Big update!

WHAT!!!!???? Miss Tabitha Q. Brown has just admitted she likes dressage!?!?!?!?! Call the press! Call the ambos! Call the fireys! Call the police! LOL! I knew it would grow on you - you're too clever for it not to. A BHS is a British Horse Society instructor's certificate. They're quite desirable, even these days and especially in Oz, since we don't have a standard of equine competence. Yet. I figured A-J is so knowledgeable, she's probably got one. I bet it feels great riding Kyros! He's going to have a huge stride on him (even more so than he does now - just wait until you get his extended trot going - you'll need wings! Or floaties. :D).
Best of luck to you. Keep in touch when you can.
That picture Fargo painted is gorgeous! You should get him to paint a few, gets footage of him painting and sell them to raise money for shelters =D

Kyros is looking great and that's awesome all of the competing you will be doing =D I should really bring Andy back into work again and stop being so lazy!

I hardly know you so this probably sounds odd but im really proud of everything you are doing! So dedicated juggling Uni and all of your animals =D You should be really proud of yourself!!
And good effort jumping in a dressage saddle!! Haha i used to do it and HATED it!! But my dressage saddle that i have now has giant knee blocks so it would be about impossible! haha
I'm do glad to hear your enjoying college. :) It amazes me you juggle everything in your life so well. Good luck to you Tab. I look forward to future updates, especially about you and Fargo. My kids love his videos and pics. ;)

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