Budgies and other birds


New member
Jul 14, 2020
I have 4 Budgies: Yellow, Blueberry, Rio, and Grindelwald.
In the somewhat near future, I am thinking about getting a bigger bird. I’m debating between Quakers, Conures (more specifically Sun Conures), or Lovebirds. Which of these would get along best with our budgies? I know it would essentially come down to the bird itself, but which is most likely to get along with them the best? Obviously they would never be housed together, but after quarantine, putting cages close together, cautious introductions, and slowly letting them play outside the cage at the same time, I would like to be able to give them all free flight of the house at the same time while we are home and supervising if that would be possible with any of these. I’m researching so I can learn more before deciding which I feel would fit the best with our family. And then further researching how to best care for the one I decide on before purchasing.


May 4, 2019
None of the above will get along with your budgies really. Lovebirds can be quite vicious and will take off toes or feet. Quakers are territorial of their cage and have been known to break into other birds cages to attack them. Also pretty needy birds so may get jealous. Sun conures are significantly larger and will more than likely bully your budgies.

Now that I've said all that there are no hard and fast rules that say that this will be the case. Any time you add a new bird to your flock you are tossing a coin as to whether they'll get along or not. If they don't get along a larger bird could kill a budgie with one chomp in the right place. Something to consider.


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Super Moderator
Aug 29, 2018
Queensland, Australia
Fang ({ab}normal grey cockatiel), Valentino (budgie), Jem (cinnamon cockatiel), Lovejoy(varied lorikeet), Peach (princess parrot)
Budgies can be, as my bird vet is fond of saying, like that pesky little brother who hangs around annoying you and just doesn't know when to quit. This behaviour sometimes gets them into trouble with larger species as a result. Some will get along just fine, whereas others will pester and harass until the larger bird lashes out and the budgie can be very seriously injured or worse.

However, you may consider adding a cockatiel to your flock. Cockatiels are among the more easy-going of all the commonly kept species and they are endlessly charming and endearing little souls. Of course there's always a chance that any individual cockatiel might prove the exception to the rule - last time I was at my bird vet he was sporting a nasty little cut on his finger and when I asked him what monstrous creature had inflicted such a wound he said it was a cockatiel! But I think your chances of having a somewhat larger bird who will tolerate a whole squadron of budgies would be greatly improved by the addition of a cockatiel one day :)
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New member
Jul 14, 2020
I have 4 Budgies: Yellow, Blueberry, Rio, and Grindelwald.
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Thank you for the information! I’ve thought about getting a cockatiel as well. They are quite adorable.

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