Divorcing and Royally Ruffled

Mara, I am 62 years old and been divorced from a woman that was the love of my life. This screwed me up for almost ten years of my life. If I would have a chance to do over I would have done everything possible to make our marriage work. I am remarried and very happy but still missed out on the marriage I really wanted. So make sure of what you have in this marriage before making this leap. Because it is a bridge seldom repaired. Spoken with experience.
Best wishes
What kind of people are his parents to block your car in ?
How horrible of them to even get involved like that anyway !
Looks like you need to get away with what you can. Just the way I see it.
It looks like this Is going to get ugly :(
You might want to think about taking the help your offered honey.
Mara, about 15 years ago I got divorced the second time, the first time I was the jerk, the second time it was my wife. My friends said "I'm sorry, but it's not unexpected" or " Is it a bad thing or a good thing?". Her's said "Congratulations, it's about time, or I'm surprised he asked for the divorce and not you." It sounds like it's a good thing. Since you are drawing up the papers get the best deal you can.
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Im hoping to not need the help, but will gladly take it if needed. Hopefully this should be all settled in like 2 weeks. I hope so.
My ex sued me for alimony from jail while he was awaiting trial for trying to kill me & violating the pfa when he was originally bailed out. He drained the bank account while I was still in the hospital. If I knew then what I know now I would have killed him instead of divorce. I lost EVERYTHING! But I got back even more when I relocated & started over. People should come with warning labels tattooed on their head! It will get better with time.
I hope so too. Things do get better honey , it just takes some time.
You will enjoy being on your own with your animals :)
I know I was very happy. But ,I met my #2 hubby and I'm even happier :)
In time , you will be too :)
If you need some e to talk to or jut to listen , you know where to find us.
I wish I was closer to be able to help you :(
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  • #27
Thanks guys sooo much. Besides the harassment I do like living without him and having Erin to myself. Its relaxin and plenty of me time.
Thanks guys sooo much. Besides the harassment I do like living without him and having Erin to myself. Its relaxin and plenty of me time.

Thata girl ! Yes , you will learn to relax and enjoy your birds
company in peace :)

I went through **** when I divorced and people can do crazy things that you never thought they could. Please be very careful.
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  • #30
ya i know. I feel terrible. I am a nanny of 3 young girls and my boss took me in ad we have to lock all doors and have locks on our gates, can't go for walks, cant go out front or out by myself. Complete lock down.
It will eventually get better. It is much better to be safe than sorry. I am glad that you have someone who is able to help you. Just stay strong, and give lots of cuddles to Erin.
I was the one wanting to get out of my relationship with my husband... It still felt like I had lost a limb.. The ties we had were broken... It was very painful... Years later he still wanted me back, but I said 'no'....

The fact that he slept with our neighbour's wife had a lot to do with it...
It is a hard time for all , regardless of how much time was invested.
Stay strong Mara ! It's gong to get harder before it gets easier :(
But you will come out the other end just fine. I'm glad you have your boss
to help you through this . And again , we are all here for you.
Be good to yourself and hugs to you and Erin :)
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  • #34
i get to keep erin he gets the birds and i signed the papers today for divorce. i was so happy earlier but now im not feelng the same. is this normal?
Is that normal? Yes. I was lucky, I had custody of our son and all of our cats. We separated in January and were divorced in July. It was very hard. It was over a year before I started dating again and I've been married now for 11 years.

We talked on the phone and she kept asking me if I was happy. I wasn't, but I wasn't as sad as I was while we were together. I was tired of the fighting and welcomed the peace.

It takes time. A relationship should make your life better, not worse.

Hang in there. Things will get better.
I'm sorry for your situation! I hope you and your loved ones stay safe through this.
Yes , it's normal honey. You just ended something you had wanted at one point.
Somewhere inside you still feel for him and that's normal too.
You want the good times back , but not the bad that you guys had together.
Unfortunately , those are the times that overwhelmed you and brought you to where you are now. Like was mentioned above , a relationship supposed to make you feel good
inside , not afraid for your life at times.

Look ahead , it's you and Erin :). You can do whatever you want , anytime you want :)
When it was just me and my dogs , I was starting to see and feel the peace we had , and
I was startin to enjoy it. You will too , time heals , and it moves on with or without you.
So don't get caught up in the past , it's gone . Just look ahead and plan for yourself .
Relax and enjoy your solitude . Your young , someone will come into your life again :)
And all that peace and quiet and the toilet seat always down will end soon enough :)
Im happy for you Mara I was worried about you.
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hahaha the toliet seat will always be down... yeah that will be nice
hahaha the toliet seat will always be down... yeah that will be nice

I was trying to get a giggle out of you :). lolol.
You will get through this honey , believe me. I know sometimes
it doesn't feel that way , but you will.
I had my ups and downs and regrets about the whole thing , but once you get over that part , it's all down hill . Things will become easier .

I just want you to know there is light at the end of the tunnel .
If one of your friends wants to take you out for coffee or whatever ,
GO !!! Drag yourself out . Sometimes it's good to veg , but if you
do that too much , it makes it harder to get back into life beyond
your four walls.
Just saying. ;)

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