A healthy diet?


New member
May 9, 2017
Eclectus, Blue & Gold Macaw

So me and my B&G Jacky have been through quite a bunch.
Lots of vomiting and losing weight and a couple lung infections.
Jacky is still young and being handfed. (22 weeks of age)
After a lot of experimenting with diffrent foods i noticed that certain foods won't cause her to vomit, which is probably an allergy to something or multiple things.
Anyway i'm looking for some ideas for a diet which will be healthy for her and was wondering about peoples opinions on this forum.

Things that cause her to vomit are mainly; Formulas, Pellets, Eggfood.

As of now i feed her: Beans, Peas, Apple, Banana, Carrot, Sometimes oatmeal with raisins.

Any suggestions of some things to try out?
Oh, my gosh, that's so scary! Do you have an avian veterinarian? At that young age, I don't know how much of this she can endure. To me, this sounds less like an allergy and more like a serious medical problem. I hope you can get some good, quick medical help. Best of luck. Poor little thing...
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Oh, my gosh, that's so scary! Do you have an avian veterinarian? At that young age, I don't know how much of this she can endure. To me, this sounds less like an allergy and more like a serious medical problem. I hope you can get some good, quick medical help. Best of luck. Poor little thing...

Yes i've been to multiple vets already and they could not find anything.
Believe me the situation has much improved already and i'd even say stable now. as long as i dont feed her formula or pellets.
Have you tried yams, sweet potatoes, squash, peppers*, cooked whole-grain noodles, melon and melon seeds, lentils, pomegranate seeds, blackeye peas, etc?

There are many beans to choose, my flock enjoys lima, pinto, red kidney, garbanzo, and black.

* I prefer organic peppers, they are imported to the U.S. from the Netherlands!
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Have you tried yams, sweet potatoes, squash, peppers*, cooked whole-grain noodles, melon and melon seeds, lentils, pomegranate seeds, blackeye peas, etc?

There are many beans to choose, my flock enjoys lima, pinto, red kidney, garbanzo, and black.

* I prefer organic peppers, they are imported to the U.S. from the Netherlands!

Ah yes thanks i forgot about the sweet potato. This could be a good mashy base for creating my own formula for her.
i'm eating lentil soup tonight, i'll leave a bit without union for jacky to try!
As for the beans i just made a pan with a mix of diffrent ones and it is currently being enjoyed by my eclectus. jacky does have more interest in beans than any other food so far, hopefully it will help her wean.

Oh yeah, my sister worked at a breeding store with lots of diffrent parrots and she learned a couple of things there.
She told me that birds can also eat meat. This sounds weird to me, Can i share my steak with them or better not?
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Have you tried yams, sweet potatoes, squash, peppers*, cooked whole-grain noodles, melon and melon seeds, lentils, pomegranate seeds, blackeye peas, etc?

There are many beans to choose, my flock enjoys lima, pinto, red kidney, garbanzo, and black.

* I prefer organic peppers, they are imported to the U.S. from the Netherlands!

Ah yes thanks i forgot about the sweet potato. This could be a good mashy base for creating my own formula for her.
i'm eating lentil soup tonight, i'll leave a bit without union for jacky to try!
As for the beans i just made a pan with a mix of diffrent ones and it is currently being enjoyed by my eclectus. jacky does have more interest in beans than any other food so far, hopefully it will help her wean.

Oh yeah, my sister worked at a breeding store with lots of diffrent parrots and she learned a couple of things there.
She told me that birds can also eat meat. This sounds weird to me, Can i share my steak with them or better not?

Can they eat a little meat? Yes.
Many people recommend against all animal proteins. IMO it is not necessary.
Yes, they are little cannibals! Chicken is a favorite, they also like turkey.
A parrot eating a chicken is no more cannibalism then us eating a cow. Yes it's healthy. Say 7% of his diet. 3% other stuff he get a hold of. 10% treats, 80% whatever is recommended for each bird.
Many species of parrots, including macaws, are opportunistic carnivores in nature. They will eat meat if it's around and available, but they don't strictly need it to survive. Lean meats as a way of getting some protein into her if she won't otherwise eat high protein foods, or as a treat would be fine.
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Allright so once in a while she can have some when I'm eating a stfeak or whatever.
Still it a weird thought, a parrot eating chicken.. haha but a chicken is not a parrot so indeed it's not cannibalism.
I had the same thought Martin! But like others have said if the opportunity arises in the wild they'll have a nibble on some meat or eat a bug or 2
Sounds like your macaw needs to be on a fresh fruit/veg diet. Welcome to the eclectus world!

It seems you need to avoid all the processed stuff. When you consider raw foods, the sky’s the limit. Tropical fruits, legumes, sweet potatoes, sprouts, temperate fruits. You can make a large batch of chop (a bunch of veggies and such chopped up and mixed together) and freeze it. Gives you food for months. I made a large three mixing bowl batch of chop and im still dishing it out 5 months later, still have maybe another month or so left. Spent $100 on those groceries. I admit I wish I had done some stuff differently, like not including okra (ugh, makes a snotty mix!!)
Have you tried yams, sweet potatoes, squash, peppers*, cooked whole-grain noodles, melon and melon seeds, lentils, pomegranate seeds, blackeye peas, etc?

There are many beans to choose, my flock enjoys lima, pinto, red kidney, garbanzo, and black.

* I prefer organic peppers, they are imported to the U.S. from the Netherlands!

Ah yes thanks i forgot about the sweet potato. This could be a good mashy base for creating my own formula for her.
i'm eating lentil soup tonight, i'll leave a bit without union for jacky to try!
As for the beans i just made a pan with a mix of diffrent ones and it is currently being enjoyed by my eclectus. jacky does have more interest in beans than any other food so far, hopefully it will help her wean.

Oh yeah, my sister worked at a breeding store with lots of diffrent parrots and she learned a couple of things there.
She told me that birds can also eat meat. This sounds weird to me, Can i share my steak with them or better not?

Remember that our meat is quite often full of antibiotics * (amongst others) and she would be consuming that too! A high quality and organic pellet can provide her with the necessary protein, have you tried Harrisons or TOPs? Both of these are available in the UK so assume available to you also? :)

*sometimes administered without a vet!
Have you tried yams, sweet potatoes, squash, peppers*, cooked whole-grain noodles, melon and melon seeds, lentils, pomegranate seeds, blackeye peas, etc?

There are many beans to choose, my flock enjoys lima, pinto, red kidney, garbanzo, and black.

* I prefer organic peppers, they are imported to the U.S. from the Netherlands!

Ah yes thanks i forgot about the sweet potato. This could be a good mashy base for creating my own formula for her.
i'm eating lentil soup tonight, i'll leave a bit without union for jacky to try!
As for the beans i just made a pan with a mix of diffrent ones and it is currently being enjoyed by my eclectus. jacky does have more interest in beans than any other food so far, hopefully it will help her wean.

Oh yeah, my sister worked at a breeding store with lots of diffrent parrots and she learned a couple of things there.
She told me that birds can also eat meat. This sounds weird to me, Can i share my steak with them or better not?

Remember that our meat is quite often full of antibiotics * (amongst others) and she would be consuming that too! A high quality and organic pellet can provide her with the necessary protein, have you tried Harrisons or TOPs? Both of these are available in the UK so assume available to you also? :)

*sometimes administered without a vet!

Also whilst the package may say one thing it may have one point have said "neigh" instead of "moo" or "baa"
Remember that sprouting mung & adzuki beans, lentils & chickpeas can give good amounts of protein and is high fibre too.
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Ah yes thanks i forgot about the sweet potato. This could be a good mashy base for creating my own formula for her.
i'm eating lentil soup tonight, i'll leave a bit without union for jacky to try!
As for the beans i just made a pan with a mix of diffrent ones and it is currently being enjoyed by my eclectus. jacky does have more interest in beans than any other food so far, hopefully it will help her wean.

Oh yeah, my sister worked at a breeding store with lots of diffrent parrots and she learned a couple of things there.
She told me that birds can also eat meat. This sounds weird to me, Can i share my steak with them or better not?

Remember that our meat is quite often full of antibiotics * (amongst others) and she would be consuming that too! A high quality and organic pellet can provide her with the necessary protein, have you tried Harrisons or TOPs? Both of these are available in the UK so assume available to you also? :)

*sometimes administered without a vet!

Also whilst the package may say one thing it may have one point have said "neigh" instead of "moo" or "baa"

I understand "neigh" is a popular meat in some regions but is taboo in the U.S. May be a carry-over from the "romantic" era of the Western Frontier days and popularized in film.

Not sure what LordT is getting at, as it is not acceptable here, for sure. We have had scandals where it has been sold under another label.

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