Conure acting very weird all of a sudden.


New member
Sep 10, 2012
Texas, USA
Sun Conure - Eirote
Our 3 year old female sun conure Eirote has recently begun acting extremely weirdly. This has been going on maybe 3 weeks or so.

She has been acting really clingy, then when you have her with you she picks at your clothes and moves all around you and doesn't sit still like she usually would. I hung out with her for at least 30 minutes today and put her back onto her cage, two minutes later she was screaming at me like I hadn't given her any attention all day.

She has crazy mood swings as well, she'll be all sweet, then she'll start screaming, then she'll be sweet, then she'll scream and then back into her cage and won't allow you to pick her up. Just acting out and screaming A LOT!

Earlier this evening she freaked out on my Husband, bite his nipple hard twice and then when he moved his shirt to dislodge her, she jumped up in the air away from him then wouldn't go to anyone but me. (He is her primary carer).

She's been trying really hard to get into his clothes though, up his pants leg, up his shirt sleeve, in his tshirt, she made it into his jeans pocket the other day. It's really unusual.

We wondered if perhaps it was all hormone related with her nearing sexual maturity, but this acting out is really more extreme then usual and really bizarre to us D:

We're not sure what to do honestly, just wait it out, try to train the behavior out somehow, take her to a vet?

Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.



New member
Oct 4, 2012
Jasmine my pineapple green cheeked conure, hatched 17 April 2012
I would say this is hormonal. When my GCC is feeling hormonal at spring time mainly she gets quite aggressive and tries to find a nesting hole - sleeves, jumpers, holes between sofa cushions etc. if she seems healthy in every other way then I think she's nesting.


Active member
May 8, 2013
1 green cheek conure (Kumar)
2 male budgies (Charlie and Diego)
It's also moulting season, mine is also being unusually clingy at this time. Daily baths help tremendously, as does fresh air and sunshine. Make sure she's getting plenty of sleep, at least 12 hours of dark and quiet. :)


New member
Aug 7, 2013
Pineapple green cheek conure
My bird has been acting really weird recently too. She's been aggressive and doesn't want out of her cage.. bites me more than she used to. (know that I have not done a thing to her and I have been nothing but a nice loving mom) She's just been mean lately. Once I have her out of her cage and away from it she's fine. Though, I noticed if my bird doesn't want out she bites everyone. It's since I took her to the vet. I'm a little worried taking her did it to her. I'm not quite sure myself. :/

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