Does any one own the smaller species of cockatoo?


New member
Jun 17, 2012
United States of America/ Kansas
Captain Jack (Hahn's macaw)

Clover (green cheek conure)
Just for curiosity do any of you own a one of the smaller species such as bare eyed too, a goffin or a lesser crest cockatoo for example? Or if you have both large and smaller species of toos how do you compare them to each other.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Antioch, TN
"Willie"&"Lola"B&G Macaw,
"Dixie"LSC2, and "Nico" Scarlet Macaw.
I have a lesser sulphur crested and she's a total angel!!!! She's taught to mind herself and learn to self entertain. I rehomed a U2 late spring this year. He was the devil as he was dangerous to everyone, even though I'm the only one that can handle him he still tries to run me over but he doesn't do half the stuff he tries on everyone else.


New member
Sep 29, 2013
My mother in law had a LS2 that we inherited when she passed away. I believe the bird was about 18 when we got her. She was completely neurotic and super loud. She hated my partner so went to live with some friends who had just lost their tiel. they are a great bird, but IMO more neurotic than some of the others.


New member
Aug 12, 2013
Outback Western Australia
Alex- Eclectus, Ariel- whiteface, Junior- pied, Custard-lutino, Ziggy- pearl cockatiels, Kermit- Princess parrot, Jade- Plumhead parrot, George- budgie, Coco- Rainbow lorikeet, Corey-Little Corella.
We have an Eastern Little Corella which is quite neurotic but can also be kinda cute. My wife is scared of him though, he bites, and bites hard. Until recently he shared the back verandah with 3 eccies, a 'tiel and a rainbow lorikeet, but he attacked the 'tiel badly and is now confined to a cage. He would chase the 'tiel (we clipped Corey to shorten the odds), run and hide from the lorikeet, but sit together with our hand-raised eccy Alex and allow himself to be "preened". Trouble is, the 'tiel sticks by Alex too, as they're goods friends (although 'tiel lost crest to Alex's "preening"). So, lots of inter-species rivalries.

We got Corey as an adult, a near-dead refugee on a hot day, so have no idea of his history. He talks, kind of, and dances, and will hop onto hand (now- took ages). He can be very noisy, including at night if disturbed. In fact his talk is a soft, unintelligible mumbling, his call is a loud chiacking- there is nothing in between. He's also a chewer, gradually destroying the wood of the verandah frame (thankfully, it's meant to be a "temporary" structure i.e. last the three years of my posting (it's not my house).


New member
Aug 24, 2011
African Greg
2 cockatiels
Are you looking for info on the smaller white species in particular? I have Rosie, who is a small cockatoo, but galahs are(genetically) closer to the black cockatoos. Same with the major Mitchell's.


New member
Feb 26, 2013
Clifton Springs Newyork
macaw,LS2,congo grey,2Blk Hd caiques,Hawkhead,yellowstrk lory,Blue frnt amazon,sun conure ,Yellow sided greencheek ,Goffin ,Rosebreasted Cockatoo,Greenwing Macaw,Blue and Gold Macaw,Nanday conure,Ecle
I have 3 of the smaller Toos .Ive been around the bigger 2s also. I see a lot of similar traits in the "White toos".They can have just as big of a temper tantrums as the big ones . I find my Rosebreated [and Ive had 2] easier going.


New member
Jun 17, 2012
United States of America/ Kansas
Captain Jack (Hahn's macaw)

Clover (green cheek conure)
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Are you looking for info on the smaller white species in particular? I have Rosie, who is a small cockatoo, but galahs are(genetically) closer to the black cockatoos. Same with the major Mitchell's.

I forgot to add galahs. But any cockatoo would be interesting to hear about.


New member
Feb 26, 2013
Chili is a galah, 7 months old, and she is quite the character. She's pretty good at keeping herself entertained throughout the day, but she has her moments when she needs her snuggles. She's not too noisy, unless she's yelling at something or someone outside her window (lol). She's pretty smart and eager to learn- we've started a bit of flight training and she's doing very well!
She definitely keeps me on my toes and needs lots of entertaining toys lol

Mare Miller

May 14, 2011
sierra foothills of central California
13yr. old male umbrella cockatoo,
we call him Amigo!

7yr. old Goffin cockatoo, she IS Sassy!!
I have a Goffin's and a U2. Comparatively speaking, (in our case and I think all cases may be different), my U2 is an easier bird for me to communicate with. Goffin's are bouncy, off the wall, characters. I love their energy. U2's energy is not so pronounced but much more intense, I hope that makes sense :)


New member
Sep 30, 2013
I have a pink and grey galah. I think she's lovely. She's pretty clever, too. I gave her a plastic washbasin full of the old toilet roll innards with some nuts and stuff hidden inside. She went down straight away and started looking through. She knew how to get to "the good stuff" without being shown. She's very quiet.


New member
Oct 27, 2011
Almost two Bare Eyed female hear. Been around U2's quite a bit so to a degree can conpare. I find for the most part U2 to be calmer and more "methodical" while Aerial is a never ending ball of energy that does before she thinks. Even the U2 movements are flowing and thought out while Aerial my BE are quick and jerkey. U2 seem to call more when excited or morning/evening. Aerial calls constantly if she knows I'm home and not in eye sight but is quite as a mouse all night and late into the morning if I sleep in off graveyards.
She IS NOT for most people!! I researched Too's for several years and had a Nanday Conure for 25 years before Aerial so I knew what I was getting into and have never regretted it! She definantly prefers men to woman and while she goes to my wife comes to me when I enter the room. She is free flighted in the house and can not be left unattended for a single instant. She would destroy the house and kill her self. She is fearless unlike a lot of Toos. Climbing into trash cans, into the frig, you name it. She climbs on me like a jungle Jim hanging upside down from my belt, hair, you name it. Is trained to us a small portable perch with a paper plate to go to the bathroom so that is a big plus! Loves to take a shower with me then climb under the towel to be dried off. Then on the perch to be blow dried the rest of the way.
As I said of she knows I am home even outside she will call for hours. Not the loud screaming but not the soft Too cluck ether which can get on my wife's nerves after a while. Can be nippy but has never broke the skin and a tap on the beak saying "carefull" calms that down. Its like she gets to excited and forgets. Likes toys but pine cones and bamboo are her favorite which is great cause I get that free along with sweet gum limbs.
If I had a human kid I would never have gotten her. Not because afraid she would hurt the child but now way I could spend the time needed with Aerial she needs. Most BE are not known to be pluckers or neurotic which is one of the reasons I wanted her. Note I said "most". She can't stand to not be on me if she is out of her huge cage but is not "cuddly". She wants physical contact and will cuddle my neck or cruck of my arm but doesn't want to be held and squeezed if that makes sense. They can be the perfect bird for the right person but a lot of thought needs to go into it. Just when you think you have a problem solved a new behavior will show up. Course my other "kid" is German Shepherd out of Czech I train in Schutzhund. If he doesn't agree with something he's just as apt to try and bit me for real as not and love every second of it so I might not be quite right to start with!!lol


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2013
U2-Poppy(Poppy lives with her new mommy, Misty now) CAG-Jack, YNA, Bingo, Budgie-Piper, Cockatiel-Sweet Pea Quakers-Harry, Sammy, Wilson ***Zeke (quaker) Twinkle (budgie) forever in our hearts
I have a friend who has a three year old female Goffin's. She dislikes other birds and most people but she loves to perform tricks and adores her owner. Very bouncy high energy little girl. I have only had my U2 for a month so I'm still getting to know him. He has a sweet personality and can entertain himself with the right toys. It would be hard for me to choose one species over the other. Both are great.


Active member
Oct 15, 2013
Lehigh Valley, PA
BE2 (Ivory), B&G Macaw (Max), Budgie Group,
Granbirds- tiels; GCC (Monkey & Monster); Sun Conure (Loki); Bare Eyed Too (Folger); Evil Green Monster YNA (Kelly); B&G (Titan)
We have a bare eyed cockatoo girl who will be turning 4 in January, and we are her second home. Unlike others, our Ivory is an absolute little love bug, she loves to cuddle and will even 'lay' on her side when she's getting neck rubs. I can't say if she is typical or not, but like almost every creature, each has their own personality. The one thing we really like about her is that she is super social, she happily interacts with all 3 family members. She had some biting issues, but we resolved that within a week or so, literally... We were told she had been in a great home (who admits they did not treat or feed their pet well??).... When she was out with someone she would bite pretty hard when someone else asked her to step up or put our their hand. But, we realized very quickly that she associated stepping on the hand to going back in her cage. And we knew she was cage bound. We have made her cage a fun 'happy' place to be. When she first arrived she wanted to be on someone's body, but now she will hang out playing with toys on her cage while I am doing chores or like now, typing on the laptop! She even goes in for naps now and at night, she'll go in her cage without a fight or fuss.

I posted in another forum here that I had expected to bring home a different bird when I was 'looking', we were not looking for a bird, but Ivory found us and made the decision for everyone. I am not sure a cockatoo is the right bird for most people who would want one and we still laugh we never thought we'd have a cockatoo in the family, but its not about 'a cockatoo', its about this very specific little bare eyed girl. I am sure for every Ivory there are a dozen negative stories, but I can only tell you that when you find the right bird (or any pet), it won't matter what breed / type or color...

I'll repeat something I posted in the other forum... we have horses and there is an old saying - a good horse is never a bad color... Same thing with a good bird, won't matter color or type, I love the rich bright colors of conures and Eclectus, but would not trade my white girl for another bird!

Not sure if you were just looking for stories or experiences trying to decide what might be the best choice for you. If so, my only advice is to find a local bird rescue and volunteer or just go in with an open mind about adoption, you'll probably meet many different types, but the right one will pick you out :)

Good luck!!



Well-known member
Sep 18, 2013
San Antonio, TX
Presently have six Greenwing Macaw (17 yo), Red Fronted Macaw (12 yo), Red Lored Amazon (17 y.o.), Lilac Crowned Amazon (about 43 y.o.) and a Congo African Grey (11 y.o.)
Panama Amazon (1 Y.O.)
I fostered a very neurotic Goffin's too for awhile, as far as the folks at the rescue knew he had never allowed anyone to handle him before he just suddenly decided to hop on my arm one day. He was plucked right down to the head feathers at the time I got him... so he was by no means a "normal" G2.

He was a sweet little bird, but as neurotic as they come. And he clearly was not raised, housed, or socialized properly.

I have known one absolute sweetheart of a LSC2. And a whole bunch of tantrum throwers. They can be the worst tantrum throwers of the bunch...

U2's pretty much every one knows are ultra high maintenance...

And M2's are even higher maintenance.

Personally, I would go with an RB2 if I had my heart set on a too... they seem to be the best behaved, and least neurotic of the bunch.
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New member
Sep 30, 2013
but I can only tell you that when you find the right bird (or any pet), it won't matter what breed / type or color...
So true. I wasn't looking for a bigger bird at all, saw my galah on a selling site. It just worked out. I got in first (a lot of people wanted her), her owner was happy that I could look after her properly, she accepted me, yada yada. Because I'd adopted the weiros and the budgie from the lady getting evicted and I had my budgies, it wasn't a huge adjustment adding somebody else in. There are actually some positives in having a multi pet family, you can mix up batches of food, and buy 2 for 1 specials etc.,

Ditto with my new dog. I wasn't really ready for another dog, said I'd go to meet her, changed my mind when I read that her breed has a strong prey drive, was reassured when told that she'd already lived with chickens, my neurotic rescue dog who is afraid of everyone and everything liked her, and here she is.

I only have dogs because I fell in love with my first dog. Didn't ever want "a dog" but I wanted her.

It's important that people don't make rash decisions based on "falling in love" with a pet, but if you've done your homework, that "chemistry" can make the decision for you, as jenphilly said. I've never picked out a pet otherwise than by personality (or my dogs have picked their "siblings"). Also, you need to know your limitations. I have limited bird experience, I could never take on a problem bird, like birdman could, but I was lucky to get my girl who is already tame and well adjusted. Don't rush it, but when it seems right, that'll be for you. Every animal is an individual, there are common traits and behaviours, but otherwise, they have their own personalities and "baggage" if they are rehomed.

Mare Miller

May 14, 2011
sierra foothills of central California
13yr. old male umbrella cockatoo,
we call him Amigo!

7yr. old Goffin cockatoo, she IS Sassy!!
I have to say, in defense of the U2, they are not high maintenance. They have needs, for sure, like we all do, but are not needy like a Goffin's is.

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