baby grey's progress.


New member
Mar 6, 2012
Sun Conure (Clifford), two budgies (Odin and Diana), and CAG (Bongo)
Well, he definatley knows me, and he knows when its time for me to get there. The breeder said that he woke up and stood by the cage door for 5 minuets waiting for me. When I put him back in his cage he threw a FIT! poor baby.

I forgot to ask the breeder when a good age it to introduce toys. Right now they have a stuffed teddy bear that they love, but they still have a hard time doing the smallest things like standing on a perch, or gripping things at all. But he/she tries to play with my hair and the buttons on my shirt. Today, one of my buttons was the victim of his boredom! Any ideas on what I can bring with me for him to play with?

I think hes doing well, he seems to be able to bite things better, he
loooooves sweet potatoes and peas, bleck, I dont even like those! Aaaand, he is starting to climb the cage bars. He is still so akwardly clumsy, and when he tries to drink water he usually ends up with a soaked head! Maybe that will make him like baths?!

Everyday I try and place his big ol feel on my finger to try and get him to perch there, protected by my other hand of course, and he seems to be latching on a little bit more. He already trys to scoot up on my shoulder, but I scoot him right back down!

Today he was playig with the towel on top of his cage and all of the sudden he started flapping his wings soooooo fast and let out his first little grey sqwak! I was so proud. But the excitement made him fall over. lol. Sorry for babbling, I'm just new at the "baby" thing and want to make sure hes progressing normally.
Sounds so lovely, my only worry about this is that clifford might be getting a little left out in all the excitement? You have two wonderful birds, not just one wonderful baby. No offence intended. I'm sure clifford can pick up on all the excitement just as you're about to leave to go visit your cag.

Please don't hesitate to get more pictures of him/her. Looking forward to when you get to bring him/her back, that's when the real fun will begin for you all :D.

Four wonderful birds* my error!
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Actually, and dont worry I wansn't offended, I go see the baby on my lunch break at work. I get an hour to eat and to play with him. Once I get off work I don't leave the house so Clifford gets all of my attention at night time. He has no idea when I leave to go see the baby because I leave from work, not from home. I'm sorry if I seem like I'm leaving him out or don't love him just as much, actually I love him more because I know him better ;-)
I'm still working with Clifford too, so he gets a good 5 hours a day of out of the cage playtime and training time. He's actually making some really great progress! He is out of the cage all day saturday and sunday, and we were discussing taking him with us on the weekends to go see the baby. For one he needs his wings and toes done, and two, I think it would be a great expierence for him to know that when we go in the car, its to go somewhere fun and visit other birds, and play! Plus it may make the transition easier for him when we do bring the new baby home if he has met him before.
I loooooove Clifford! and would not trade him for anything in the whole world.
And yes, 4 wonderful birds, Dont worry about the budgies either, they are just as much a part of the family as the rest of the zoo! Though taming them is a very very very slooooow process that may or may not ever produce results, but I work with them everyday as well.
He sounds so cute! It's been a long time since I've had a young baby. I bet Wulfgeist can give you some good ideas on how to play with him right now.
Actually, and dont worry I wansn't offended, I go see the baby on my lunch break at work. I get an hour to eat and to play with him. Once I get off work I don't leave the house so Clifford gets all of my attention at night time. He has no idea when I leave to go see the baby because I leave from work, not from home. I'm sorry if I seem like I'm leaving him out or don't love him just as much, actually I love him more because I know him better ;-)
I'm still working with Clifford too, so he gets a good 5 hours a day of out of the cage playtime and training time. He's actually making some really great progress! He is out of the cage all day saturday and sunday, and we were discussing taking him with us on the weekends to go see the baby. For one he needs his wings and toes done, and two, I think it would be a great expierence for him to know that when we go in the car, its to go somewhere fun and visit other birds, and play! Plus it may make the transition easier for him when we do bring the new baby home if he has met him before.
I loooooove Clifford! and would not trade him for anything in the whole world.
And yes, 4 wonderful birds, Dont worry about the budgies either, they are just as much a part of the family as the rest of the zoo! Though taming them is a very very very slooooow process that may or may not ever produce results, but I work with them everyday as well.

I make the same mistake with my budgie's sometimes, people presume I have only 1 bird, when in reality, I had 7 (now just 3)!

I just get a bit anxious when people are getting a new pet, a lot of people seem to shove out 'ye ol faithful' because something 'cooler' and new has come along. :rolleyes:

Glad to see that's not the case - and it's awesome you get to see your Grey during your work break and spend so much time with it before you're able to bring them home.

Merlin loves car trips because it's almost never to go to the vet (which he doesn't mind anyway!) we go on public transport an awful lot with Merlin and he appreciates the attention, the noise and the sights. In the car he likes the radio, gets to see things wooshing by and just generally has a blast. So I think it's a brilliant idea for Clifford, especially if he gets any sort of anxiety/ motion sickness, more enjoyable trips will make that easier for him :)
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He sounds so cute! It's been a long time since I've had a young baby. I bet Wulfgeist can give you some good ideas on how to play with him right now.
Thanks Roxy, I'll send wulfgeist a message :)
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Actually, and dont worry I wansn't offended, I go see the baby on my lunch break at work. I get an hour to eat and to play with him. Once I get off work I don't leave the house so Clifford gets all of my attention at night time. He has no idea when I leave to go see the baby because I leave from work, not from home. I'm sorry if I seem like I'm leaving him out or don't love him just as much, actually I love him more because I know him better ;-)
I'm still working with Clifford too, so he gets a good 5 hours a day of out of the cage playtime and training time. He's actually making some really great progress! He is out of the cage all day saturday and sunday, and we were discussing taking him with us on the weekends to go see the baby. For one he needs his wings and toes done, and two, I think it would be a great expierence for him to know that when we go in the car, its to go somewhere fun and visit other birds, and play! Plus it may make the transition easier for him when we do bring the new baby home if he has met him before.
I loooooove Clifford! and would not trade him for anything in the whole world.
And yes, 4 wonderful birds, Dont worry about the budgies either, they are just as much a part of the family as the rest of the zoo! Though taming them is a very very very slooooow process that may or may not ever produce results, but I work with them everyday as well.

I make the same mistake with my budgie's sometimes, people presume I have only 1 bird, when in reality, I had 7 (now just 3)!

I just get a bit anxious when people are getting a new pet, a lot of people seem to shove out 'ye ol faithful' because something 'cooler' and new has come along. :rolleyes:

Glad to see that's not the case - and it's awesome you get to see your Grey during your work break and spend so much time with it before you're able to bring them home.

Merlin loves car trips because it's almost never to go to the vet (which he doesn't mind anyway!) we go on public transport an awful lot with Merlin and he appreciates the attention, the noise and the sights. In the car he likes the radio, gets to see things wooshing by and just generally has a blast. So I think it's a brilliant idea for Clifford, especially if he gets any sort of anxiety/ motion sickness, more enjoyable trips will make that easier for him :)
Only thing I'm worried about, because he still won't step up, is that I will have to towel him to get him into the pet carrier. Last time I toweled him he loved it and cuddled up and went to sleep. May not be the case this time and I dont want him to get mad at me while we are making so much progress. It would be terrible to go backwards. :-(
It sounds to me like you are off to a pretty good start with the baby. I forget, did you say you ordered or were going to get a gender test done? Hated that part with Jasper, waiting to see and having to call him *it* lol.

As far as playing they did have a couple toys in his cage. They sent them home with him but he hasn't touched them that I know of. (and why should he when he has a whole big box full of brand spanking new toys to play with??)

The clumsiness I bet will sort of pass. Jasper is still going through it, he was in a baby cage due to the birds they had in at the time and lack of space. They have the little spacing and there's not as much climbing to do in there. Plus remember too when he or she comes home they are going to have to learn a new cage and get comfortable negotiating in it. Jasper is starting to get his down but he still has his slips and trips from time to time. I had to take out the big kabob chew thing I had in there, it was in his way.

Toys are pretty easy, he loves the coloured popcicle sticks that came in one of his toys but alas over half of them are gone now due to him making them into toothpicks. Little things like that, simple things, can make the best foot toys. Of course you know to make sure they aren't of a toxic material. Things he can tear up and shred he likes best. Puzzle toys are good because of their intelligence.

Hope that works..lots of the foraging and puzzle type toys there. I actually have alot of those on those pages now. :eek:

I haven't actually played with him yet. I hold him, talk to him and give him scritches. He is yet learning the house and isn't totally comfortable stepping down onto the bed or a towel covered surface yet. He does the flapping though and loves it. It's good exercise for them and probably helps release tension. When I take Jasper onto my hand that's the first thing he wants to do so I lift my hand up so it's away from him hitting anything and he goes to town. He's also lately figured out how to climb up on top of the hook and go crazy flapping. I'm afraid when I let his wings grow out he's going to lift off with that thing. :11:

And I don't think you have to worry about Cifford being ignored. I was worried Tico might be jealous but he still gets plenty of attention and I sort of look to him to be the "big brother". I didn't absolutely quarentine them as you are supposed to do but I did wash my hands and whatnot in between handling them. They aren't in the same room but where Tico's cage is he can still see and interact with me and he and Jasper can somewhat see one another. Yes I'm bad, I know, it could have cost me but I was confident they both were healthy.


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It sounds to me like you are off to a pretty good start with the baby. I forget, did you say you ordered or were going to get a gender test done? Hated that part with Jasper, waiting to see and having to call him *it* lol.

As far as playing they did have a couple toys in his cage. They sent them home with him but he hasn't touched them that I know of. (and why should he when he has a whole big box full of brand spanking new toys to play with??)

The clumsiness I bet will sort of pass. Jasper is still going through it, he was in a baby cage due to the birds they had in at the time and lack of space. They have the little spacing and there's not as much climbing to do in there. Plus remember too when he or she comes home they are going to have to learn a new cage and get comfortable negotiating in it. Jasper is starting to get his down but he still has his slips and trips from time to time. I had to take out the big kabob chew thing I had in there, it was in his way.

Toys are pretty easy, he loves the coloured popcicle sticks that came in one of his toys but alas over half of them are gone now due to him making them into toothpicks. Little things like that, simple things, can make the best foot toys. Of course you know to make sure they aren't of a toxic material. Things he can tear up and shred he likes best. Puzzle toys are good because of their intelligence.

Hope that works..lots of the foraging and puzzle type toys there. I actually have alot of those on those pages now. :eek:

I haven't actually played with him yet. I hold him, talk to him and give him scritches. He is yet learning the house and isn't totally comfortable stepping down onto the bed or a towel covered surface yet. He does the flapping though and loves it. It's good exercise for them and probably helps release tension. When I take Jasper onto my hand that's the first thing he wants to do so I lift my hand up so it's away from him hitting anything and he goes to town. He's also lately figured out how to climb up on top of the hook and go crazy flapping. I'm afraid when I let his wings grow out he's going to lift off with that thing. :11:

And I don't think you have to worry about Cifford being ignored. I was worried Tico might be jealous but he still gets plenty of attention and I sort of look to him to be the "big brother". I didn't absolutely quarentine them as you are supposed to do but I did wash my hands and whatnot in between handling them. They aren't in the same room but where Tico's cage is he can still see and interact with me and he and Jasper can somewhat see one another. Yes I'm bad, I know, it could have cost me but I was confident they both were healthy.
thank you! That helps a lot and what a pretty baby you have!!!!! Nice set up too:)

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