All my questions and concerns about Amazons


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
Jonesy a Goffins 'Too who had to be rehomed :-(

And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
Amy had her moments growing up..especially in her pubescent stage :eek:

She chomped away on me many times,but of course that's coz I didn't know/listen to her body lingo.

She was "my" bird,and I lived with my mom and Smokey,the TAG. Amy got along well with mom,coz when I got Amy,I was a trucker,on the road all week and mom took care of her and Smokes.

Mom has been gone 10 yrs now,and Smokes passed a little over a year ago,so its me and Amy,and now BB the 'tiel I got in April.

BUT...when I got Amy, I SOCIALIZED her! My intention was to take her along with me in my big truck. She took a couple one-day trips with me,but it came clear to me that there was no way I was going to be able to set up any kind of cage with food and water and toys and the like in a bumpy tractor-trailer!
She was young...just 4 months old,and she LIKED riding in the she rides in the car. I take her out a lot. She even asks me at times "outside?in the car?" So I take her EVERYWHERE and she meets all sorts of people.

Now that she is "middle aged" lol she is a lot more mellow,and its only me and her and BB at home.
When my ex girlfriend lived here,she and Amy became good friends,and I believe its coz I socialized her a lot when she was young,and I still do,and coz she has mellowed also.

I have limited exposure with other 'zons tho..a DYH who lived here with a friend for a year and with Salty. Like others have stated,all birds are individuals,and you'll only get out of them what you put in.
I would NEVER give up Amy..I put many years of BLOOD into this relationship,and she repays me ten-fold with her love and devotion.

She proved her love and trust in me one day..we were outside in the front yard,she was walking about in the grass munching on twigs and grubs,and she climbed a near by shrub,only a foot high she went..then all of a sudden a ROBIN flew into the bush and started to attack Amy :eek: Later on I found there was a NEST in the same shrub! Poor Amy SCREAMED as I shoo'd the robin away. Amy climbed down the shrub and RAN up my pants leg,climbed my shirt,and SNUGGLED under my chin,trembling! She knew that Daddy was there to protect if that's not love and trust,I don't know what is!


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