Can using hour oven on Broil kill your bird.


New member
Oct 25, 2023
My little Pineapple Conuere suddenly died out of the blue. She was only two. I cooked some lemon chicken in the oven in a glass pan and at the end, I boiled it for about 20 minutes and I did not have any nonstick pans in the drawer below the oven. I did have some cast iron pans that I cook with regularly. It was only about 4 hours later and my bird died. So sad I held her while she went. I need time to heal before getting another bird but wanted to learn from this. I am not sure what else would have killed her. Maybe she had a bad heat I don't know.
Welcome to the forum, and I am so so sorry for your loss. Losing a beloved companion can be very difficult, and I applaud you for reaching out.

While I can't provide a definitive cause of your conure's sudden passing, I can offer some information that might help you figure out what happened. Both cast iron and glass cookware are generally perfectly safe because they don't emit fumes. Did you boil the chicken in a non-stick pot?
My little Pineapple Conuere suddenly died out of the blue. She was only two. I cooked some lemon chicken in the oven in a glass pan and at the end, I boiled it for about 20 minutes and I did not have any nonstick pans in the drawer below the oven. I did have some cast iron pans that I cook with regularly. It was only about 4 hours later and my bird died. So sad I held her while she went. I need time to heal before getting another bird but wanted to learn from this. I am not sure what else would have killed her. Maybe she had a bad heat I don't know.
Wow! I'm so sorry your baby died! How sad. I feel your pain. I've lost two budgies in the past few months and it's so hard.
I think you mean BROILED not boiled is that right.

I guess it’s possible that using the broiler for too long could overheat the oven and reach “selfie cleaning” temperatures.
Using the self cleaning function on an oven can creat toxic fumes.

I am very sorry for your loss.

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