Enough Formula?


New member
Mar 14, 2015
Recenly i pick up a 12 weeks old Male Eclectus. He only consume 2 x 30cc of formula one in the morning and another before bed time. I tried to feed him the 3rd formula he spits everything out.
Also slowly introduce soft food like today i make mashed pumkin and carrot he seems not intrested. Always have some seeds and a little pellet also not interested.
But he he seems alright.. quite active, playing with his toys.
Is he having enough food. Am really worry about him
Are you keeping track of his weight? The rule of thumb is to feed about 10% of body weight at each feeding. At 12 weeks 2 feedings/day sound normal, BUT he should really start nibbling at some 'real' food.

I'd offer him warm, mushy stuff after giving hand rearing formula. Now is the perfect time to introduce him to a huge variety of fresh foods. :)

Additionally, I'd take it very easy on the pellets as many Eclectus don't do well on a pelleted diet.
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Are you keeping track of his weight? The rule of thumb is to feed about 10% of body weight at each feeding. At 12 weeks 2 feedings/day sound normal, BUT he should really start nibbling at some 'real' food.

I'd offer him warm, mushy stuff after giving hand rearing formula. Now is the perfect time to introduce him to a huge variety of fresh foods. :)

Additionally, I'd take it very easy on the pellets as many Eclectus don't do well on a pelleted diet.

I dont keep track of his weight. Ill start weighing him tomorrow morning before feeding.
Can i ask which fruits does eclectus like most. I tot of giving him papaya for a start as its soft.
Btw, i feed him mashed food in the afternoon thats abt 3 hrs later after his first formula.
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Thanks so much for the links wendy :)
Is there any way i can increase his appetite. Since day 1 i got him till now he only takes the formula which i mention. Today is the forth day with me.
I'm pretty sure he's still adjusting to his new home. :) If you are getting him to eat 30cc twice a day, you're doing a good job, because many Ekkis have a hard time changing hand feeders, especially at this age.

Hang in there, all babies will wean and start eating on their own - sooner or later. :)

My best recommendation would be to offer lots of varieties, especially right after you've fed him. I found my Ekkis were more inclined to eat by themselves AFTER they were given formula.
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I'm pretty sure he's still adjusting to his new home. :) If you are getting him to eat 30cc twice a day, you're doing a good job, because many Ekkis have a hard time changing hand feeders, especially at this age.

Hang in there, all babies will wean and start eating on their own - sooner or later. :)

My best recommendation would be to offer lots of varieties, especially right after you've fed him. I found my Ekkis were more inclined to eat by themselves AFTER they were given formula.

Roger that!! Once again Thank you so much :)
Will follow your advice.
Have you hand fed before? What temp is the formula, the reason I ask is many times if it starts to cool too much an eclectus will refuse the food. They are one of the most difficult parrots to hand feed and wean. I hope you are doing lots of research and are prepared for the "I love you, every time I see you I will scream and scream and baby beg even if I am about to tip over from just being fed".:eek:

As Wendy said there is a point where eclectus babies have a difficult time switching hand feeders. You hold and do things differently maybe in subtle ways but the bird knows. It will take some time for you both to get comfortable with each other.

On two feeding you do want to be offering TONS of new items fresh fruits and veggies even if most of it goes to waste it is still best at this age to offer lots of variety. Cut or chop them different sizes, put them in the food processor for a very fine chop and mix with quinoa..always a hit around here. With babies I also always offer millet sprays (they do not get these once weaned, really kind of empty calories but very good for babies to start exploring food), toy and food combined..win, win!:D

Added....Oh look at that I made a rhyme. That should be the official eclectus baby warning! LOL
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I just want to add it really isn't wise to buy an unwanted baby ever, especially a eclectus as it was mentioned above they don't tolerate the changed handfeeder. Plus they're one of the harder ones to hand feed. Be very cautious with the temperature of the formula. The breeder shouldn't have sold you an unweaned baby ever!!!!
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Got it from a good friend of mine, he told me just to carry on hand feeding till to a stage that he does"nt want formula then start introducing him mashed veg n fruits.
He has mood but super duper tame who does not scream nor bite. But very protective as he does not get along with my other parrots only to my family members.
Just got back, intro to him papaya, look away. Then i intro him millets. Wow!! Went down to it.
Yes you are right that i shouldnt take before they wean. I though it was like my other babies who just easily readily handfed. Its just so much different and difficult ad sometimed i really have to force feed him like this morning.
But other then that he is a real quiet boy and play by himself. Maybe its too early to be said. Hahaha
I was thinking of adding whole peel garlic in his dish water to boost his appitie. Any comments on that?
No garlic there is too much controversy that it is toxic to birds. I wouldn't risk it.

Honestly I am worried that you are forcing him to eat (they can easily aspirate that way) eclectus normally will either be chowing down on formula or fresh foods or both as babies. A healthy baby eclectus are piggies with wings in my experience. You really need that scale and need to start weighing daily.
What temp is the formula when you begin feeding? Please tell me you are not using the test it on your arm method.:eek: Or a microwave to heat it...both big no no's!
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Ok here is it.
Its been awhile since i had him for 5 days. When milk is not warm enough is doesnt take it. So now i test the temp and maintain at 38 to 40 dec then he start drinking.
Anyway doesnt really wants to eat wean food. He preffers formula. Guess i just intro to him wean food everyday till he stops formula naturally .
Btw can i know whats the usual time for parrots to sleep. Usually i play with them till midnight at times till 2am. Due to my work flow.
Recenly i pick up a 12 weeks old Male Eclectus. He only consume 2 x 30cc of formula one in the morning and another before bed time. I tried to feed him the 3rd formula he spits everything out.
Also slowly introduce soft food like today i make mashed pumkin and carrot he seems not intrested. Always have some seeds and a little pellet also not interested.
But he he seems alright.. quite active, playing with his toys.
Is he having enough food. Am really worry about him

HI, can show with us ur baby pics???
Ok here is it.
Its been awhile since i had him for 5 days. When milk is not warm enough is doesnt take it. So now i test the temp and maintain at 38 to 40 dec then he start drinking.
Anyway doesnt really wants to eat wean food. He preffers formula. Guess i just intro to him wean food everyday till he stops formula naturally .
Btw can i know whats the usual time for parrots to sleep. Usually i play with them till midnight at times till 2am. Due to my work flow.

The baby will adjust his sleep schedule around yours, just please make sure he gets at least 10-12 hours of uninterrupted sleep. :)
I am a bit confused you are feeding parrot formula and not actual milk right?

You want to feed at about 41 which translates to 105.8 Fahrenheit. Eclectus like their formula on the warmer side once it begins to cool too much they will refuse. But you absolutely must test the formula with a digital thermometer so you know you are getting a accurate reading.

You also need to keep offering the fresh foods even if he is wasting most of it offering it will allow him to become comfortable and test eating new food which is critical for him to wean properly.
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I am a bit confused you are feeding parrot formula and not actual milk right?

You want to feed at about 41 which translates to 105.8 Fahrenheit. Eclectus like their formula on the warmer side once it begins to cool too much they will refuse. But you absolutely must test the formula with a digital thermometer so you know you are getting a accurate reading.

You also need to keep offering the fresh foods even if he is wasting most of it offering it will allow him to become comfortable and test eating new food which is critical for him to wean properly.

I am feeding him NuriBird A21 i just follow up what my friend has been feeding him. You mean actual milk in terms of Cows milk? If so OMG!!!!:eek:
Another i forgot to mention is here in Taiwan its still winter which is going to end soon. But i put him indoors and maintain Temp with heater at 31/32 deg.
Alright will increase his formula temp slighly higher to 41.:)
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Recenly i pick up a 12 weeks old Male Eclectus. He only consume 2 x 30cc of formula one in the morning and another before bed time. I tried to feed him the 3rd formula he spits everything out.
Also slowly introduce soft food like today i make mashed pumkin and carrot he seems not intrested. Always have some seeds and a little pellet also not interested.
But he he seems alright.. quite active, playing with his toys.
Is he having enough food. Am really worry about him

HI, can show with us ur baby pics???

Will upload tomorrow, yet to take pics of him yet.

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