Cockatoo owner here!


New member
Jun 28, 2015
New Jersey
Penny(Lesser Sulphur) 19 years old
Hey, I just got a Moluccan Cockatoo whose name is Toby today. I was just looking for some information and I came across these forums, I decided that if I ever have a question I'd ask here and once I get more experience I can help others. I do need to ask one small question though, how do I get my 10 year old Toby to step up? He lets me pet him anywhere and likes to rub against me already, though, what ever attempts I make to make him step up fails. I'll end this greeting here for now :)
Hello There! Welcome to the forum and Congratulations! Wed love to see photos of your Toby.

Toby is probably a little hesitant to step up just yet. It sounds like you have a pretty friendly bird, but it is his first day with you. Some birds need time to adjust to their new surroundings before they feel comfortable with a human perch. I'd give him a little time to get to know you before asking too much of him.
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Thank you for answering my question! I guess I have to be patient before I do anything.
Hello! Welcome. Allee is right, give him time to warm up to you. :) I'm sure you will be his best friend in no time. We would also love a few pictures!
I apologize, I should have finished answering your question! Toby has probably been taught to step up in the last ten years. Do you know his history? Has he been well socialized? Is he accustomed to stepping up for people? Not to be nosy, but all those things make a difference when approaching your new friend. If he's a cuddly, gentle bird that's been treated well and has no reason to fear humans, your job will be easier. On the other hand, if he hasn't been handled or socialized in the last few years, training may present more of a challenge.

When you do start training sessions, please be cautious, those big beaks are powerful. When Toby is comfortable enough around you, approach him when he's calm, offer your forearm and ask him to step up, you may want to hold a small treat in your other hand so that your arm is a bridge, if he wants the treat, the logical step is to stand on your arm to get it. It's good to have a perch or play stand close to set him on in case he gets nervous or overexcited. Remember the first few times a large Too stands on your arm can be a scary experience for the Too, they startle easily in a new situation. If he is alarmed when you ask him to step up, don't insist at first, give him time to calm down and try again. If he's really alarmed, you can use a large dowel perch to start with, if he seems okay with that, place the perch an inch or so in front of him and invite him to step up. All birds are different and this advice may or may not apply with your bird. Another word of caution, if your Too has been allowed to sit on shoulders, he may try to do that, it isn't a good idea with a Too you don't know well. You can gently block him from climbing your arm, be firm, but kind and consistently calm. It's also not a great idea to let a Too very close to your face before you get to know him.

I wish you the very best and I'm looking forward to Toby updates.
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Toby for the last 10 years have been moving homes a lot.. To much probably. The person we got it from said that his son was getting frustrated with the bird so the father decided to sell it after only having Toby for 2 months. I have no clue if he was ever trained but he is a gentle bird. He is very picky on when to be pet and if you don't pet him at around 6 pm he'll try and nibble on you but he doesn't put his crest up or anything. So I don't know if its a warning or how he plays, it doesn't even go on the scale of pain and it doesn't leave a mark. I don't try and pet him when he does what I just described and leave him alone so he learns that its not the right thing to do. Slinging another question right back at you now, do you have any techniques or tips to tame the bird quicker or is it just simply time? Also how should I be talking to Toby?
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Each bird is different, some bond quickly, but in most cases it takes some time to build trust. I would focus on the basics, Toby's cage, his toys, his diet, his time out of his cage, his baths, his favorite toys, games, food. Birds adapt to our schedules and lifestyles, but I think routine is comforting to a parrot, especially when they are transitioning into a new home. A well check with an Avian certified Veterinarian is wise for a new bird, especially an older one with a sketchy past. After you've taken him in for a check up, his records will be on file in case of emergency.

Toos need plenty to do, soft wood blocks, shreddable toys, foraging boxes, a place to climb. Playing is a great way to build a bond. Most Toos like to take things apart, their cages, your electronic devices, furniture, appliances, clothing, shoes, they love unpacking for you, groceries, suitcases, shipping boxes, etc... They like to be a part of everything you are doing. It's better to give them their own things and a safe place to hang out so they don't go looking for unauthorized entertainment.

Here's a great link with tips on bonding. Have fun!
Hi my came is Kim, Im now Im owner to an uc. His name is Opie hé's never10yrs old. Hé thinks Im his mate so it accounts to major difficultes because hé takes me as his mate. Hé's so sweet. Should i consider à mate.
Hi my came is Kim, Im now Im owner to an uc. His name is Opie hé's never10yrs old. Hé thinks Im his mate so it accounts to major difficultes because hé takes me as his mate. Hé's so sweet. Should i consider à mate.

No, you should not consider getting a 'mate' for your bird. Cockatoos may not take very lightly to a newcomer.
Why this is my first big bird My vet says hes ok. What can i do to incertain him
Hi my name is Kim i have an uc who is Kim10yrs old. Ive had Opie for à year & Im still learning. Opie loves boxes& wood. I didnt know how much i loved him until i borded him & found out they kept him in his travel cage the whole time. I was mad. I need some suggestions for home made toys. When Im home he has full run of the house. He only goes in the cage to sleep or eat. His real cage is a big piece of furniture. I put his cage in my bedroom. Is that ok?
Opie does'nt like to take baths its been our major milestone to overcome. Any suggestions.
We got a young mac from a bird store and it took her 5 months to like us (except my son, her favorite person). We gave her everything we could trying to gain her trust. Just now within the last 2 weeks can we really pet all over her body without her trying to nip and run us off. That was after months of handing treats/toys and taking her out on the playstand. I kissed her head for the first time yesterday because I could tell she wasn't going to try to bite me. It was a real moment for me :) Something has changed, we can all feel it. She's accepting our love and attention without reservation or fear. She was so protective of her cage/stuff in it that interacting with her the first few months was not fun at all. It's as if she felt we would take everything she loved from her. When I remove broken toys to add in a new one she hurries as fast as she can to where I'm working to fight me off her stuff lol. Usually I just remove her from her cage onto a playstand while I work unless I can do it fast enough. She's a turd bird :) There were so many times I didn't know what to do or what I was doing wrong, and felt disheartened by her attitude. The good news is that problems will pass in due time. When they say it takes six months to get close to some birds they weren't kidding!
Hi, welcome and well done. I take my hat off to anyone who rescues a Too. I've worked in rescue a couple of years and they were far the most difficult to settle into a new home. I wish you every success. People here will be able to help you with any issues that may arise,

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