Cage Recommendations...


Oct 17, 2017
Winston (Eclectus)
Hi Ekkie Lovers! I posted awhile back about the process I am going through in order to import my dad's Eclectus from Florida to Canada. I am in a gray area as my dad passed away and the import office does not see the parrot as my pet so I am going through the process of a breeder... sort of.

Anyway... question. Winston has been in a lovely king cage for 28 years. I am wondering what other options would be good as I am going to be getting him a new cage. The lovely lady who has been fostering him suggested a cage with very similar dimensions. She said sending his cage to Canada will cost quite a bit so maybe better to buy a new one. I am aiming to pick him up this summer so would like to get the cage asap. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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My deep condolences for the loss of your father. I hope you will realize your dream of bringing Winston home; he will be a tangible link to your father.

Perhaps you have local stores selling large parrot cages? Size is important, generally the larger the better. Bar spacing is most critical to avoid having Winston's head stuck between bars. If nothing nearby, this link to Amazon Canada may help. Might find a good pre-owned cage online?
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Thanks! I am looking at a Kings Cage. The size is a little bit bigger than his Kings cage now. There are no local shops that carry them, but one owner is looking into if she can get one sent to her shop.

Any brands to definitely look for? :)
I know Kings Cage will ship internationally, but I have no idea what their shipping charges are for that. Not sure if you are located close to the US border in BC, but when I lived in Vancouver I sometimes had things shipped to Washington and drove down to retrieve them (duty charges at the border were usually much less than shipping to Canada). Some companies just do not ship to Canada which can be a pain!
I recently read that an Ekkie's bar spacing should be no larger than 3/4 inch. Right now mine are in a 3/4 inch spacing but I wanted to get them both a larger cage. Of course that came from a WikiHowTo.
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I know Kings Cage will ship internationally, but I have no idea what their shipping charges are for that. Not sure if you are located close to the US border in BC, but when I lived in Vancouver I sometimes had things shipped to Washington and drove down to retrieve them (duty charges at the border were usually much less than shipping to Canada). Some companies just do not ship to Canada which can be a pain!

Thanks! I called to inquire and it was very high. I found a place in canada that has one and the shipping is cheaper. Even with the exchange rate it tirns out to be cheaper than ordering from the states.
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Winston's cage arrived and it has been assembled. Can't wait to get him to Canada!

Sweet! Looking forward to seeing it all fully furnished! Remember to avoid dowel perches. Branch types of varying sizes are far better for their feet.
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Sweet! Looking forward to seeing it all fully furnished! Remember to avoid dowel perches. Branch types of varying sizes are far better for their feet.

I will post pictures once it is all set up. Still deciding on what to put in there! I will be getting real wood branch perches and a rope perch. I know he likes toys, so will see what he has been enjoying where he is now. He does like toys, so it is going to be fun shopping for him. Can't wait!

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