Anyone know what this could be. Emergency?


New member
Aug 16, 2013
Hahn's Macaw
This is not my parrot. This came across my FB page. The woman that owns it is located in the Phillapines and is inable to locate an Avian vet. She claims she has had this baby to a regular local bet but the vet has no idea what it is. This is breaking my heart. We have all suggested she work harder to get this parrot help. It is obvious he is suffering. She said it has occured over a three week period and started as a little pimple like bump. She thinks this baby may now be blind in the one eye. I know this parrot needs a vet NOW but I thought Imwould post here with the picture in case anyone on here may have an idea as to what this may be. Internet help is better then no help and at this time it looks like this is all that will be done for this parrot:(. I was wondering if it could,be ring worm. She mentioned on her personal page dec 23 post that both the sog and parrot were sick. Could be a coincidence or maybe it is related, do not know. On January 3 she has a pic of the parrot posted and it looks ok but this picture posted now is heart breaking. Anyone? This is an Amazon. I am just trying to help this parrot as honestly I do not believe the owner is being diligent enough in trying to find help for her baby. I thought this would be better then no help. I just feel like crying for this poor thing. Thanks. Elaine and Hahnna
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This is not my parrot. This came across my FB page. The woman that owns it is located in the Phillapines and is inable to locate an Avian vet. She claims she has had this baby to a regular local bet but the vet has no idea what it is. This is breaking my heart. We have all suggested she work harder to get this parrot help. It is obvious he is suffering. She said it has occured over a three week period and started as a little pimple like bump. She thinks this baby may now be blind in the one eye. I know this parrot needs a vet NOW but I thought Imwould post here with the picture in case anyone on here may have an idea as to what this may be. Internet help is better then no help and at this time it looks like this is all that will be done for this parrot:(. I was wondering if it could,be ring worm. She mentioned on her personal page dec 23 post that both the sog and parrot were sick. Could be a coincidence or maybe it is related, do not know. On January 3 she has a pic of the parrot posted and it looks ok but this picture posted now is heart breaking. Anyone? This is an Amazon. I am just trying to help this parrot as honestly I do not believe the owner is being diligent enough in trying to find help for her baby. I thought this would be better then no help. I just feel like crying for this poor thing. Thanks. Elaine and Hahnna

If it were ringworm then the owner would have it. You can tell if it is ringworm under a black light. Could be beak and feather disease. The bird looks really sick. Poor thing
That is horrific. There probably isn't an avian vet near her, and unfortunately without some professional help this poor bird will continue to suffer. I've never even seen anything like that, it almost looks like his face has been burned :(
So very sad I agree. It's not an Amazon (smaller, slightly different characteristics) but the main thing is getting the poor little guy some help. That really looks awful. How about googling 'chat with a vet' or 'Q and A with avian vet' or something like that... I could swear I've seen this sort of thing on the internet. Better than nothing. So kind of you to seek help for the owner. Good luck!
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So very sad I agree. It's not an Amazon (smaller, slightly different characteristics) but the main thing is getting the poor little guy some help. That really looks awful. How about googling 'chat with a vet' or 'Q and A with avian vet' or something like that... I could swear I've seen this sort of thing on the internet. Better than nothing. So kind of you to seek help for the owner. Good luck!

Oh I had no idea. The woman probably was told when she bought it that it was because she posted that it was a blue naped amazon. Thank you.
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And yes. She did not post about her dog being sick but I went on her FB page to see if I could see anything that could have caused it and I noticed on Dec 23 she posted that both her parrot and the dog were both sick. It may be unrelated but I thought it was worth mentioning.
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Lol. Sorry for the typo. I have Hahnna my Hahn's sitting with me and she is walking all over my keys. She likes to help me type. Lol
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And yes, I never saw anything like this either. She said it started with a tiny pimple like bump. I googled and cannot see anything. Someone on the thread said maybe mites but idk just did not make sense to me. I think it would effect more then this one area. It hurts me so much to see any animal in distress with no help. Thank you all.
Oh I had no idea. The woman probably was told when she bought it that it was because she posted that it was a blue naped amazon. Thank you.

Oh a Philippine Blue Naped parrot! Not common in US but I know a lady who has one :)
I hope that somehow this little guy can get some sort of help and soon. Looks like it's been going on for some time.
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This is what the bird looked like on January 3. She said it is currently about 1.5 years old. The pet trade in the Phillapines is horrendous.
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Staph infection???
Aw, now why did you have to show the cute pic :( jk
Now it's even more heartbreaking. He's adorable. January 3rd it was barely starting... Now look less than a month later. Very sad.
OMG, that is horrendous!...that poor poor bird, how it must be suffering so!!

I haven't seen anything like that, but if you go on google, and type "scaly face mites" this takes on many different looks.
I'm not saying it IS this, but is resembles this...I'm curious to know what the dog had.

gosh you just want to grab that bird and take him to a A-Vet immediately.....
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Yeah i know. It is really upsetting. I will google scaly face mites and also staph infection as someone else suggested. Thank you. I just want to try and bring some relief for this poor baby. I posted asking what was wrong with the dog but no response as of yet.
That poor, poor bird. I cannot believe the difference in those 2 pictures. My heart is breaking:(
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The woman just responded, the dog had a cold and is fine now so it was un related. I googled the scaly face mites and yes it does resemble that. I fear this bird is gojng to die, this woman posted thanks for everyone's concern praying he heals. Duh he is not gojng to heal, he needs medicine.ugh! I posted some different medicines that are reccomended for the scaly face mites. At this stage a shot in the dark is better then doing nothing. Thank you all again. Just so disturbing.
How horrifying :( the poor baby. And he was so beautiful. :'-(

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