Concerned about a pet store bird


New member
Feb 26, 2013
I'm not really sure what the best way to go about this is, but the pet store I visit has a resident cockatoo that was given to them by an elderly couple-- so she's not for sale or adoption, she's just their "mascot" bird.

I visit the store once every 2-4 weeks depending what I need to get. Every time I visit her, her cage has poop everywhere, a bowl of seed, a few toys and not really anything spectacular.... Last visit was 10 days ago, there was someone's baseball hat on top of her cage with poop on it- today, it was STILL THERE. And there were things sprouting from the pellet-bedding stuff. She was also INSIDE THE BUDGIE CAGE stealing their food, because she had unlocked the food door and made her way in there :eek:

I worry because customers see this and probably think this is an acceptable way to keep a bird like this- and honestly her cage is too small; free range or not.

I've had thoughts of sending them an anonymous letter, or making toys myself and gifting them to her, or just plain stop shopping there to stop supporting them- which I'd rather not do, because they are "better" than the big box pet stores...

Any ideas??
Oh Shirre, that is so hard:(
Do you know them well enough to talk to them about him?
oh geez... unfortunately this is a scene we all see too often in pet stores.

can you talk to the manager or the owners of the store without stepping on any toes?

any donation of a somewhat larger cage would be a great idea, but they are few and far between.

idk, does craigs list have any good deals for a cage? it could be a little larger than what she's's better than nothing.....

why aren't they selling the bird, do they think it's some kind of trophy?
Oh no, that makes me so sad. :( There's a pet store near me who also as a 'too, the cage is a good size(Well, it's not awful. It's probably a little smaller than what I keep my ekkie in.) not really any toys, and seed.. he's so sweet, I go and spend time with him when I can, which is rarely.

Honestly, I myself would either send an anonymous letter or make her toys.. I mean it's not like they'll tell you not to let her have them, right? (Unless they try to say they could be toxic or something..) but I'm awkwardly shy and don't like getting on peoples bad sides unless I absolutely have to.

I hope you find out the right thing to do. :( Poor baby.
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I don't know the owners very well, but the lady seems nice- she wasn't there today because of spring break...but last time I was there I had to move the 'too off the budgie cage and I told her about it and we had a brief chat --I told her I have a small cockatoo at home but she didn't really seem to care about holding a conversation with me :rolleyes:

Donating a cage is not something I can do at **this** point (maybe later down the road), and Chili's cage is larger -which baffles me lol this too is actually out of her cage when the store is open, but rather than on the main floor where all the action is, she's upstairs with all the other bird stuff.

Their store burnt down last year, and they had a lot of birds- and most (if not all) of them perished, including their previous umbrella. This store is upheld greatly by the community, and they do take good care of their animals and have good quality food and supplies-- they just seem to be lacking in the area of taking care of this gal :(

If I can donate anything, I would love to reassemble the PVC jungle gym and load it up with DIY toys and such.
What about writing an anonymous editorial to the local paper. If they are highly regarding, that might be a way to get the owner to be more willing to have a chat.

Is there a bird rescue or bird club in the area might be willing to help?
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Well, I'd kinda like to solve the issue without making a huge hullabaloo if I can-- I hate confrontation, and I don't want to "drag them through the mud" if I can solve this in a positive manner
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The pvc gym sounds like a wonderful idea!

I am seriously considering this- because it's been dismantled for a while now, and it's easy to make another... I would just need to clean everything, and make a bunch of toys...

So I guess I should email them and see if they would accept it as a donation for her???
Oh that's unacceptable! In what country do you live? Here is US there might be some regulations that would consider this an animal abuse. You might check into sending a warning letter to the store that they might get fined for the animal abuse.
Or maybe try to talk them again about adopting her.
That there are things sprouting on the bottom of the cage means there have not only been seeds but moisture there for too long. Explain that the bedding needs to be changed and cleaned on a regular basis, so they don't end up with a sick bird! And poop everywhere is not healthy for the bird, or for any kids who might get it on their hands, just a bad idea! Unsanitary, and worthy of a call to the Department of Health, and explain you don;t want that to happen, as you value their store.
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I think I'm going to write an anonymous letter to them-- and include pictures if I have to. You're right- this is a serious health issue now....did you see how tall those sprouts are?!

So I guess I'll make a small hullabaloo about this...hopefully it will wake someone up.
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Please let us know how it turns out - what a sad situation for that poor bird, and for you:(
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I'm in the middle of writing the letter and I feel so mean and vindictive :( but someone has to stand up for her!!
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I think I'm going to write an anonymous letter to them-- and include pictures if I have to. You're right- this is a serious health issue now....did you see how tall those sprouts are?!

So I guess I'll make a small hullabaloo about this...hopefully it will wake someone up.

I did - those are not "day 1" sprouts, several days at the very least! Maybe send an anonymous note, and send a copy to your local paper as well, with a note in the one to the paper with your contact info.
Shirre, there is not a mean or vindictive bone in your body! You are trying to help someone who can't speak for themselves and I think that is a wonderful thing:)
Interesting the bird is not for sale. Anyway, dig deep to find your best smile, and ask who is in charge of the care of the bird. First thing you say is that you are in love with the bird, find her/him absolutely charming, and would they mind if you bought her a few toys? And as you discuss what toys to buy for the bird, casually mention you noticed the condition of the cage and wondered if the bird was so territorial that the cage could not be cleaned? As a side note-are the other cages being cleaned? If not, you might have a reportable health hazard.

Never hurts to be nice and if you think might want to press further-document everything you find and report them to the local newspaper. Nothing sells like animals being neglected.
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I know for a fact that she is not territorial- far from it lol she lets everyone pet her and I have handled her (very briefly) myself. There is no reason they can't clean her cage properly.

The other cages usually house budgies or other small birds, and I was actually surprised the budgies I saw this time were active....all previous encounters the smaller birds were puffed and sleepy :(
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  • #20's what I wrote up-

I'm writing to you today not only as a concerned customer, but as a fellow bird owner. I have visited your store often in the past months, and my concerns about the care of Sammy the umbrella cockatoo is growing.

Upon my most recent visit I discovered seeds sprouting from the pellet bedding on the top of the cage-- this is a HUGE concern because it means that there has been moisture and leftover food in the bedding for far too long. This is a health hazard for Sammy and the other birds and animals in your store. It should be changed as often as daily or every other day.

Secondly, the amount of feces on the cage- I observed dried and caked on droppings on several locations of the cage. This is also a health hazard for Sammy-- the cage should be at least wiped clean daily.

Third, the cage Sammy is housed in is too small- parrots of her size need very large cages (regardless of how much time they spend in or out of it.) Ideally, she should be housed in a cage approximately 48"x48"x36".

And finally, I am concerned with Sammy's diet and enrichment. I have only seen a bowl of seed in her cage, and minimum amounts of toys. Parrots need much more of a diet than just seed and/or pellets; fresh fruits, veggies, and nuts in addition to her current diet would ensure that she is eating a healthy diet. The amount of toys she has is the bare minimum in my opinion- cockatoos are destroyers by nature, and they get bored easily if not provided with an adequate amount of toys.

I know that the folks at your store care about the animals, and the store is a wonderful part of the community, but I implore you to rectify these care issues for Sammy. The community and pet owners look to the experts (you!) to see how to take care of beautiful animals such as Sammy, and I would hate for anyone to walk away with the idea that the conditions she is currently living in is acceptable.

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