Budgie constantly wants attention from partner


New member
Mar 22, 2024
2 parakeets
I have had two female parakeets since September 2021, and they have been together that whole time. Over the past several months, one bird has become extremely clingy with the other one. She constantly wants her attention and won’t stop pestering her. This often causes them to get scrappy with each other and I worry that they might get hurt. I’ve also noticed that neither one of them is particularly interested in toys. They both used to play with toys a lot when they were little, but now they’ve completely lost interest in any kind of toy, and believe me, I’ve tried just about every kind of toy there is. I’m at my wits’ end. I don’t know what to do beyond putting them in separate cage. Help would be very much appreciated.

Free as a bird

Well-known member
Jul 29, 2023
2 cockatiels
I have had two female parakeets since September 2021, and they have been together that whole time. Over the past several months, one bird has become extremely clingy with the other one. She constantly wants her attention and won’t stop pestering her. This often causes them to get scrappy with each other and I worry that they might get hurt. I’ve also noticed that neither one of them is particularly interested in toys. They both used to play with toys a lot when they were little, but now they’ve completely lost interest in any kind of toy, and believe me, I’ve tried just about every kind of toy there is. I’m at my wits’ end. I don’t know what to do beyond putting them in separate cage. Help would be very much appreciated.
Hi and welcome to the forum.
If one budgie is always pursuing the other and it's causing constant bickering and fighting then the only thing to do is to separate them I think. Those budgies thend to loose interest in toys as they get older. Basic stuff like string and paper are usually a favourite of theirs


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Jan 9, 2023
Quaker, 2 budgies
This might seem like a silly question, but are you 100% sure they are both female? I only ask because what you are describing sounds like the behavior of a male pursuing a female and some color mutations of budgies make it hard to tell gender.

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