Are you kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mar 8, 2010
Washington State
Riley-white faced grey cockatiel (hatch date 6-28-2014) RIP Halloween-pied cockatiel
It has been 2 DAYS since Halloween died her tradgic death and my family has already purchased a baby that is being hand fed and they aren't able to pick up for another 6 weeks but seriously what is wrong with these people I said I didn't want to get another one. Not right now anyways. They paid the full price of the baby and can't get their money back so it looks as if I will have another cockatiel in about 6 more weeks. So my top prioity for this new baby is to scrub down all perches (and throw away the one that had Halloweens blood on it), scrub food dishes, buy new toys and either throw away the ones Halloween had and buy replacements or give the old ones to my grandmother and her 10 parakeets, MOST IMPORTANTLY buy a new cage.
Oh, Colourgarde, I know how hard this must be for you, I am so sorry. Losing a much loved pet is like losing a family member, I get it, but maybe they dont.
Your family love you and knew how much you loved Halloween. They would have seen how distraught you were and thought they were doing the right thing - for you. Please dont be angry at them. You still have 6 weeks before this new birdy comes home, and you may, or may not, feel differently then. Whatever happens, I hope the little baby bird finds a new home, whether it be with you or someone else, but you must do what is right for you. Thinking of you.
I hope you can deal with all of this. People do need some time between birds but you have a while yet. Hope the new cage you get is bar spacing of 1/2 inch.
Awwww....don't fret, I have a feeling when you set your eyes on this new hand fed/tame baby tiel...your heart will just melt.

I've lost many many pets in my life, natural causes and tragic accidents alike. And when I lost my Chaco Bird (my first tiel) I was devastated, like you.

I now have 4 tiels! Hahhaha, and I love them all sooo very much. I talk about Chaco bird all the time, especially when I see one of our tiels do something similar to what Chaco used to do. I'll say...awww...Chaco used to do that.

Our new tiels do not replace Chaco, and I'll never forget him. But I found room in my heart to love others. And I think you will to.

I know it's soon after your loss, but 6 weeks from now, you might feel differently. And although you want to dwell on the sorrow, it's not always the right path and I have a feeling, from experience, that you will find happiness in healing and bonding with your new baby.

Colorguard08 I can only imagine how much you miss Halloween and I understand your not wanting to think about getting another bird so soon, but I have to think your parents love you and was only trying to help ease your pain. Please don't be angry at them and when it comes time to bring your new baby home remember it will need you and all the love you can give it. Do not feel guilty about loving a new bird. I think Halloween would want you to have another friend to love. Good luck and remember our animals are a gift from God to us as they are so dependent on us for love and their survival just as we are on Him. Peace......Critterman
Critterman, you said exactly what I was thinking. This is another little life that will love you unconditionally and needs you. Don't compare the two birds. This one is a fresh start with a little one who wants your love and to make you smile.
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I'm not mad about them thinking they are doing the right thing I am mad because when I told them about what happened literally tears streaming down my face as I tried to describe to them how I found her and they know how I have always taken an animals death hard. I love my animals dearly and thinking about how I found Halloween still makes me sick to my stomach which is not an easy thing to do. And I am starting to come around to accepting the new baby. I am going to choose one of the 5 next week. The cage I had Halloween in had 1/2" bar spacing and somehow her wings still got caught, the vet had to cut a few of the bars to get her out, which is partly why the vet doesn't even know how it happened.

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