Be Careful Rehoming/boarding(Also requesting information, if you have it)


New member
Sep 20, 2011
I recently had to move to California for graduate school and, since Quakers are not allowed there, I had to find a new place for my Quaker baby of ten years. I found someone I believed to be reputable and, after visiting to see the living arrangements, left my Quaker with her. We agreed that I could come see her on holidays and that I could have her back after I finished school.

Three days after I left my fid with this person (I was on the road at this point), the person emailed me to tell me that my bird had died. I was horribly distraught and asked for more information, but the person simply stated that they had thrown out all of my bird's belongings and buried my bird a state away. They then said not to email them anymore and stopped communicating, replying to no emails or phone calls. My family was suspicious and we began to investigate. My vet told me that someone called and asked whether my bird was microchipped (she was not), and then we found a post online by the same person stating that they had taken my bird and given her away. The post contained some inaccurate information (about the bird's living conditions and my situation), but we could tell it was the same person.

If anyone in Ohio or in a nearby state has recently acquired a new female Quaker, whether purchased or rehomed, I would greatly appreciate it if you would contact me to see whether it is my baby. If you are also considering leaving your Quaker with someone, I would also suggest contacting me to make sure the person you leave him/her with is not the same person who did this to me. No one should have to go through this again.

Any advice or other help would be greatly appreciated. I'm heartbroken over this and my trust in humanity is greatly shaken. Thank you for your help.


Sep 13, 2011
Sonny Sun Conure
Have you contacted the police? It sounds like you had a verbal contract, I dont know the legalities of it but it would be worth looking into. Also once authorities were involved, you could find out where they claimed to bury him, prove that he is not there, and perhaps use that as evidence against them. I dont imagine you want to take it that far though, it sounds like you just want your Quaker back :(


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Merlin & Charlie (Senegals)
Oh goodness :( I'm so so sorry for this happening to you, what a horrible scam!

I hope you get your Quaker back. How horrible xo


New member
Jul 31, 2011
South Carolina
Blue Crowned Conure,
Lineolated Parakeet,
Diamond Dove,
Star Finch,
Spice Finch
I am so sorry this happened to you. I hope you find her, or if not, I hope she finds her way to a loving family and away from that crackpot.
I just want to walk up to someone like that and just punch them.
Oh, I would contact them again...and again, and again and annoy the everloving crap out of them until you found your bird. Document every conversation in case you have to go to the police to solve this.


New member
Jul 31, 2011
South Carolina
Blue Crowned Conure,
Lineolated Parakeet,
Diamond Dove,
Star Finch,
Spice Finch
Are they advertising on Craigslist? If so, put your own ad up with all their info and let everybody know what they are all about.
We had someone like that here, and the people on craigslist figured out who he was, and posted things about him so no one else would get taken.

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