Adopted Hahn's Macaw Help


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Dec 11, 2013
Hi all,

First time poster that's been reading the forum a ton to educate myself. My research resulted in the adoption of a 4 year old male Hahn's that I've had for a week. He's a sweetheart. He seems to love me and his first week with me i could get him away from his cage by offering him his food dish and just carrying it with me when he would step on and he seemed totally fine with it. He would let me scratch his head and loved the time together. He figured out the 'food dish' trick and now i can't get him away from his cage. It seems like he's dying to come to me but he's to afraid to step up. I'm trying to train him but he's terrified of the dowel or rope perch and he'll bite my finger or arm so that doesn't seem like an option right now. I feel like i probably pushed him too much for week one and I think he got a little scared cause he slipped off my shoulder a couple of times cause his claws were trimmed before i got him. From reading I think I should probably just let him be and give him attention near his cage. I'm trying clicker training too. Any advice on what I should do from here? Should I wait a little until he trusts me more to try step up training? I just feel like he wants to come to me but doesn't know how.

Thank you very much for the help.


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Feb 10, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Skittles - scarlet macaw
It sounds like he still my be a little afraid of your hands. Clicker training is great. I would also open the door and let your parrot come out of the cage. Then offer him a small treat. Then give him another one but make him move a few steps to get it. When that is going well, set one hand down and see if he will crawl over it to get a treat. No rush, just let him get use to your hands. Baby steps.

For me, this worked both ways. Skittles got to get use to my hands and I got to get use to her massive beak... ;)


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Dec 11, 2013
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Thanks for the reply! After I posted he jumped out of his cage and landed on the floor. He doesn't mind my hand then haha He's still afraid of my hands in any other situation near his cage though. I'll give it time and give him treats like you suggest. He has been taking them from my hand there so that's good. Are all macaws somewhat cage protective or will they grow out of it after they trust you?

Thanks again!


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Aug 4, 2013
Long Beach, NY
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Hi. I'm no expert, but I think that if you feel like you are rushing him, follow your instinct, and scale it back. In the beginning, I was making the mistake of rushing, which lead to sometimes being impatient. You have to realize, that there is no rush. Once you keep that in mind, it's all better. Make it about what the bird wants, and just spending time with him. It will be more enjoyable for both of you, and you'll get better results. You have the rest of your lives together :)


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Aug 16, 2013
Hahn's Macaw
I love my little Hahn's they are great birds. Go slow and let him call the shots. From what I read prior to getting my Hahnna, the males tend to be more territorial. Hahnna thus far is not, she is a female but since we have had her (6weeks old) I have always hadmy hand in her cage, playing with her toys and wrestling with her in her sleepy hut so I think thatmade a difference. Hahn's are a bit beaky, meaning they like to use their beak to explore and play, but does not necessarily mean they will bite. Hahnna will pinch mt neck sometimes but Mi think it is because she wants to get a rise out of me. I sternly tell her, don't bite. Now she does it and tells herself don't bite? Lol. The fact he is four and this good says a lot. I think you will have a great companion. If he letting you handle him this quick then he had to be pretty socialized early on. Good luck. Elaine and Hahnna


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Sep 23, 2011
Valentino - Red Fronted Macaw - Hatched August 12, 2012
Last May I adopted a 9 year old noble macaw that has been abused. The rescue did a wonderful job rehabbing him and had Julio for 3 years. No one wanted to adopt him because he is plucked.

After getting him home I backed off with bonding and training him because I wanted to give Lupe the chance to have Julio bond to her instead of to me. It was my hope that Julio would take to Lupe since he was to be her parrot. In the beginning Lupe suffered a severe bite to her index finger because Julio happened to nail her in the same place twice. Her finger swelled up bad but he didn't break the bone.

Time passed with Lupe working with him and she was able to get him to the point she could get him out of the cage. She was working with him every evening while he was in the office in quarantine. After Julio was moved downstairs she stopped working with him so I began to step in. Julio reacted to me very aggressively. He use to bite the cage bars indicating to me the aggressiveness he had for me. I would talk to him and sing to him everyday. I also would feed him his favorite foods with my hands but though the cage bars. He would have to perch on a special place and then I would feed him. It took a few months before Julio began to relax around me and want attention from me.

I still cannot get him to step up onto my hand from inside the cage. Since he is plucked and has trouble with balance I need to get him a different cage with a higher grate. I want to get him one with a playtop so he can come out on his own and I can work with him better from the playtop than having him step up onto my hand and risk falling.

I feel very strongly once Julio is in a more appropriate cage where he feel more secure and can move around in better he will trust me more to be able to step up for me. Since I am keeping him and my Ex is not taking him I am working with Julio to bond to me. It is going to take time because of his past. He is a good little parrot and deserves love and as much attention and interaction as he wants.

I have never pushed Julio to accept me and go only at his pace. It will take time but I have all the time in the world because no matter what he is not going back to the rescue because my Ex does not want him anymore. I have learned to accept Julio for who he is and what ever he choose to give me I will take gladly.

The noble macaw naturally loves people and normally is one of the best companions but Julio's past hinders him and he does not trust easily. Even though he has been well taken care of in the rescue and has come out of his shell I realized he had to adjust to us, his new people.

It has been my experience that the Noble macaw is more laid back and less hyper than the Hahn's. Sometimes I think that Julio might be a hybrid between the two sub-species because of how little he is. Julio only weighs 165 grams which is on the really small side for a Noble macaw. My Mihijo use to weigh 205 grams but that is on the large side for a Noble macaw.


New member
Aug 16, 2013
Hahn's Macaw
Are the Nobles much bigger than the Hahn's ? My Hahn's is 8 months and weighs 132. I worry about her weight but a few months ago I had her to the Avian vet and he said her full grown should be around 130. She eats. We have her on ultimate which is a mix Bird Paradise makes, it is pellets, fruit, nuts and veggies plus we give her fresh veggies and fruit and our food. Lately she has been turning away from her healthy foods and wanting junk food when she sees it. She is seven months now so I would image her growing is done.

Elainevand Hahnna


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Sep 29, 2013
Finding a noble is close to impossible in my experience. They are my preference between hahns and noble.


New member
Sep 23, 2011
Valentino - Red Fronted Macaw - Hatched August 12, 2012
Noble macaw normal weight is between 180 to 190 grams. I can't remember the weight range for the Hahn's. It is very hard to find a baby Noble macaw. If you can find one consider yourself very lucky because after my Noble died it took me 6 months to find Julio and he was in rescue. If you ever go on the hunt for a Noble macaw make sure the parrot is not a hybrid with the Hahn s. I have seen that a lot.

I would think your Hahns still needs to fill out a bit. She is not even a year old yet so I still think she might gain some weight. Offer less of the unhealthy foods and more of the healthy ones is what I would be doing so I could make sure she is getting enough of the healthy stuff.

Both my Noble macaws were/are good eaters. I never had problems with either parrot being picky of foods. Julio will eat things my RFM Valentino won't. Noble macaws can be such piggies. LOL


New member
Aug 16, 2013
Hahn's Macaw
I love my Hahn's. I know the Noble was recommended as well. I would love another Hahn's or Noble but my Hahnna I do not think would tolerate sharing me:(


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Dec 11, 2013
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Thank you for the invaluable advice and sharing of your experiences. I've read this thread a few times. It took all of 2 weeks for Jasper (my Hahn's) to warm up to me. He went from not stepping up to velcro bird haha. Gosh its touching when they turn into little 'puppy birds'. Hopefully things keep going well.

Thanks again!

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