Adopting an Older Conure, and some other questions


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2012
Mitred Conure - Charlie 1994;
Cockatiel - Casey 2001;
Wild Caught ARN - Sylphie 2013
My conures have never done that, and considering that conures can display the same mating behavior, I'm not going to say if it's male or female behavior!

I watched a video of a green cheek conure, and based on the behavior everyone said female. DNA results came back male!


New member
Feb 15, 2014
Dallas area, Texas
My conure, Kiwi, is not DNA sexed. I just always called her a girl, since that's what her first owner called her.
When she's with Loki, she does the male mating behaviour. (mounting, displays, etc) but when she's being hormonal with ME she gives me female behaviour. (Tail raised, flicking wings, cooing, head bobbing, etc)
So I wouldn't trust the behaviour alone.
In my opinion, the only thing(in sexually dimorphic birds) that is as accurate, or more accurate than a DNA test is when a bird starts laying eggs. Then you KNOW you've got a girl.
Other than that, it could be either way.


New member
Mar 16, 2014
Dusky Conure, "Wynnie" (RIP little Wynnie girl)
I am only a couple of months into my first conure ownership experience, but I will say that mine wanted to be on my shoulder and only mine all the time. The first couple of weeks, it was a real battle to get her off when I needed to get dressed or leave or cook or sleep! Now she steps onto my fingers when I reach up there--but she still wants to be there all the time. Not on her playstand, not playing with her toys on my desk or the table, just on my shoulder. And she chews through my clothes, including my bra strap, and sometimes even bites my skin as part of the chewing effort. She is not trying to bite me, she is just voraciously chewing. Obviously, I had to designate a few items for this purpose and make sure that I don't even get her out of her cage until I have changed into the sacrificial clothing.
Mine was 6.5 when I got her and I think she spent a lot of time alone. She just likes to chew like crazy and even with her toys, she is mostly interested in things she can chew on.
Ours does seem to be adjusting pretty easily--considering we have zero experience about conures or parrots of any kind. Learning as we go!


New member
Mar 16, 2014
Dusky Conure, "Wynnie" (RIP little Wynnie girl)
The breeder who originally sold our dusky was certain it was a male. And this was a birdie that had been around for awhile because she was about a year old before purchased.
My cousin (whom I adopted her from) had her DNA tested, and lo & behold! It's a she!

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