Am I too young to have a Macaw?


New member
Nov 29, 2010
I am 13 and have loved and cared for birds for my whole life. I am going to get a Macaw and I need some help on a few things.
Many of you may be thinking I am too young to care for one or even think of having one. This is not the case. When I was 4, I got my first bird, a Budgie. He passed away last Tuesday. I have 4 other budgies, a Cockatiel, and a Green Cheeked Conure. I have already researched Macaws. I plan on learning more about them before I get one. I plan on getting mine sometime next summer. I have went onto many bird forums and have learned about macaws. I understand these, like all other birds, should not be left in a cage.
Some may say what about College, they won't let a Macaw in a Dorm! I have many Colleges near me that I plan on attending and I will stay with my parents.
My birds spend a large amount of their day outside their cages with me when I am at home. I leave at 7:30 and return home at 2:50. My birds are out of their cages from 3:00 to 7:40. When I am gone, the birds are in their large flight cages. They are situated at a corner with no drafts in a large living room. My mom runs a preschool so she is home all day. There are children running around the house in the other rooms so the birds will not be bored, in fact they seem to be amused.
As you can see, a Blue and Gold Macaw is appropriate for me and I have the determination, care, knowledge, experience, time and commitment to care for these birds.
I am worried because a lot of people have told me no but not why. I believe I am ready to own one. There can be mature teenagers who care about animals you know? Not all of them want to do drugs, have bad egos, etc.

My questions are as follows
1) Will my Macaw try to injure my other birds when they are in cages and he/she is outside?
2) I am looking for good books and websites that explain how and why parrots act the way they do, the warning signs before a parrot will bite, behavioral problems and how to fix them, you get the idea...
3) When properly trained, tamed, and socialized will a Macaw bite or nip a stranger for no reason?
4) I am also looking for very large cages, so any good websites that sell them will be appreciated.
Note, I am not looking for an Aviary , but a large cage for my Macaw.
Any other help will be gladly taken!

All help will be appreciated.


Mar 16, 2010
South Africa
Hi Mystic, welcome to THE BEST forum.

I know many adults that should not have birds or any animals - it is really not all about the age - it is about you as a person.

Why do you want a macaw?


Mar 16, 2010
South Africa
Immm, maybe you are seeing my question the wrong way due to your experiences with other forums?

It is not a trick question, I just want to know what is in your heart.;)


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Nov 29, 2010
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Thank you for the warm welcome!:)

I love birds. My parents asked me if I wanted a terrier or a kitten, and said no.
I want a Macaw because it is a life long companion. Macaws are intelligent and sociable. I have been researching them for the past year and I have decided I want a Blue and Gold Macaw. I asked on other forums and I have recieved negative replies.


New member
May 19, 2010
Lookin for a new friend!
im not being negative, But i will say your a tad young to know what will happen in your life i will be 26 in 3 weeks and i just got birds 8 months ago...I have always wanted them but my folks didnt care for the idea plus when being a teen and ridding horses and school there was no time for much...get what you like BUT it is a life long choice. I would say enjoy the wonderful animals you have now and keep the macaws as a life goal.
The first place you move when you leave mom and dads may not fit a cage that size. I know where you are coming from. I have ALWAYS wanted a african grey and NOW i have one and it was worth the wait! Just think long and hard and make the mature decision not the "what i want now decision"..GOOD LUCK let us know what you choose!
p.s. I know when i was 18-23yrs, old i was glad i had no pets. now i have 2 dogs a AG and reptiles. pet sitter are not cheap!


Mar 16, 2010
South Africa
You did not really answer my question of WHY you want a macaw.

Well you can say life long again.;) It is actually very sad to think that most of us are going to pass away before our parrots. It would be very special to grow up with your companion and reach old age together.

One of the problems that can arise is your future human relationships. I've read many threads about people complaining about their 'new' boyfriend or girlfriend who does not get on with their parrot. A lot of times the parrot suffers the consequences and ends up at another home or just simply stuffed into the garage.:( This is not something that we can predict and we always think "it wont happen to me" - but sadly it happens ALL THE TIME. This is something that you must really think about. I know at your age you dont care about the future wife but as you grow your desires and needs will also grow. Siting on this side I would simply think that if the new partner does not like my parrot then they are not worth spending my life with. But, it is not only your partner that will make this decision but also your B&G. Your B&G might decide that nobody are allowed to have you except him/her. That will really be hard on both of you. :(

The other problem is once again your desires will change. You will want to go out with friends, see places etc. and your parrot will be left alone.

I would say that the MOST IMPORTANT thing would be that you must get a hand reared baby. A fid coming from a bad background will easily dominate you. Your parrot must socialize with absolutely EVERYBODY from day one. He must not form a one on one bond with you. Your mom, dad, other brothers and sisters, friends, family, EVERYBODY must spend time with him. If you do this then the above problems that I mentioned will be easily overcome or not even be problems.

Your macaw will easily accept your future partner and will not mind at all when he visits with your mom and dad while you are away on a trip etc.

My questions are as follows
1) Will my Macaw try to injure my other birds when they are in cages and he/she is outside?

No he will not deliberately go to their cages and try and hurt them. If you get a baby you can teach him from early on to be used to your other birds and accept them.

2) I am looking for good books and websites that explain how and why parrots act the way they do, the warning signs before a parrot will bite, behavioral problems and how to fix them, you get the idea...

There are plenty out there but best is too observe your parrot and see the specific problem and handle it at that time. This is why this wonderful forum is here so we all can scratch our heads and think together.;) Parrots really do not do things by the book.:rolleyes:

3) When properly trained, tamed, and socialized will a Macaw bite or nip a stranger for no reason?

This is very hard to say because each one is different. But YES there are definitely people out there that your macaw WILL NOT like and needs to be kept away from. It is something about the person....


Mar 16, 2010
South Africa
This is a decision that your whole family must make - everybody must agree. You can not do this on your own.

If you do decide to do this on your own then it will be a very selfish decision towards your macaw, your whole family and your future self. Somebody will get hurt and from experience we all know it will be the macaw - once again.:(


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Hamilton, Victoria, Australia
See siggie :)
Hi dude ( no pun intended )! I'm twelve and definitely NOT ready for a macaw, at all. For one thing, my family would not agree, and the other, I barely have enough time for my beautiful budgies with school work and everything. Every person is different, but there is a few questions you must ask yourself:
1# Is the whole family aware of the situation, how much they cost, how much time they need and the balanced diet they need, and willing to cooperate?
2# How much time can you devote to it, with school and stuff?
3# Can you provide a balanced diet for it?
4# Are you prepared to deal with any issues that arise ( biting, plucking, illnesses ect. )?
5# Are you prepared to spend $5000+ for everything it needs ( vet bills ( yearly ), toys, food, cage, the bird itself )?

I really do see your perspective, as I wish to start a parrot and softbill shelter. Once upon a time, I wanted a macaw as well. I thought because of their size, budgies were worthless, disposeable pets ( OMG!!! ). That isn't true. Then I figured it out. Small doesn't mean small personallity. Which ever desision you come to, it will be right for YOU. If YOU believe you and your family are ready for a macaw, YOU have made the choice. WE can't see into your life, and influence your choice. If people say you aren't ready, which I am not, they could be wrong.


New member
Nov 3, 2010
belfast, northern ireland
vincent-b/g macaw archie-alexandrine and coming in june greenwing macaw and millitary macaw this year too fingers crossed
yea its a very expensive bird to set up right not sure what price u pay in states for a macaw. that on top of ur cage as u need the biggest cage poss.

they are very expensive to set up. i wanted a macaw most of my young live then once i turned 30 i got my ble and gold vincent hes bout 21 weeks i got him from being weaned if u know what ur getting in to and u can afford to keep him and are sure u have the time then go for it i say

i would of loved one at 13 but i was young and out playing etc and wouldnt of had the time

but realy sit down with ur whole family and talk this thro let ur parents see this thread even for them to make their minds up with u. just please dont rush in to it because there is so many macaws and parrots of alsorts being passed from owner to owner, and ending up at rescue centres world wide
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New member
Oct 22, 2010
south wales UK
Angel the blue and gold macaw, mimsy the lesser sulphur too, rocky the galah & willow the blue crowned conure.
they are great pets but REALLY hard work! they have a loud screech and are destructive, beau (my b & g) has eaten the door and frame, chewed the windowsil, chewed the coffee table, ripped wallpaper off and yesterday chewed through the phone cable! they are like toddlers and get into everything.
a cage will cost around £400, all the toys, food etc can add up.

parrots for dummies is a great book for research.

good luck if you decide to go ahead, like i said they are great companions and like LOTS of attention, tickles and cuddles! xxx


Mar 16, 2010
South Africa
they are great pets but REALLY hard work! they have a loud screech and are destructive, beau (my b & g) has eaten the door and frame, chewed the windowsil, chewed the coffee table, ripped wallpaper off and yesterday chewed through the phone cable! they are like toddlers and get into everything.

That is just too preciously funny, I know it is not so funny on your side thou!:D I remember my mother on several occasions wanting to 'ring Toms neck' because of her furniture! They also eat like a child - forever - and I remember Tom getting bored with the same thing very fast. Although Tom was a boy he used to copy my moms voice exactly! He would call me or my brother or sister and then we would come running to my mom asking if she called. He used to crack out laughing at us because we fell for it AGAIN and again. Then sometimes we ignored the calling and it was really my mom and we got into BIG trouble because we did not listen. :rolleyes: I also remember times when Tom called and we ignored him and he used to sulk very badly.

It is like ignoring a human child... It hurts them.


New member
Nov 3, 2010
belfast, northern ireland
vincent-b/g macaw archie-alexandrine and coming in june greenwing macaw and millitary macaw this year too fingers crossed
good god melly mine is a angel just wrecks his toys, do u not keep an eye on him so he dosent wreck anything we have vince taught not to even thin k of wrecking house lol all i say is no vincent and he knows lol
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Mar 16, 2010
South Africa
good god melly mine is a angel just wrecks his toys, do u not keep an eye on him so he dosent wreck anything we have vince taught not to even thin k of wrecking house lol all i say is no vincent and he knows lol

I am the rebel in the house, naughty like you cant believe. My sister is an angel never putting a foot wrong. We have the same parents. I suppose it goes exactly the same with our parrots - one is good and one is naughty no matter how you train him. Ours was almost never inside his cage, I hate cages.


New member
Oct 22, 2010
south wales UK
Angel the blue and gold macaw, mimsy the lesser sulphur too, rocky the galah & willow the blue crowned conure.
he has loads of wooden toys but he'll only play with them if you play too! he chews the walls etc if i answer the door, put kettle on etc, i think he's testing the waters!
i bought some nibble deterent specially for birds, but beau licked it all off and then started to chew again!
i think he's getting the message, everytime he goes to chomp furniture i pick him up and say no and put him on a perch, i think he's doing it to make me get up, he has a glint in his eye just before he does it! i love him though, its just attention seeking like a baby x


New member
Nov 3, 2010
belfast, northern ireland
vincent-b/g macaw archie-alexandrine and coming in june greenwing macaw and millitary macaw this year too fingers crossed
i know what u mean ours is out of his cge from 9 in moring till bed time lol


New member
Nov 3, 2010
belfast, northern ireland
vincent-b/g macaw archie-alexandrine and coming in june greenwing macaw and millitary macaw this year too fingers crossed
anytime vince is bad he goes to his cage for time out aswel


New member
Oct 22, 2010
south wales UK
Angel the blue and gold macaw, mimsy the lesser sulphur too, rocky the galah & willow the blue crowned conure.
yeah i give beau time out, i think its good for them to be in his cage during the day sometimes to nap, preen and eat. beau comes out when i wake up and his bed time is 6pm, he is in a routine and is happy to go in then, he does all his parrotty things x


New member
Jan 9, 2010
McKinney, TX
Max - Alexandrine, Jade - Red-Front Macaw, Ruby - CAG
Kudos to you for doing your research! I try very hard not to tell anyone that they can't do something due to their age. But there are other life situations that should be considered carefully - which are all pointed out by previous posters.

The most significant is that you have some pretty significant life changes in the next 5-10 years. This isn't an impossible hurdle, but you have to accept and plan on your macaw spending at least some time with your parents as caregivers between now and when you start your first real job.

The relationship issue is something we all need to be aware of. It doesn't even have to be a significant other, it can be any new person in your life. But when it's someone who shares your home with the macaw, it gets trickier.

Personally, I think you need to do research with your parents and make sure everyone understands what they're getting into. Good luck and please let us know if you have any other questions.


Aug 20, 2009
Just the fact that you are asking this question lets us know you have concerns about your age. With parrots one must be 100% sure of what they are doing or the bird will end up joining the thousands of homless birds that are given up for many reasons.

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