An update and a scary dream

Pheonix Rising

New member
Oct 9, 2010
New Zealand
Pheonix-Alexandrine parrot
1 September 2010
mikki- barrarand x king parrot
21yrs young ;)
Well 1st my scary dream and gee did I get a fright I actually ran out to check pheonix was ok

dreamt last night that pheonix had fallen somehow and gotten himself badly injured. He could hardly walk his feathers were all ruined and his head would not lift up. He had to push it around on the paper when he tried to walk
I remember in my dream picking him up and seeing just stubs for his toes
I looked closer and all his toe nails had been chewed out by rats

I was scared for hours
I sat in my kitchen crying and cuddling him for about an hour at 3am this morning
no wonder he wad frumpy with me today

As for the update he is doing fantastic and flying like a trooper
I'm glad I left him unclipped as he seemed to work out his aggression on his own and is now a little sweetheart

He wants out 1sr thing in the morning once I'm up and will fly straight to my head and then proceed to run up and down my arm attacking the spoon while I make his breakfast
then he's off to his tree while I get the kids ready for school etc

He will fly down onto me when he wants attention and is learning his tricks really well
I can touch him anywhere and everywhere pull ( gently ) on his wings and beak
I can turn him upside down or lay him on his back

We make regulat trips to our local vets office and the cafe to get socialized etc and is improving more each time
he will now sit on a strangers arm without trying to attack them so now it's just working on them being able to touch him and then touching him while he's on me
it's great the vets is only 5 min from my house the girls all love him and ring me up when they quiet so I pop down for a visit
they not bird vets as only one in whole nz but it gets him used to the cage and the looks smells etc of the vets

Sorry for the essay I'm just so proud and in love with my little champ :D
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i would react the same exact way except ur dream was real life for me but not as graphic as ur dream with my tiel i woke up to a helpless type screech but wasnt that loud but since ive heard it before it woke me up and scared me i ran down and found him on the bottom of the cage disoriented and what looked like vomit so i called the local vet and of course the doctor i see was out of town on vacation so the next closest one they were doing a emergency c section on who knows what kinda animal so i had to travel a good 45 mins to the next closest vet and a mile before i got there my tiel had past away that day was really rough on me and it upsets me that i had to travel almost 45 mins for an emergency when i could have traveled like 5 mins and maybe had my tiel saved.
thank god it was a dream! i would be the same, in fact the other day i was reading an article about a woman who had her home broken into and they stole her 11 year old cag. well the other night a loud noise woke me up, i went flying down the stairs, grabbed a poker, ran into the kitchen and......
the cat was looking at me, she's jumped into her radiator bed which slipped and made the noise!
better safe then sorry! x
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O I'm so terribly sorry for your loss things really were not on your side that day
but being thr glass half full person I an I believe something good will come from it and I'm sure one day soon if not already you'll find thr greatest birdy friend you could possibly ask for
may your teil rest in peace and fly free
O I'm so terribly sorry for your loss things really were not on your side that day
but being thr glass half full person I an I believe something good will come from it and I'm sure one day soon if not already you'll find thr greatest birdy friend you could possibly ask for
may your teil rest in peace and fly free

well i just brought home my new feathered friend and its a black capped conure(aka Rocky) and he is frickin awesome when i first went into the bird store and was handling the different birds when i started playing with Rocky i felt a conection like i had with my tiel. that sounds corny but oh well
thats awesome cg, post some pics of rocky!
here ya go i also have a thread under the conure part its called "Rocky" and i have photos under there as well


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Oh poor you :(

Nightmares are the pits.

Puts me in mind of a few weeks before I had Cal. I've never had a recurring dream before.

I dreamt I was asleep in the spare room (why?? lol) and when I opened my eyes there was a green budgie on the bedside table. I picked him up and went through to the living room. There was a cage there so I popped him in.

A few nights later I had the exact same dream except when I opened my eyes, he was hovering above me surrounded by flies, skin and bone. It was HORRIFYING.

I am 27 years old, my husband was sound asleep beside me, it was 11pm and I was up at 4am. I actually phoned my mother LOL!

I don't know what it meant but it makes me cold even now thinking of my poor dream budgie.

Glad that Pheonix is thriving, he sounds like he's a really sweet natured bird!
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Gees Von that is scary I would be freaked about getting my bird after that
You should look it up on a dream interpreter you may be suprised
death usually is not death though when it cones to dreams

And I promise pics soon

Ps rockys owner Super cute it always leaves me in awe at the markings of birds feathers. I love his little neck band It is gorgeous

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