Comic teaser


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 23, 2018
Bourke's parrots, green cheeked conure
I made a separated thread because this one will have many panels (maybe 4 posts?). It is supposed to be a teaser of my story idea I haven't started writing. The shown moments are already confirmed, during writing I will be remembering to write the events from this thread (they will be just expanded, all of the scenes are cut here)

Here's part 1, more coming soon.

Ignore how I'm terrible in writing announcements. Also, ignore how I was making the same pose for everyone... it's mostly because during doing comics I try different shorts because in general comics take more time

Ps. I have already been laughed at by somebody for the breaking window scene - I know there's no such thing and there's pressure difference between inside and outside the plane... I ignored the last fact. They're BIRDS. They can fly. Even if we could break windows, this wouldn't help us 😜
Opening the door (Hatch) would have been a better choice. For passengers to exit the aircraft it would have been at an elevation that would not had required interior pressurization and fling slower. Longer flights make seems for Parrots to use aircraft.

The above items are common knowledge for individuals that travel extensively. Since most individuals do not, your approach works with the vast majority of individuals that fly on occasion or have never flown. I would not worry about it as it is for a comic strip and playing wide and loose with such details is common place.

Comics are for fun and laughter. I enjoyed the clip!!
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Opening the door (Hatch) would have been a better choice.
Gosh, you're right🤦‍♀️
However I'm thinking - because there are many parrots inside, they could not fly out in time before plane crashing, so maybe it was better to make more "exits"

Thanks Sailboat
Rozalka, anyone who makes fun of your comics is probably jealous that they can’t make them, and threatened by your skill. You are doing a very nice job and I think you should be proud of your abilities and the art that you have made.

I have encountered petty jealous people who want to bring me down. I’m learning to ignore them.

I really like your comics. I’ve wanted to make a comic using a character like me and a parrot character like my deceased Quaker, Lucy. But I haven’t got it together to do it. You ARE making your own comics and art. Way to go!!
Gosh, you're right🤦‍♀️
However I'm thinking - because there are many parrots inside, they could not fly out in time before plane crashing, so maybe it was better to make more "exits"

Thanks Sailboat

It is important not to over think you're comic strip as its for fun.
Regarding the number of exits, aircraft of size have them on the left and right sides near the front, over the wings and with larger aircraft neat the rear. Also, even with Parrots the size of Macs, they could easily double up or more to leave out an open hatch. With the aircraft moving (in flight) the front most hatches would not be used as they are in front of the engines.

Have fun with this, as I am enjoying reading it and looking for more!
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Here's the next part

I'm surprised that I finished it today - I thought I'd post it on Tuesday/Wednesday.
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Probably the next part will the last one but I always change something during drawing (eg in this part Natalie (1st version) or Veronica (2nd version) was supposed to have injured leg but finally I skipped this detail) so it's not 100% sure 😅
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I've just uploaded the first chapter:
I don't think I will be updating after posting each chapter to not spamming, so probably I'll share here again after finishing.
The beginning may be a bit confusing, before starting writing I had been changing it few times and I know it still isn't good.
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I found small mistakes in the 2d panel - I think this version is grammatically better:

"Natalie: I am not sure if they really want to help us – why are they keeping us closed here? Something’s very suspicious.

Veronica: I’m not sure either but we have to trust them, we have no choice."
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  • #17
The teaser is finished - currently I'm writing the full version (so far only one chapter available online)
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  • #18
I've just uploaded the first chapter:
I don't think I will be updating after posting each chapter to not spamming, so probably I'll share here again after finishing.
The beginning may be a bit confusing, before starting writing I had been changing it few times and I know it still isn't good.
It's already finished.

I realized that I always have a habit of thinking that I have a fine idea at the beginning... but after finishing I think it's not good (with most cases I even hate them but so far I just think that some elements are badly developed)
Writers are never happy with their work as to them, it always need to be fixed, set better, extended, reduced, etc, etc, etc... Tell the story the best you can while you are living it. At that moment, the story is complete, the additional work is commonly little more than correcting word use, etc...

Enjoy telling the story. Perfection is for the editors!

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