 2018
New York
Green Cheek Conure (Pizza Roll), Jenday Conure (Woody)
I'm constantly swatting my GCC away from my morning coffee and my sparkling waters. He's obsessive.


Mar 22, 2017
Peanut does not allow me to drink anything in peace. After ungluing her from my wine glass I had to bring it inside because she was determined to get it. Can't enjoy a cup of coffee around her either.

I don't allow her drink anything other than water and maybe a tiny bit of 100 percent juice if my daughter is drinking it around her, and that's just the tiny bit from the straw that she steals out of the drink.

I agree that artificial sweeteners would probably be very bad for a bird, even worse than real sugar. I wouldn't let them have any kind of diet drinks.



Mar 4, 2018
Washington State
Nico - male Turquoise GCC
Same here; Nico is interested in any food or drink Iā€™m having. I canā€™t ever turn my back on him when Iā€™m eating! I agree with everyone here, it definitely depends on what youā€™re having. I try to keep him away from OJ and lemonade (my favorite drinks) but he can have my water if he doesnā€™t tip the cup over. I also basically only drink those three types of drinks though, so for me the risk of him drinking something harmful is pretty low.


May 23, 2018
NL= the Netherlands, Europe
Sunny a female B&G macaw;
Japie (m) & Appie (f), both are congo african grey;
All are rescues- had to leave their previous homes for 'reasons', are still in contact with them :)
Stevia is not artificial, it is taken from a plant: Stevia rebaudiana.
Like we take sugar from reeds, beets and corn.

It just tastes like someting factory made if used in high concentration (horrible aftertaste imho), the plant does not taste too bad (you can buy them in the herbsection).


Mar 22, 2017
For people that like that artificial sweetener taste, stevia would be a good alternative when it's in its natural plant form, and while not great in it's powdered processed form like what you'll find at the grocery store, it's probally still better than artificial sweeteners. I still wouldn't let the bird have it anymore than I'd let her have my wine.


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2018
Full house
Peanut does not allow me to drink anything in peace. After ungluing her from my wine glass I had to bring it inside because she was determined to get it. Can't enjoy a cup of coffee around her either.

I don't allow her drink anything other than water and maybe a tiny bit of 100 percent juice if my daughter is drinking it around her, and that's just the tiny bit from the straw that she steals out of the drink.

I agree that artificial sweeteners would probably be very bad for a bird, even worse than real sugar. I wouldn't let them have any kind of diet drinks.


That's a fantastic picture!!! My GCC always wants to drink from my glass too! Very social birds. I mostly drink only water, still she finds this exciting and must have some. If other species don't come forward maybe it's a GCC thing lol


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
To clarify, as other posters have noted, Stevia is not technically artificial, but it is a concentrated plant product...The plants don't just drop lumps of Stevia, it has to be extracted etc. Since birds are not even supposed to have high concentrations of spices (or things with added sugar), I do not think Stevia is safe for them. Yes, it is natural, but so is rhubarb and that can kill them. My thought is that, in nature, they would not be able to access Stevia and they are much smaller than humans. That is why I included it on the list of artificial sweeteners.

It is something like 10x sweeter than sugar too, which can only contribute to bad habits and food preferences down the line.
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Mar 22, 2017
Peanut does not allow me to drink anything in peace. After ungluing her from my wine glass I had to bring it inside because she was determined to get it. Can't enjoy a cup of coffee around her either.

I don't allow her drink anything other than water and maybe a tiny bit of 100 percent juice if my daughter is drinking it around her, and that's just the tiny bit from the straw that she steals out of the drink.

I agree that artificial sweeteners would probably be very bad for a bird, even worse than real sugar. I wouldn't let them have any kind of diet drinks.


That's a fantastic picture!!! My GCC always wants to drink from my glass too! Very social birds. I mostly drink only water, still she finds this exciting and must have some. If other species don't come forward maybe it's a GCC thing lol
She's actually a Senegal, they're pretty similar I think. She likes to be involved in everything I do. I've never had any other pet as odd as a bird, they're little gangsters.


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2018
Full house
LOl my little phone and my need for bifocals! Beautiful bird :) abd great photo


New member
Jul 30, 2018
Pineapple Conure hatched sometime April 2018
I had a budgie for 13 years who died in 2014
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Right then, Luna is now banned from my glasses!!!
I will do my best to stop her! It's driving me nuts anyway as she keeps knocking them over too - and it's hard enough to clean up when I knock them over!!! lol


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2014
Lewiston, Maine
Neotropical Pigeon - "Skittles" (born 3/29/10)
Cockatiel - "Peaches" (1995-2015) R.I.P.
Budgie - "Sammy"
(1989-2000) R.I.P.
Budgie - "Sandy"
(1987-1989) R.I.P.
I buy small 100% juice bottles for Skitty. I pour a little bit in the cap and he drinks it, what he doesn't drink I dump into the sink and rinse the cap and them put it back on the bottle. I buy the small bottles cause that juice is just for Skitty. After about a week of it being opened, I will drink whatever is left and start a new one for him. Aside from 100% juice, the ONLY thing I let Skittles drink is water. I tried getting him to try unsweetened almond milk (the vet said thats okay) but he don't like it.

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