Day at the beach!


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2016
San Diego, CA
Goofy (YNA), Oscar (Goffin 'too). Foster bird Betty (RLA). RIP Cookie, 1991-2016 ('tiel), Leo (Sengal), Charlotte (scarlet macaw). Grand-birds: Liam (budgie), Donovan (lovebird), RIP Angelo (budgie)
MrC and I took the big birds to the beach today, because it's totally a normal thing to do to take your parrots for a walk, right?

(Goofy was being a bit nippy and wouldn't stay on MrC's hand or on the stroller towards the end, so the stick had to come out.)
So jealous! Severe beach shortage in Indiana. My winter driving tip this year was "Keep going until you see palm trees" but that only worked for ten days.
Looks like a great time for everyone!
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Oh, Kentuckyienne, I thought you might commiserate with me with this picture. Just look at the way Charlotte looks at MrC with such adoration in her eyes. I have been relegated to the ranks of the unchosen since October.

not trying to be snarky, but how do you prevent Charlotte from getting sunburned? Looks like a lovely day at the beach
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She's only out in direct sun for a couple of minutes (mostly for pictures). Then there's umbrellas and other shade creating items. We're working with her to accept a little t-shirt. I'm a fair skinned red-head so I go out without sunscreen so I can feel what's happening to my skin as a gauge of what's happening to hers and if I'm starting to get warm, it's time to get her in the shade again.

Edited to add: we also don't stay out very long at all. Today was about an hour. This beach is less than 15 miles from my house...about a 15-20 minute drive depending on traffic.
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I usualy hate the beach as I am not a fan of sand in the nethers, but taking a stroll with Salty might be one way for Geri to get me to go more often.
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We just go to walk, usually along the boardwalk. I like being near the ocean, and my favorite bar in the county is on that beach, so it's nice to stop in for a beer once a month or so.
So jealous! Severe beach shortage in Indiana. My winter driving tip this year was "Keep going until you see palm trees" but that only worked for ten days.

Must say, daughter number four and I ran out to see my son in Illinois a couple years ago and for a day trip, we ran into Missouri for a nice beach cookout. Well, when we got there daughter number four was quite upset to see a lake, she took it for granted we were going to be at the ocean! Yes, her geography is a little off!
Oh, Kentuckyienne, I thought you might commiserate with me with this picture. Just look at the way Charlotte looks at MrC with such adoration in her eyes. I have been relegated to the ranks of the unchosen since October.

Oh, I do empathize. When Oliver looked at his human it was with the same devotion. When he looked at me, I could see him calculating whether he needed something badly enough to summon me over. It was usually a brief calculation that ended with me becoming invisible.
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So jealous! Severe beach shortage in Indiana. My winter driving tip this year was "Keep going until you see palm trees" but that only worked for ten days.

Must say, daughter number four and I ran out to see my son in Illinois a couple years ago and for a day trip, we ran into Missouri for a nice beach cookout. Well, when we got there daughter number four was quite upset to see a lake, she took it for granted we were going to be at the ocean! Yes, her geography is a little off!

I've lived in a lot of different places, but the majority of my life has been spent within 20 minutes of an ocean. The three years I was in Fargo, ND was the farthest I ever lived from the ocean and that was pure torture. There were lakes and rivers close, but it's just not the same. Ann Arbor, MI, near-ish to Lake Erie was kinda close, but still not quite the same.
A perfectly normal American family out for a stroll!

And yesssssssssssssssss, look at the smitten Charlotte...
What a wonderful outing! Nothing like the beach on during a beautiful San Diego day!!
So jealous of the beach scene and being able to take your birds with you like that, I hope I get to a place in my parront life that I can do that with Perjo. If not a beach just an open park or something.

I'm in NEO and we have the great Metropark system that is a true gem, it's nicknamed the Emerald Necklace. Would love to take Perjo for a stroll down there for her to see and hear everything. So many trees and places to hide though that I would fear if she got lose there she'd be impossible to get back.
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So jealous of the beach scene and being able to take your birds with you like that, I hope I get to a place in my parront life that I can do that with Perjo. If not a beach just an open park or something.

I'm in NEO and we have the great Metropark system that is a true gem, it's nicknamed the Emerald Necklace. Would love to take Perjo for a stroll down there for her to see and hear everything. So many trees and places to hide though that I would fear if she got lose there she'd be impossible to get back.

Notice that the one bird who can actually fly is on a harness. I'm actually a little nervous about Goofy not being on a harness and ordered one for him yesterday. The few times he's fallen off something or jumped, he's dropped like a rock, so he really can't fly, but if he got scared enough, I wonder what would happen. So I'll get him accepting the harness eventually.

Conditioning then to go out in public like that was just like anything else: a slow, multi step process. First we just walk up and down the street in front of my house, then the neighborhood, but the quieter streets, then out to the major road, then out to a public park on a slow day, then a busy day, and so on and so forth until they have no problems being in crowds.
My birds (especially Elvis) love going for walks with me, they sit on my shoulder. Can't wait for summer.

I don't take my birds to the beach, maybe I will this summer.

So jealous.

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Your Goffin is adorable, I love them so much!

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