Come on...admit it

I quit my job to dedicate myself to animal rescue and educating people about their needs so I don't need to feel guilty about how much time I spend doing this because 'this' is my job -unpaid, granted, but a job nonetheless.
My dream job is stay-at-home wife...since my kids are more or less grown. I'm seriously considering getting my massage therapy certification and leaving my job at the Cubicle Farm. I'd make less money, but I'm thinking the flexible hours would make up for it. However, since I have to have a job, I'm glad for the one I have. There are much worse companies to work for.

Ant - you get tons of respect from me for being a single mother and running your own business. Each of those endevours is enourmously daunting and to do hat's off to you. I know I couldn't do it.

Ratzy & Apt - school is your job. It definitely counts.

Follow your heart and your dream job can become a reality. Why not start off slowly, say during the weekends. :emoticonc

I refuse to answer on the grounds it might incriminate me :p
I refuse to answer on the grounds it might incriminate me :p

I am home recuperating from a pancreatic issue.
so I am on line a lot. When I do go back to work I will have withdrawals as with our security systems we have will not allow me to surf the web.. :31:

Humm CCTV... that might be worth checking into. I have a friend that has that and can check the camera on their iPhone.
I am in the fortunate position that I am the boss so I can spend time online and not have to worry about it :D Having said that I have no problem with any of my employees using the internet while at work as long as they have done their work. Some of us even msg each other via Facebook !
I am in the fortunate position that I am the boss so I can spend time online and not have to worry about it :D Having said that I have no problem with any of my employees using the internet while at work as long as they have done their work. Some of us even msg each other via Facebook !

LoL :D If I was working in an office I WOULD LOVE YOU TO BE MY BOSS
I love your attitude, as long as their work is complete.
Cool really cool
I try to stay away from any forums at work (but it's so hard)!. I'm a web contractor - no job security so I'd rather not risk it! Besides, there's always tons to do at work. But I'm slowly building up my own web consulting business so hopefully within a year I'll be working from home and then I can surf whatever I want whenever I want!
well i go to school but i sit in the back of the room so i get on this forum and my 3reef forum at school via ipod!

Naughty naughty LoL
it is a good stress reliever if I get a lunch break. But I access via the phone as my work computer is in an intranet!
I work so little there'd be no time for it!

Only at uni about two days a week and my job is teaching bridge classes for a few hours a week.

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