Albie does not like fireworks, and now i hate them even more


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Parrot of the Month 🏆
Feb 9, 2020
Manchester, uk
Albie - Pineapple Green Cheek Conure - Hatch date 14 Dec 2019 - Gotcha date - 4 March 2020
Bon fire night. I have never seen him so distressed and panicked we had music on and the TV to try and drown out the noise . We ended up extending bed time because he simply wouldn't settle and we were afraid he was going to hurt him self. We had him out with us and he refused to leave my neck. When a big one went off, he did a panic lap of the living room. We were finally able to put him to bed at about 11 last night.

This morning he was super clingy, and screamed blue murder when I left for work this morning. It broke my heart leaving him. He was still unsettled.

Hubby has said he's eaten and had a bath and a nap this afternoon so I feel better about him, but I'm dreading tonight.

I'm at a loss of what to do now, and I don't know how to comfort him either. I wish they were banned from public purchase and limited to professional displays only!


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May 8, 2017
Green cheek conure - Sydney (Syd) Hatched 2/2017
Syd had one panic last night but was in his day cage. I went to him and talked gently, explained what it was and fed him a seed. I was also going to keep him up but decided to put him in his sleep cage in his normal room where it is dark etc. He was a bit edgy going to bed but seemed to relax as I put him in. I kept to our usual routine and heard nothing more even though there were more fireworks as the evening progressed.

I decided routine was the best plan. It worked and this morning he is as usual. Having said that there have been odd fireworks over the last few days and each time I have done the same explanation/seed routine. A couple of days ago he did the same as yours and had a panic flight hitting an overhead light. Again the same explanation and seed and gentle voice seemed to work. So I guess we have built up to it over a few days.


Aug 29, 2012
Shropshire, UK
Orange-winged Amazon - RIP Charlie,
Spock - Common Mynah,
McCoy - Alexandrine
Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear that! I'd never thought about birds being frightened.

If he flies, I wonder whether keeping him somewhere small and dark would be helpful? If he can't see any lights and can't hear any bangs would that help? Loud TV or music like youbwere doing sounds like a good idea. Maybe something unpredictable like bird sound or parrot YouTube videos, the bangs won't be so noticeable maybe?

I hope tonight goes better for you both.


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Jan 14, 2020
Mid Glamorgan,South Wales,UK
One Pineapple Conure.
Hatched late 2018.
We had the same here Stitch, Connie was very frightened,so had the TV on loud,and kept her close. It was 4 hours non stop,celebrating Guy Fawkes is a pain in the neck,a waste of money and so upsetting for dogs ( our cats werent too bad ) next door had a huge bonfire too near to our fence for comfort,had to keep going out to check it was under control. The trouble is there are still a few bangs tonight!


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Nov 22, 2015
Isle of Long, NY
Yellow Shoulder Amazon, Salty
Our dog, Tinker, becomes a slobbering, quaking mess on July 4th ( and weeks befoe and after). Salty doesn't really care one way or the other. Odd. Dogs seem to be more affected. My brother had a Golden retreiver ( a gun dog supposedly) who also came to pieces when ever she heard a gun or firework. Had to give her doggie downers to keep her sane.

I would think routine would be comforting to birds, they pick up so easily on our emotions.


Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Feb 9, 2020
Manchester, uk
Albie - Pineapple Green Cheek Conure - Hatch date 14 Dec 2019 - Gotcha date - 4 March 2020
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He's doing better tonight, seems like there's more going off as we had horrible fog last night. I'm sat next to him in the dark talking to him softly. He's settled on his sleeping perch trilling softly back to me.

My dog was an odd ball, he was never bothered by fireworks, he just snoozed through them or wanted to try and get them when we let him out to toilet. It's a first for me dealing with a pet frightened by fireworks.


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
It is very important to remember that our Parrots lock in very tightly to our emotions. When we are on edge, they will display those emotion and in some cases expand on those emotions, especially when the environment is different from normal.

Parrots love consistency /patterns that defines the World around them. Rapid, unexpected change is not something they especially enjoy.


Active member
Jan 14, 2020
Mid Glamorgan,South Wales,UK
One Pineapple Conure.
Hatched late 2018.
Ira7 I think for public displays its fine,but when you are living in a terraced house with them going off left right and centre,its very stressful. I dont mean the pretty ones,its the ones that sound like WW3 starting. Unfortunately in this area it will go on for days after Nov 5th.
When I lived in Spain they had the loud banging ones at every Fiesta,and they dont give houseroom to their dogs,most are just chained up,poor things.


Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Feb 9, 2020
Manchester, uk
Albie - Pineapple Green Cheek Conure - Hatch date 14 Dec 2019 - Gotcha date - 4 March 2020
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You want fireworks banned because it bothers the bird?

It's not just my bird being upset. What about the cats that go missing? Or the dogs? What about the dogs that need medicating because ethey are so terrified? What about the people with ptsd or sensory disorders?

What about the mess in the environment it cause and then the consequences for the farm and wild life?

I'm not calling for a total ban. I jystt want general public sales to be banned and limited to professional displays only.

Fireworks will now be going off now until after New year's and its often the ones that cause the biggest bangs or the loudest whistles.

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