Conure Sudden Behavior Change?


New member
Aug 27, 2015
Green Cheek Conure, Budgie, Lovebird
I got my 7 year old tame (supposedly female) green cheek conure about 6-7 weeks ago. I work from home and thought she could keep me company, but it turned out she only wanted my company when my husband wasn't home. She preferred him, her last two owners were men-she has found a permanent home with us no doubt-but my husband stopped allowing her to sit with him because he works such long hours and after a couple of days of him not letting her fly to him, she started spending ALL her time on my shoulder.

BUT she would never ever let me touch her with my hands, she didn't want them anywhere near her and would side step away if they got to close. Earlier today I was laying down with her laying on my chest and headr a loud noise down stairs. I cupped my hand over her so I could get up quickly without her falling and she didn't protest as I went down to make sure everything was ok. I came up, my hand was still cupped over her and she had gotten cozy so I started petting her head gently with my finger and she let me! I layed back down and she stayed like this and allowed me to continue petting her for a long time before getting up and laying on my shoulder. She is making a sweet purring noise now.

What could have caused the sudden behavior and does it mean anything? I wish there was a way to tell her gender based on personality. What about the new noise? I was afraid she didn't feel well at first because the change was so sudden, it was like she needed comfort.

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