chicko my new loris


New member
Feb 27, 2015
Indian ringneck - Kiwi
hello there i am back with another lovely bird chicko lorikeet
he is very tame bird
he love apple very very much
also he like to stand on my shoulders but pplz told me he should stand just in ur hand i dont know why , also he hate his cage very much , when i get him out he dont like to back
i love this bird very much
and pplz told me he is Hybrid between lori rainbow and black cap look picture , between this one

and this one

look he is diffrent i didnt see this muation befor

so , his cage is very big , i want to know how to train this strange type of lori and what he eat . also when i go home normal to keep him alone ? or should i open tv or something ? also when i go sleep should i turn all light off ?
Hi , neat looking guy !!!! its VERY IMPORTANT he has LORRY NECTOR Needs it to survive has to have it everyday. Also can have juicyfruits and soft vegs [not seed].They like swings and lots of toys In their cage [and foot toys]. You can turn down the lights at night for them . They love lots of your attention :) You can keep music on when not home.
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thanks for info , is it real a special mutation of lori ?
i will buy nectars now i search in my country for it
Just goind by your picture, Looks like the black cap. I'm no expert though.
Is it a baby?
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They told me hes uniqe lorikeet , and he is 1 year old , he is so tame bird like all pplz eat from hand looooove apple more than anything hate the cage sooooo much i dont know its biiiig cage for lori , now i am looking to make playstand for him , the thing i want know when i go sleep turn all light off ? And is it normal if he stay alone when i am out to work
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Btw chicko sleep up on cage is that normal ? I heard lories sleep down on thier back , he is veryyyy active bird but he dont let anyone touch his head or body , normaly play with all stand on hand but fast he jump on shoulder i dunno is that all normal ?
My Lorries sleep at the top of their cages. Very busy ,hyper birds [he will adjust].He sounds like a normal lorry :)
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i want share a vedio for my lori , i want to tell me is he healthy and is he a good bird and what type of lori he is ? also i notice Panting, stirring his tongue over and under
here weather is so hot even at home its 37 c even me i feel so hot all the time , so is it normal that he doing this ? there is water all the time i change it 3 time a day look vedio in dropbox and tell me ur infos plz i upload now , btw he eats good love apple too much and all other food , some pplz told me he will eat from people food rice and what we cook is that right ? cuz when we start eat he jump and start acting like crazy and want eat what we eat :O
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ok good , i dont see him drink much water , also not eat much , changed food twice a day , i made a mixed fruit joice he dont eat much , he like apple - graps eat so much apple should i remove apple from his diet ? also the funny thing when he saw we put food in taple he being like crazy , and want eat , once i let him eat rice , he like everything we eat but i dont let him , he loveeeee swim every day
but what abut Panting ؟ is it cuz the very very hot weather ?

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