Do any of your parrots have their own routines?


New member
Dec 23, 2011
British Columbia, Canada
Pixel: female senegal, hatched Dec 15, 2011
I'm not talking about routines you set for them that they've adopted; I'm talking routines of their own invention.

Pixel will only take a bath on her own accord once a week, on Saturday, while I am blow drying my hair... And I do blow dry my hair every day of the week. But even if I have a week off work, without fail, she will ONLY bathe on Saturday.
LOL ! Pepsi and sprite ,every morning he needs his little mini bathtub at 7 IN THE MORNING !! I want to enjoy my youth while I still have it, but I can't . It has to be warm, with his favorite foot toy in it. If you don't do what his majesty pleases, you shall be SPLASHED ! Literally ! While I put it in he jumps on my hand and inspects it, if not what he expected he would start splashing his beak into it getting my hand wet. What a good way to start a morning ...
Our little angels are bundles of OCD. Most of them have their own way of doing things. They just fool us into believing we are in charge. :D We are their guardians, they are our owners! :)
Tiki has decided that his bed time, regardless of his waking time is about 10:30 each night. He goes and sits in his corner sleeping spot, hangs on to either side of the corner with his feet, and waits. If I don't notice quickly enough, he goes out of his spot and paces around on top of his cage, being louder and more vocal by the minute until I go over to cover him up. He does NOT like when I am late getting to him. :p
Mishka takes control when on his playpen
He routinely climbs down, and walks around, then goes straight to the bathroom, then walks to the kitchen, to watch the washing machine, he loves watching the drum turning. He sits in front of the machine, and turns his head whichever way the machine is spinning.
When eating, I first offer him, fresh fruits and nuts, he routinely goes for the pellets first, then the nuts then the fruit.

Sierra always snacks before bed. She and Sam both say "I'm ready for night night" or Ready for" Beddie Bye". Once the light has been turned off Daisy always has to whistle to me a couple of times. Then in the morning Daisy waits by her dish looking to see if she will get a nut or two in her dish. Nuts are her favorite!
Absolutely! Kiwi treats himself to a "bath" in his water dish almost every day around lunchtime (more soaking a 10' radius of his cage while getting only the top of his head wet lol). He also has some outright bazaar food "sorting" habits. When he gets seed in the morning, he will dig through his dish flinging out anything that he doesn't want (he especially hates the peanuts and the lumpy cracker-like things). At night, when he gets his grains mix, he will remove EVERY pea, then carries them over and deposits them in his water dish for some unknown reason (he won't eat them, though). He won't eat a bite until his food has been sorted and meets whatever standards he has. And when he gets "favorite" foods (pineapple, banana, squash, pasta), he will carry them up to his very top perch before eating them, I guess just in case we wanted to steal them lol.
My Caique Sammy ,puts all his foot toys in his dish when hes done. [everyday]:)
Vino takes an afternoon nap everyday at 330. She climbs onto her swing, tucks her beak under her left wing and goes to sleep. If I make too much noise, she growls at me.
Every evening Valentino expects his cuddle time at 7pm. If I am late and he is still in his cage he will call to me and get very loud and demanding. He is pretty tolerent of waiting for me but once it is 7PM all bets are off. If he is on his Java tree he will fly to me and be a pest until I sit down with him. He goes right for my neck throwing his shoulder down and lays on his side and chews on his foot. When he is really into cuddling he will roll on me until he finds the right comfortable spot for him as he is cradled in my arms. I love the RFM meltdown. He totally trusts that I will not drop him as he goes limp in my arms. My ragdoll parrot.

Every night after I have fed him his 30 cc's of hand rearing formula and put him to bed he will pace the grate while I tell him to "go to bed." After I have taken my PM meds, turn off the main kitchen light (I leave the stove light on low overnight so there is some light in the area in case he falls of his roosting perch so he can see his way around the cage) and I say "Good Night Valentino he will make this sound like a deflating balloon as he climbs up to roost. The sound he makes is hilarious.

When Lupe gets home from work Valentino will begin to pace on the grill when he hears the garage door open. After Lupe comes into the house and she says "Where's my baby?" He squeaks this baby RFM noise and calls to her. After she takes off her coat she will approach his cage and say. "Time to release the Kraken" then she opens the cage and he will step up onto her arm. She will hug him, smother him with kisses until he works his way up to her shoulder and takes off flying upstairs to me. Sometimes she will say. "Go find Momma." and he will take off flying upstairs.
Georgie had this strange ritual with regard to colors. If i gave her new toys, she always chewed the pieces in sequence by color. I used to say she was 'afraid' of certain colors, because she darn near attacked the blocks of one color each time.
She was also really compulsive that way with the color of her food. I had to hide certain foods because she wouldn't eat anything of that color and picked the 'safe' colors out to eat.

Pepito almost always bathes at 2 PM. Seriously. 2 PM. Even when it's not sunny (and it makes me wonder, how the heck does he know it is 2 PM?)

Gilbert is so not set in his ways yet. He still has that babyish curiosity about EVERYTHING and is open to it all.

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