Chop chop...


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
Jonesy a Goffins 'Too who had to be rehomed :-(

And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
..alrighty then....I have been sayin' I need to make chop..It was grocery time again,more for Amy and Beebs than I. Her last few meals poor Amy was eating her snack/emergency seed bowl because what I had to offer was..let just say..not up to her expectations from me :eek:

So,this was my first attempt.I just want to share in what/how much/with what.

I decided I was tired of making brekky/ linner (lunch/dinner) everyday.Things just didn't stay fresh,so I made chop:D

First the stuff..
yellow corn (small plastic bowl)
sweet pea's (smallcan)
blue berrys
black berries
baby carrots
sweet pea's in pod (pea's and remained items are !00% organic)
yellow squash
green squash
purple grapes
pea's in pod's
Sweet patato crinkle fry's

What I couldn't fit in the bowl lol:
Brussel sprouts

Every thing was put into a small processor and chopped so there were "hunks" of stuff not mush.
I ended up with 14, one and three quarter cup's per sandwich bag.
I know BB won't touch it. I'll give him two teaspoons twice a day to see.
I should get two medium dinners for Amy..I did see her eating eagerly from her nummy bowl ;)

Who said bird's were wasy to care for?? :mad:

it's always hard to keep both children happy! especially the baby brother
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wow I'm impressed..last night,Amy did three sittings at her nummy bowl at ten minute clips..I guess I did ok by her :D


I've been wanting to get into preparing chop and freezing. The fresh stuff tends to not stay fresh long enough! But I've had some issues with putting "too wet" things in and it turning icky when I thaw it out.

Glad Amy is getting his spoils :)
Hi, I'm brand new here and as I've just adopted a 1.5 year old Cuban Amazon, Ricky. I'm combing through the Amazon posts to learn anything I can. (I have had a Timneh for ten years but new to Amazons.) I'm just wondering if you can tell me why 'chop' as in why the food processor? Do they seem to prefer the smaller size or is it a time saver? I've been hand cutting veggies and fruit every day so this sounds better to me!
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Hi, I'm brand new here and as I've just adopted a 1.5 year old Cuban Amazon, Ricky. I'm combing through the Amazon posts to learn anything I can. (I have had a Timneh for ten years but new to Amazons.) I'm just wondering if you can tell me why 'chop' as in why the food processor? Do they seem to prefer the smaller size or is it a time saver? I've been hand cutting veggies and fruit every day so this sounds better to me!

Definitely a time saver,and I found that making breakfast/lunch/dinner everyday..well food can get "old" and not so pleasing to the kids. This way you can make a quanity and freeze it. Then again,moisture will appear in the chop and make the goodies soggy.

Hi mindy, you didn't do anything wrong, but if I were you, I'd make a post all your own with all your questions; and people will go nuts telling you the best chop size the best chop ingredients, the best plate or bowl to put chop in, the best temperature, the right garnish, the right complimentary wine for each flavor of chop....etc.
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Right...a little "whine" with that cheese..:eek:


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